WINTER 2021 - 2022 ISSUE
WISTA Hellas Christmas Dinner and Awards Ceremony
WISTA Hellas held a special event on December 9, to present two newly established Awards and to celebrate the holiday season, in a warm and festive atmosphere, with about distinguished 200 guests.
WISTA Hellas Award to the HCG
The newly established award to the Hellenic Coast Guard, is a recognition for the HCG dedication and commitment to the protection of human life at sea during search and rescue missions. Two Chief Petty Officers and Captains on patrol boats Efi-Georgia Kalliontzi and Despina Diakovasili received the awards from Commandant of the HCG, Vice Admiral Theodoros Kliaris.
WISTA Hellas Leadership Award
The “Leadership Award” was granted to Mrs. Ioanna Topaloglou and presented by Deputy Minister Maria Syreggela. The Leadership Award aims to recognize and reward achievement in gender diversity and equality either by leading positive actions to enable talented employees of all genders to realize their full potential, or by evidencing diversity within an organization, or by acting as a role model in championing gender equality within the Greek Maritime community, or by creating an inclusive culture by challenging gender inequalities.
Many thanks to our members Maria Angelidou, Dorothea Ioannou, Maria Christina Ktistakis, Maria Mavroudi & Rea Metropoulou that formed the Leadership Committee, for their time and hard work.
WISTA Hellas held a after-work aperitif at Piraeus Marine Club for members only on Thursday, November 11, 2021.
WISTA Hellas BoD and past Presidents dinner
WISTA Hellas BoD held at a dinner to honour all the past presidents of the association, on November 18, 2021, at the Marine Club.
It was an emotional evening where enlightening conversations took everyone back in time and through the 28-year history of WISTA Hellas.
Vessels of the future: how decarbonization and automation will change our industry
Pia Meling from Massterly presented and explained the technology and the operations behind the Yara Binkerland at a webinar for the "Vessels of the future", organised by the WISTA Hellas on November 2, 2021. The Norwegian Ambassador to Greece and Cyprus, Mr. Frode Overland Andersen honored us with his presence and made the opening introduction to the webinar.
The BoD pays a customary visit to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy
The BoD of WISTA Hellas paid a customary visit to the Secretary-General of Ports Port Policy and Maritime Investments, Mr. Evangelos Kyriazopoulos, and to the Commandant of the Hellenic Coast Guard Vice Admiral HCG, Theodoros Kliaris on Tuesday 30th November.
The President, Ms. Elpi Petraki presented the activities of the Association, aiming to enhance the engagement of women serving in the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy as well as in the Hellenic Coast Guard.
President Elpi Petraki at the Navigator Advisory Committee Meeting.
President Elpi Petraki at the online panel for the opening seminar of the Msc in Shipping, Transport and International Transport of the University of the Aegean.
President Elpi Petraki at the dinner hosted by the Propeller Club, held in honour of the club's supporters 2019-2020
President Elpi Petraki at the AMVER Awards 2021. An evening dedicated to the companies, ships and crews that volunteer for the AMVER program, offering valuable search and rescue services at sea.
Secretary General, Elina Kassotaki represented WISTA Hellas, together with Mrs. Natalia Margioli of the ICS Greece, at the event organised by ICS Cyprus in collaboration with WISTA Cyprus and Youngship Cyprus, to celebrate the IMO World Maritime Day
Secretary General, Elina Kassotaki represented WISTA Hellas at the event of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on the occasion of the International Day for the elimination of violence against women.
Vice President, Elina Souli, represented WISTA Hellas at the Goulandri Museum for the presentation of the National Action Plan for Equality, of the Ministry of Labour and Socail Affairs.
President Elpi Petraki and Secretary General, Elina Kassotaki participated at the "Epilego Naftilia" event at the Merchant Marine Academy of Chania, organised by Isalos Net and Naftika Chronika.
Mrs. Petraki, as panelist answered to questions of students and discussed with them, while Mrs Kassotaki tutored a workshop on Port Agency to a group of students.
President Elpi Petraki, attended the webinar “Niata Psila - Kick Start 2022 with Hope and Positivity!”, held by our member Ms. Irene Notias, with 150 attendees, shipping professionals from Greece and abroad, as well as school teachers and students.
President Elpi Petraki, participated to the event hosted by WISTA France, to celebrate the win of the WISTA International’s Personality of the Year 2021 by their member Sabine Roux de Bezieux. Sabine is the President of the Fondation de la Mer, a foundation dedicated to the protection of the oceans for the benefit of future generations.
WISTA International - ICS scholarship 2021-2022
We are very proud for our two members of the WISTA Hellas, Iokasti-Maria Dellatola and Maria Papafakli who were selected among many other candidates internationally for the 2021-2022 WISTA International - Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) Scholarship.
Graduation ceremony for class 2021
“Women in Leadership” Executive Program
WISTA Hellas and ALBA run an executive interactive program "Women In Leadership" last year which was a huge success among the participants. The graduation ceremony was held on 19th October at the ALBA premises.
Continuous education and development of skills facilitates solid progress in today’s workplace and compliments WISTA Hellas core vision to empower its members’ active role in today’s working environment.
The program continues for the 2nd year and the class 2022 has just started.
Field trip for students of naval engineering
WISTA Hellas organized a visit at the New Hellenic Shipyards in Salamis, for female students of Naval Engineering from the Technical University of Athens and the University of West Attica.
It was a great experience, and we thank Mr. Michalis Spanopoulos, Mrs. Maria Giannaraki and Mr. Iosif Chatzioannou for hosting this visit and for guiding us around the shipyard.
WISTA Hellas Committee for the
Amendment of the Articles of Association
In reference to the initiation of the procedure for the amendment of the WISTA Hellas Articles of Association, an advisory committee was formed, whose role is to review the Articles of Association and to present proposed amendments to be voted by the General Assembly during the AGM 2022.
Members of the Advisory Committee in alphabetical order:
Stavriana Asprogiannidou, Akrivi Brikou, Anna Giatra, Angie Hartmann, Maria Christina Ktistakis, Rea Metropoulou, Anna Maria Monogioudi, Marina Papaioannou, Katerina Stathopoulou, Ioanna Topaloglou, Maria Yiassa.
The "WHO IS WHO" action continues!
The action “Who is Who” continues again this year as part of our networking and engagement actions.
“Who is Who” is an opportunity for all members to communicate who they are and what they do, with the aim of getting to know each other in a less formal but more innovative, constructive and hopefully, productive way.
WISTA Hellas encourages all the Members to participate in the action. Present yourselves and your jobs, share your thoughts, views and experiences while outlining your professional skills and insights. Let the others know who you are and how you can professionally connect with them.
Additionally, please check on the past "Who is Who" profiles in WISTA Hellas Facebook page on the format or contact us for information or assistance.
WISTA Hellas 10 Years Ahead
WISTA 10 years ahead. The primary focus of this action is the younger members of WISTA Hellas. The coordination of this initiative is entrusted to Anna Giatra, substitute member of the BoD.
Congratulations to our member Ioanna Vitta, who has won the Lexology Client Choice Award 2021 for ‘Shipping – Greece’!
Congratulations to our member Wanda Costopolous for receiving the Women Entrepreneurship Award - Work Environment Category, from Athens Chamber of Commerce.
Many congratulations to our members Liona - Eleonora Bachas and Isidora Theotoka and the company Hellaschart Ltd. for receiving the award for Best Shipbroker of the year and Amalia Miliou-Theocharaki from the company TEO Shipping Corporation for receiving the Next Generation Shipping Award at the Lloyds List Greek Shipping Awards 2021.
Share your professional opinion and expertise with your fellow Members and the industry!
If you are a WISTA member, send your published journal articles to wistahellas@wista.gr to be published on our Newsletter.
WISTA Hellas Upcoming Events
Don’t miss out on our upcoming events!
Stay tuned for the upcoming WISTA Hellas events for which you will be notified by email in due course or check our website www.wistahellas.gr
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Save the dates for the WISTA Hellas events
Sunday, 5th June 2022: WISTA Hellas at the Posidonia Running Event
Tuesday, 7th June 2022: WISTA Hellas Posidonia Cocktail Reception
Wednesday, 8th June: WISTA Hellas Panel Discussion Event on “Women at Sea” at the Posidonia Seminar Room 1A (Metropolitan Expo Center)
More information to follow in due course
WISTA International AGM & Conference 2021
The WISTA Hellas Delegation at the WISTA International AGM & conference 2021 in Hamburg.
The conference covered all the hot topics of shipping and the general message was the need for closer collaboration among all the stakeholders to tackle the challenges of the future.
Many thanks to WISTA Germany for hosting us and for the excellent organization of the event.
26-28 October 2022
2022 WISTA International
AGM & Conference
The 2022 WISTA International AGM & Conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Please mark your calendars for October 26-28, 2022 and plan to join us.
The WISTA Hellas Team run the 2 Klm route for the Race for the Cure, organised by the Non for Profit organization Alma Zois, at Alsos Syggrou in Marousi.
We raised 426 euros for the cause. We keep moving and support women's health care all over the world!
WISTA Hellas Newsletter was sponsored by
We are grateful to Akereon Business & IT Consulting for their continuous support
Contact WISTA Hellas for Sponsorship opportunities
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