Summer 2023

A Note from the President

WISTA USA marked its 25th anniversary in May at our annual Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference. It was an incredible opportunity to come together with almost 200 members and supporters of our mission. We are so proud of the panels we presented - highlighting over 30 female leaders in the maritime industry including Rear Admiral Ann C. Phillips, Administrator for the Department of Transportation Maritime Administration and Admiral Linda L. Fagan, 27th Commandant of the United States (U.S.) Coast Guard, who generously joined our members for some “Speed Networking.” We capped off the festivities with a “Sneaker Gala.” It is hard to describe the joy in that room as some of the hardest-working women in our industry kicked off their shoes and celebrated how far we have come. Traveling back from Washington DC I couldn’t help but feel inspired and optimistic about the work we have ahead of us.


That optimism continued as many WISTA USA members gathered in Oslo for Nor-Shipping. We were proud to support not only our members who were participating in the conference but also the members of WISTA Norway who were celebrating their 35th anniversary. It was also a fantastic opportunity to present WISTA USA’s candidate for the WISTA International Executive Committee, Meredith Kirby. Meredith is well-known as a current Board Member of WISTA USA; a past-President of our DC Metro Chapter; and, as General Counsel of International Registries, Inc. Meredith’s extensive experience and global perspective make her an ideal candidate to represent WISTA USA on the global stage.

Finally, last week at Marine Money, George Logothetis of Lomar Shipping spoke about the transformative power of occasionally taking the time to do nothing. So as we head into the dog days of summer, I wish you the opportunity to slow down, enjoy your loved ones, and soak up every moment of joy the summer has to offer!


With warm regards,

Christina Liviakis Gianopulos

President, WISTA USA

2023 - 2024 WISTA USA Board Members

During the AGM portion of the WISTA USA AGM, members elected three board members to the WISTA USA Board of Directors, including returning board member Kate Belmont, Associate General Counsel, ABS, and newly appointed board members Sarah Brennan, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, and Sarah Burroughs, Sr. Manager ISM, Holland America Group. After several years of extraordinary leadership and service to WISTA USA, Parker Harrison, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal and Risk Officer, Crowley Maritime Corporation, and Caitlin Hardy, Head of Kongsberg Underwater Technology, LLC & VP Programs, Americas, stepped down this year.

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Featured from left to right: Jillian Tobias, President, LogOn Media Strategies and WISTA USA Vice President; Christina Liviakis Gianopulos, Director of Business Development, American Ship Repair and WISTA USA President; Kate Belmont, Associate General Counsel, ABS; Meredith Kirby, General Counsel, International Registries, Inc; Sarah Burroughs, Sr. Manager ISM, Holland America Group; Anna Silva, HSE/Cruise Manager, Port Everglades;

Marlene Boyer, Global Commercial Manager, Stolt Tankers; and Sarah Brennan, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard

Meet the Board

WISTA USA is launching a new series focused on introducing members of the Board to the membership. The first two members in the series are the most recent appointees to the Board, Sarah Burroughs and Sarah Brennan. Click the photos below to read their profiles.

New WISTA USA Website

The WISTA USA Communications Committee is proud to launch the new WISTA USA website, available at The new website features the latest WISTA USA events, job postings, news and more. WISTA USA would like to thank Emily Sinclair, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications & Brand Management, The Pasha Group, for leading this effort.

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Interested in submitting an upcoming event or job posting?

Email with the details and whether or not it should be shared on the WISTA USA LinkedIn channel.

WISTA International AGM & Conference

This year’s WISTA International AGM and Conference will be celebrated in October in Montevideo, the beautiful capital city of Uruguay. The conference will focus on the key shipping and trading activities that make Latin America such an essential piece of the global economic jigsaw. But it will also examine shipping’s journey toward a greener, more digitalized future, both within Latin America and beyond.



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2024 WISTA USA AGM & Conference

San Diego - May 15-17th, 2024

During this year's WISTA USA AGM, it was announced that next year's AGM and Conference will take place in San Diego, California. The WISTA USA West Coast Chapter looks forward to welcoming everyone! Look for details at as the planning moves forward.

Sponsorship Spotlight: ABS

Pictured from left to right: Meg Dowling, ABS, Kate Belmont, ABS, Marlene Nicolaou-Boyer, Stolt Tankers, Captain Lindsay Price, SpaceX and Christina Wang, ABS

Making Room at the Table for Diversity

Meg Dowling, Technology Engineer II, ABS and WISTA USA Member

Just as any good working team needs to communicate well to succeed, it also requires a diverse makeup of team members. A group of same-minded people trudging forward on a singular, unchallengeable path allows little room for innovation and change. Being challenged by people with different experiences, backgrounds and perspectives creates opportunities for personal and business growth.

This was among the thoughts shared during a panel discussion on gender equality in the maritime industry that we recently hosted at the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). It highlights the kind of change women can bring when involved in traditionally male-dominated industries like maritime.

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Chapter Updates

In this section, we highlight the activities of the chapters over the course of the last few months as well as any future planned activities.

Connecticut Chapter

The Connecticut Chapter hosted a networking happy hour on April 20 at the Crab Shell Restaurant in Stamford. It was a great opportunity for both new and recurring members to connect.  

Wednesday WISTA Welcome

Every first Wednesday of the month, the Connecticut Chapter holds a virtual meeting where they share information, news and upcoming events so members can get to know each other better.


On July 25, the Connecticut and New York/New Jersey Chapters will host the SCI Port Packing 2023 - Christmas in July event. All packing will be accomplished in the Newark port, including the gifts being sent to inland river mariners.

Delaware River and Bay Area

The Delaware River and Bay Chapter is in the process of transitioning to new leadership. Cynthia Hudson and Lisa Reeves, who have done remarkable work for the chapter, will be stepping down. The Chapter is extremely grateful for the work they've done as leaders. The new Chapter President will be announced shortly. Lauren Kinky, Maritime Compliance Manager with Hudson Marine, will be stepping into the role of Chapter Vice-President. Congratulations Lauren!

Florida Chapter

The Florida Chapter enjoyed breakfast on board the USNS Newport as part of Fleet Week in Port Everglades. They were joined by sailors from the USS New York, USS Cole and USS Indiana who shared their stories/experiences, discussed the maritime industry and had a lively discussion about things to do while on liberty in Fort Lauderdale.  

Great Lakes/Midwest Chapter

The Great Lakes/Midwest Chapter met virtually in June for its monthly Mics On Book Club where members discussed "Finding Me" by Viola Davis. Additionally, the Great Lakes/Midwest Chapter members are using the summer to plan the chapter's second annual Fall meet up for members to meet and socialize in person.

Hampton Roads Chapter

In April, the Hampton Roads chapter hosted its official launch party at Maersk Line Unlimited in downtown Norfolk. The event was heavily attended by women active in various aspects of the shipping and trade industry. The women present went around the table and introduced themselves, their work, what interested them in joining the maritime community, and then also posed one question or hurdle that they face in their work and received group insight and feedback on how to solve the hurdle presented.


The President of the Hampton Roads chapter, and other HR members, attended the WISTA AGM in May. HR chapter member, Marley Rakow, Maritime Cultural Transformation Superintendent for Maersk Line Unlimited presented at the AGM on Friday on the panel: Keeping Women at the Helm – Moving Beyond Firsts. The HR chapter is excited about next year’s AGM and hopes to have more members present and more members representing their chapter in speaking engagements.


Coming up, the Hampton Roads chapter has two exciting events planned for this summer! The first is a tour of the Norfolk International Terminal in July and then an Introduction to Maritime Law Program in August. 

New England Chapter

In February, the New England Chapter held a Galentine's Day virtual networking event.

The chapter also completed a beach clean-up on April 15, hosted by the Cape Cod Maritime Museum.

In May, the chapter attended the farewell event of Mass Maritime’s T.S. KENNEDY (photo featuring the class of 2013 of all licensed mariners).

In May, they also held a virtual wine-tasting event, and in June a welcome event for the SSV Ernestina-Morrissey to Mass Maritime. 

New Orleans Chapter

The New Orleans Chapter is working on setting up two events in the coming months—a lunch and learn with U.S. Customs as well as a field trip to the LSU Center for River Studies. They had a terrific time visiting and meeting with others in Washington, D.C. for the AGM. They enjoyed mingling amongst so many fellow members and making new connections. They are starting the process of planning their annual holiday tea that coincides with the International Workboat Show.

New York/New Jersey Chapter

On April 19, the NY/NJ Chapter held a Lunch n' Learn session at the NYC office of Watson Farley & Williams. They were honored to have esteemed speakers such as Kathleen Haines (Independent Director, Genco Shipping & Trading), Eleni Delimpaltadaki Janis (Managing Partner, Equivico), Jeffrey Pribor (CFO, International Seaways) and Maxi Adamski - de Visser (Counsel at WFW) share their viewpoints and experiences in regard to financing and sustainability-linked loan principles related to gender diversity. The insightful discussion was led by Celinda Metro (Counsel at WFW). 

Pacific Northwest Chapter

The Pacific Northwest Chapter welcomed a new chapter co-president, Sarah Scherer. Thanks to outgoing co-president, Sarah Burroughs, for her many years of hard work.

Recently the Pacific Northwest Chapter partnered with the Seattle Seafarers Center to conduct vessel visits in the Port of Seattle. WISTA USA members learned about vessel operations in port, and through the charitable work of the Seattle Seafarers Center helped brighten the day of the mariners on board. Other previous events included a tour and update with the VP of Operations for Maritime Blue and a tour of OceanGate. Other events include a lunch and learn discussion with Marine Exchange of Puget Sound, and of course gathering with fellow WISTA members at the AGM. 

Texas Chapter

In March, the Texas Chapter held a WISTA Sista Happy Hour in the Galleria at Fig & Olive.

The Texas chapter held a Lunch N' Learn with Blank Rome on April 5. Special thanks to Doug Shoemaker and Keith Letourneau for the excellent presentation on GHG and CII Regulations and how these impact the shipping sector.

Washington, DC Metro Chapter

The Washington, DC Metro Chapter held an incredible 2023 Annual General Meeting and Conference in Washington, D.C. A special thank you to Sarah Brennan and Liz Lowe for their inspiring leadership and excellent planning of this year's event.

West Coast Chapter

In February, WISTA members from across the U.S. came together for a cocktail party in conjunction with the TPM Conference in Long Beach. As so many WISTA USA Members attend TPM, the West Coast Chapter is looking to make this an annual social event!


In April, excellent connections were made at the Spring Happy Hour in San Francisco with special guests, San Francisco Maritime National Park Association CEO, Darlene Plumtree, and Historian, Dr. Katherine Hijar


After an outstanding AGM and Conference in Washington, D.C., the West Coast Chapter members returned to California invigorated and ready to channel the AGM energy for the remainder of the year. Work has begun in earnest to plan the 2024 AGM, which will be hosted by the Chapter in sunny San Diego!  

New Member Alert

Welcome, new and reinstated members! *Joined or reinstated 17 February 2023 - 20 June 2023

Connecticut Chapter

Marcela Crowley, NAMEPA

Delaware River/Bay Area Chapter

Sean Jensen, HudsonAnalytix

Kelly Whitaker, Philly Shipyard, Inc

Florida Chapter

Vandana Abrams, Maersk Line LTD

Karla Mutterstein,  Knud E Hansen

Azize Reid, Total Marine Solutions

Maria Laura Salazar, D’Asti Charterers & Shipbrokers

Sandra Santianna, American Roll-On Roll-Off Carrier

Hampton Roads Chapter

Ebony Anderson, Seagate Terminal

Janet Lyon, Lyon Shipyard

Jeanne Noonan, McGuireWoods LLP

Amanda Robinson, McAllister Towing of Virginia

New England Chapter

Paige Glowacky, Armach Robotics

New Orleans Chapter

Marcelle Mouledoux, McGlinchey Stafford

NY/NJ Chapter

Lucienne Bulow, IDRS-Interactive Dispute Resolutions Services LLC

Claire Dekar, Maersk Line LTD

Molly McCafferty, Shipowners Claims Bureau Inc

Jewel McKinley, NYSHEX LLC

Anastasia Porou, Colonial Navigation - Byzantine Martitime Corporation

Live Sletten Diakolios, The Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce

Chloe Sucato, Watson Farley & Williams LLP

Jennifer Waters, SUNY Maritime College

Pacific Northwest Chapter

Maria Veronica Baldasso Palacios, Delver Agents Ship Agents & Suppliers

Renee Burleson, Foss Maritime Company

Karen Contreras, Foss Maritime Company

Alicia Gilleland, USI Insurance Service

Miranda Jackman, Leidos Maritime Systems Solutions Division

Elizabeth Johnson, Jones Stevedoring

Stephanie Mantz, Expeditors International

Brannon Massey, Pasha Hawaii Holdings LLC

Texas Chapter

Michelle Guggina, GAC North America

Ashley Rodewald, INVISTA

Amber Shushan, PetroChina International (America) Inc

Lesley Swearington, American Bureau of Shipping

Bei Zhang, Stolt-Nielsen Inc

Washington, DC Metro Chapter

Meredith Austin, Mer Crisis Advisors LLC

Nicole Botzenmayer, Maersk Line LTD

Katie Frye, Maersk Line LTD

Laura Glogovsky, International Registry, Inc

Margaret Groth, The Pasha Group

Fair Kim, American Congress

Elizabeth Kretovic, ABS

Stacey Normington, Cozen O’Connor

Rachel Schwartz, Cozen O’Connor

Kathryn Sobotta, Cozen O’Connor

Laura Trieber, APL

West Coast Chapter

Dina Aryan-Zahlan, Port of Los Angeles

Susan Coffey, The Pasha Group

Karline DeShane, The Pasha Group

Shana Esponza, Port of Long Beach

Bonnie Lowenthal, Port of Long Beach

Amy Manning, The Pasha Group

Zeida Nino, GAC North America

Nicole Tellem, Vanguard Logistics

Ed Washburn, Pasha Hawaii Holdings LLC

Dawn Weekes, OOCL (USA) Inc

Sharon Weissman, Port of Long Beach

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  5. You can then update your profile, search the Membership Directory, and access the Knowledge Bank at any time by logging in.

Having trouble accessing the site or setting up your profile? Please reach out to Rae Velez.

WISTA International launched a new Membership Directory App at the 2019 WISTA International AGM! This members-only application is available for download on the App Store for Apple products and Google Play Store for Android products. Members can download the app and use their website login credentials to access membership directory, search for members and view association pages.

You must have a profile on the NEW website to access the app.

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