July WIA Committee Meeting
Monday, July 12, 6:00-7:30pm
Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at WIA? Want to get plugged into a great community? Come join us and learn more about what we are up to! Email for an invite.

WIA Workshop:
Difficult Conversations, Negotiations, and Disagreements
Wednesday, June 23, 4:30-6:30pm
This is the third and final workshop of WIA’s 2021 Communication Workshop Series.

On a good day, people struggle with conversations and communication that bear weight, heightened emotions, and conflict. Add in a high-value want, something like a raise or a better work situation, and negotiations can make conversations even more difficult – try a disagreement? Cue stress, people-pleasing, passive-aggression, and more bad behavior that helps no one.

Join us for an interactive workshop to flex small talk and conversation skills with Jen Brown, founder of The Engaging Educator.

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ULI Washington: Joint WLI/Crew DC Leadership Seminar
Tuesday, June 29, 10:15-11:30am

Special guest speaker, Michael Allosso, joins ULI Washington's Women's Leadership Initiative (WLI) and CREW DC for our annual WLI/CREW DC Joint Event. Michael will showcase how every day is an opportunity to be You on Your Best Day. 

Step up your communication, leadership, and presence by stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. This exclusive virtual event will give you the tools to command the attention of your audience every time you speak, understand how to use micro-messaging to express your authentic self, learn what you can do to make every meeting a success, whether or not you are the leader, and more!

Save the Date! WIA + DC Equity Committee Small/Midsize Firm Panel
Thursday, July 15, 5:30pm

WIA and the DC Equity Committee are teaming up to host a panel discussion on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at the small and medium size firm levels. Mark your calendars and look out for more information to come!

(Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Real Life)
Monday, July 19, 12:00-1:00pm

A follow-up to the WIA 2020 EDI panel discussions. The newly formed WIA J.E.D.I. task force invites you to join us for the second in a series of informal and off the record discussions of how firms are tackling J.E.D.I. initiatives.

This open forum is for people to exchange ideas of how their firms are approaching J.E.D.I.

Hollaback Harassment Training
June & July, multiple dates available

Hollaback! is a global, people-powered movement to end harassment – in all its forms. We believe that we all deserve to be who we are, wherever we are.

We believe we all have a role to play in disrupting harassment and building a culture where it is no longer seen as “just the price you have to pay” for being a woman, LGBTQ+, a person of color, or any other marginalized identity. We teach people to take action, and to reach across their own identities to ally with others and establish a united front against harassment each time we witness it.

Ever Thought About Becoming a Professor?

Virginia Tech is looking for visiting architecture faculty. See the job postings here:

And as always you can check out many open job postings on the AIA NOVA Job Board.
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