Station Manager's Message
Last month, we celebrated our tenth year on the air. Each time I spoke of the anniversary, I said "WE are celebrating our tenth year." The WE is significant. You are part of this apostolate. We would not be here without the prayers and financial support that you give us. As we begin our second decade, it is our hope that we can increase the number of our listeners. We have found that many people do not know that we are here. This is where we need your help! Please help us by telling someone about Holy Family Radio today. If each listener tells one person about us, it would really assist us in getting the word out. How about suggesting an announcement about WHYF in your church bulletin or website? Any way that you can help promote Holy Family Radio is truly appreciated. We are currently planning our Fall Pledge Drive which will be held October 18, 19 and 20. This Pledge Drive will have a different and exciting format. Our friends at EWTN encourage matching gifts as these are important parts of successful pledge drives. Please consider making a matching gift to help make this pledge drive our best ever. Thank you and God Bless.
Joe Nebistinsky
Station Manager
Support Holy Family Radio
As we get more busy at this time of the year, don't forget to make a monthly pledge or one-time donation today. Use this link.
Spiritual Advisor's Corner
With the heat and humidity of the summer, I find myself dreaming about the Fall and Winter, and the cooler temperatures those seasons bring. Of course, as soon as those seasons come around, I'm always complaining about the cold and dream for a return to warmer weather...only to desire to get back into the cold!
We often have a hard time understanding the reality of things we do not currently feel, like the weather. I think the same can be true about another reality that we cannot feel or see: Heaven. So many readings and prayers at Mass these last several weeks deal with the reality of Heaven, and choosing the good that lies ahead, while denying ourselves the pleasures of this present life. One of my favorite prayers at Mass is this one, from the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: "O God, who have prepared for those who love you good things which no eye can see, fill our hearts..with the warmth of your love, so that...we may attain your promises, which surpass every human desire."
That is beautiful, because it expresses the beauty of Heaven, which no eye on earth can see in its fullness, and asks for us to turn away from those things we do see to strive for the Heavenly Kingdom. And what is inside that beautiful kingdom: something that surpasses every human desire! While we can't know what that is, and can only imagine its greatness, let's strive to reach that great realm, and put that desire above the sins and selfish desires that keep us barred from such a wonderful paradise!
Fr. Timothy Sahd
New Local Program:
Central Pennsylvania Voices
Join Host Joe Nebistinsky for our new program: Central Pennsylvania Voices. Each week we will have conversations with real people from our area who are living their faith. Listen for interesting talk as guests share about their families, careers and their faith journey.
Listen on Mondays at 12:30pm with an encore at 10am on Fridays.
We never share your information with anyone.
We are very concerned with the privacy of our listeners.
Hello, my name is Judy Dezagottis and I am one of Holy Family Radio’s newest volunteers. I decided to contact the station after hearing an ad over the airwaves. I thought maybe the Lord was asking me to use my vocal or written skills in a new way. I am currently a lector at my parish, Holy Spirit, in Palmyra. My husband Jim and I also serve on behalf of the Enthronement by Parish Ministry whereby we spread devotion to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart on the parish level. I am originally from the Philadelphia area and moved to Central PA when I met and married my husband 11 years ago. I look forward to helping the station with editing, proofreading and hosting one of the shows. I have already attended area festivals this summer and am having fun working with the other volunteers and meeting our listeners!
Listen to Open Line
Weekdays at 3:00PM.
New Local Program:
Investing for Eternity
Bill Parker hosts a new program airing on Saturdays at 2:00pm, with an encore at 12 noon on Wednesdays. Join Bill as he discusses:
• Faith-Based Investing
• Investing that seeks to please and glorify God
• Moral, environmental, social and applicable Biblical principles
• Portfolios that closely align with Christian ideals
The program is underwritten by GrandView Asset Management.
Did You Miss
Our 10th Anniversary Special?
Don't worry, you can listen to the program at any time as a podcast. Search for Holy Family Radio wherever you get your podcasts. You can also use this link to listen from our website.
Keep up-to-date with our Parish Bulletin Board.
Use the link below.
Prayer for Our Country
Give us leaders in government who respect Your Law and our Constitution.
Watch over all our military personnel who serve to safeguard our freedom. Watch over those who provide protection and service as police officers, firefighters, first responders and medical personnel.
Make us compassionate and willing to assist those who are less fortunate. Guide us in rebuilding our country’s spiritual and temporal infrastructure.
Provide opportunities for those who need work.
Give each citizen the understanding that helps us to work together despite the differences of race, culture, religious beliefs and political ideology.
Protect us from evil, but when necessary, give us the strength, courage and conviction to overcome evil with goodness.
Bless our nation by guiding our civil and religious leaders to work together for the common good of all by which You are given the honor and glory you deserve.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Now you can listen to our local programs as podcasts on our YouTube channel. Go to YouTube and search for Holy Family Radio.
The Feasts on the General Roman Calendar
Celebrated During the Month of September are:
13. St. John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
19. Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday
20. Ss. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang & Companions
27. St. Vincent de Paul, Priest
The month of September is dedicated to
One day God looked at the earth and saw all kinds of evil going on. So he sent a couple of angels down to check it out. When they returned they said, "Lord, 95 percent of the people do not obey your will, and only 5 percent do." God decided to email the 5 percent who were good and encouraged them.
Do you know what that email said?
Oh, you didn't get that email either?
Please continue to support our
sponsors and underwriters
Use the link below:
This Month's
Featured Sponsor
Thanks to Bahret Religious Goods for their continuing support of WHYF. Bahret Religious Goods has beautiful religious items to fill all of your needs. You can find books, pictures, greeting cards for various needs, vestments, rosaries, religious statues and many other religious items.
Here is a short list of some of the items we need at our broadcast center. The next time you are shopping please consider purchasing one of the items listed below. We try to keep our expenses as low as possible and this really helps us.
Thank you to all who have responded to this request!
- printer ink (HP952XL)
- postage stamps
- 8' foldable portable table
- four foldable portable chairs
- laptop computer
- small flat-screen TV
We truly appreciate any assistance you can give us. Please email or call us to make arrangements to drop off any donations you have for us.
Holy Family Radio, Inc.
P.O. Box 6028
Lancaster, PA 17607-6028