BULLETIN Issue 1, 2023 

Celebrating 30 years in Greece

1993 - 2023

2023 marks the 30th anniversary of WISTA Hellas and we couldn't be prouder! As Elpi said, in 2023, WISTA Hellas is celebrating 30 years in the world's leading maritime country. WISTA Hellas is stronger than ever, an equal partner in all shipping events in Greece, with more than 450 members, and supporters from all sectors of the maritime industry.

Elpi shared the announcement on the anniversary at the AGM and highlighted the impact of WISTA by focusing on the fact that today, compared with 10 or 20 years ago, gender inclusion has grown dramatically.

International Day for Women in Maritime

May 18th - "Mobilising networks for gender equality"

Today we're celebrating all the women working in the maritime sector, onboard and ashore. Gender equality is recognized as a key pillar for a sustainable future.


March 15th, 2023

The 28th Annual General Assembly Meeting, was held on Wednesday 15th of March 2023.

After approving the Activity and the Auditing Committee Reports, the 2023 finances and the 2023 budget, Simplefsi non-profit organization was voted for our Annual Charity Donation, supporting its actions in improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Greek remote islands.

Thank you to our Members for your dynamic participation and continuous support!

WISTA Hellas Education and Training

Scholarships 2023 - 2024

WISTA Hellas is very pleased to announce this year's scholarships for postgraduate studies 2023-2024 collaborating with leading educational universities and institutions.

View more information and apply

Soft Skills Series: "Public Speaking" Masterclass

January 14th & 21st

The Public Speaking masterclass in collaboration with Women Act took place on 21st of January 2023 at the premises of ICS Greek Branch in Piraeus. A unique interactive program lectured by Dr. Maria Gianniou, PhD , empowerment and leadership coach, founder of Lead From Within and co founder of Women Act. Through a 2-day session a class of 20 participants learnt and put in practice techniques for public speaking. Public Speaking was the third of the soft skills series program launched by WISTA Hellas last October 2022.

Thank you ICS Greek Branch for offering the classroom. Thank you Dr. Maria Gianniou for an amazing workshop. Thank you Women Act for the partnership.

"Women in Leadership” Executive Program

May 5th, 10th, 12th

The Executive online Program of professional training and upskilling “Women in Leadership”, was concluded in May for the 3rd year.

Together with ALBA Graduate Business School the Women in Leadership Program is offered to WISTA Members and aspires to empower executives to improve performance and unleash potential to prepare for senior management roles.

WISTA Hellas Actions

“Full Ahead”

Exclusive Maritime Mentoring Program Season 1

WISTA Hellas launched in April 2023 the "Full Ahead" Exclusive Maritime Mentoring Program.

Our aim is to support young professionals with their career aspects in the domain of the maritime industry focusing on empowerment and personal development.

Follow the button to apply to become a Mentor or a Mentee.

Read more and apply

Nominations for Leadership Awards 2023

Since 2020 WISTA Hellas manages to shine a light in the accomplishments of women and men, teams or companies who demonstrate business excellence in the maritime sector and at the same time uphold the importance of promoting gender diversity in the workspace.

Nominations for the WISTA Hellas Leadership Award 2023 are now open and we invite you to submit the remarkable nominees that will help us all recognize advances in the maritime sector.

Leadership Award Nominations

Members Gatherings

"Pitta Cutting" 2023

Captures from 31st of January gathering which was held for WISTA Hellas Members only, for our annual “Pitta Cutting" at Giacomo Restaurant, Kifissia.

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Who is Who

April 27th

We held our members gathering at the Cafe Merlin, for our “Who is who” networking activity. Many thanks to our members Amalia Theocharaki and the B&M Theocharakis Foundation for hosting the event.

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Synergies & Partnerships

WISTA Hellas - YES Forum

Memorandum of Cooperation between WISTA Hellas and YES Forum.

We always support and encourage initiatives that promote the participation and education of students and young professionals in the Maritime Industry across a variety of actions.

That is why we have chosen to partner with YES Forum to help young people take their first steps in the maritime industry.

WISTA Hellas - ICC Women

Memorandum of Cooperation between WISTA Hellas and ICC Women.

Our aim is to strengthen the position of women in the working field, while also creating opportunities for further involvement and professional development.

National & International Presence

The ESG Shipping Awards 2023 were presented at the Goulandris Museum of Natural History. 

WISTA Hellas is a proud supporter of this important initiative.

Many congratulations to our members Helena Athoussaki and Katerina Stathopoulou, FICS for establishing a long awaited ESG Shipping Awards scheme.

WISTA Hellas at the Women in yachting panel of the yachting 2023 conference, represented by Vice President Elina Kassotaki FICS and members Danae Bezantakou, Irene Notias, Alexandra Gana, Rania Sifounopoulou. The discussion, moderated by our member Theano Kalapotharakou, went over matters that still affect inclusion and diversity but also over operations, safety issues, infrastructure and education. Thank you Trinity events and Kalliopi Efstathiou for the invitation and an amazing conference.

Οn March 2023, WISTA Hellas had the pleasure to be again at the "Epilego Naftilia” event as part of our partnership with The event was held this time at the Merchant academy of Chania and we had the chance to discuss with the students over a number of topics, but mainly inclusion and gender diversity issues on board the ships.

Poseidonia Sea Tourism Forum 2023, Yes to Seapping

President Elpi Petraki had the pleasure of attending the "Yes To Seapping" panel discussion on sea tourism.

Elpi Petraki spoke at CMA Shipping 2023 at New York and met with WISTA USA and International Members throughout the week. 

As the conversation around alternative fuels continues to heat up, she participated in a session on Wednesday 22 March which looked at the accountability framework for the energy transition and the impact this is likely to have on the relationships between various stakeholders. 

She was also on the panel for session on 24th of March looking at the much needed cultural change in shipping. For the industry to survive and attract the next generation we need to take this seriously. It’s time to call out unacceptable behaviour and have training and processes in place to ensure a safe and secure working environment for all.

Proud for our Members

Congratulations to Iliana Christodoulou-Varotsi for lecturing at the IMLI Class of 2022-2023 on "Maritime Labour Law Standards: Covid-19 Challenges and Developments Post Covid-19”.

Share your achievements and accomplishments on the Bulletin with fellow Members and the industry! Send us an email to

Members Articles


Articles for our Members in Alphabetical Order : Angelidou Maria, Bezantakou Danae, Boile Maria, Christodoulou-Varotsi Iliana, Chomata-Margetis Angeliki, Gana Alexandra, Giordamli Dimitra-Marina, Minardou Katerina, Prekezes Christiana

Αλειφεροπούλου Μαρίνα, "Κενό στην ασφάλιση κινδύνων από θαλάσσιες εξορύξεις", Πρώτο Θέμα

Aliferopoulou Marina "The Implications of the EU ETS and European Green Deal on Shipping", Naftika Chronika

Share your professional opinion and expertise with your fellow Members and the industry!

If you are a WISTA member, send your published journal articles to to be published on our Bulletin.

WISTA Hellas Upcoming Events

Don’t miss out on our upcoming events!

Stay tuned for the upcoming WISTA Hellas events for which you will be notified by email in due course or check our website

 We look forward to seeing you all there!

WISTA International News


24-27 October 2023

2023 WISTA International

AGM & Conference

The 2023 WISTA International AGM & Conference

will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay. 

Please mark your calendars for October 24-27, 2023 and plan to join us.

Info & Registration
More news on WISTA International

Social Responsibility

WISTA Hellas's initiative for raising funds to support “ARGO” is still on.

Please support this initiative and ARGO, by making a direct contribution to the bank account stated below.

National Bank of Greece

IBAN: GR8701101770000017760627335


Reference: "WISTA Hellas member" (and state also your name)

Thank you!!!

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