In October 2018, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) confirmed Wisconsin’s first bovine tuberculosis (bTB) case in over 20 years for a Dane County dairy herd. The Dane County herd continues to be the only TB-affected herd in Wisconsin and is following a test and remove protocol to eradicate the disease.
The TB-affected herd and all locations where animals from the dairy are reared are under quarantine and animals can only move directly to slaughter, rendering, or a restricted feedlot. DATCP, in collaboration with U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Veterinary Services (USDA APHIS VS), will continue testing the herd approximately every other month into the year 2020, and the herd will remain under quarantine until testing protocols are completed that show the disease is eliminated from the herd. Once the quarantine is removed, DATCP will test the herd annually for five years to assure there is no disease recurrence.