Celebrating 50 Years Of Community Service
Do you remember where you were and what you were doing 50 years ago today? The date was April 8, 1966, and it marks the day that WKDZ first went on the air, from inside a concrete block building on Will Jackson Road in Cadiz. Ten original stockholders had the desire and the vision to begin a new era of community service to Cadiz and Trigg County. We have come a long way since Willie Wilson first fired up the transmitter, played a recording of the National Anthem by the Trigg County Band under the direction of William Rutherford, and then kicked off the rest of the broadcast day with a little Nancy Sinatra. Today kicks off a celebration of our history for the rest of the year, and we plan on celebrating in style. The morning began with two of the original WKDZ stockholders, Willie Wilson and Virginia Alexander, and a LIVE video stream of their visit. One thing that has not changed over the 50 years, is the desire and vision to serve our communities. We can only hope the next 50 years will be as much fun as the first 50 have been. Be listening for many special celebrations yet to come as part of our big 5-0!
New Eggners Ferry Bridge Opening Today
It was an historic night on January 26, 2012, when the Delta Mariner struck the Eggners Ferry Bridge, ripping away a significant section of the bridge. Today will also be an historic day as traffic shifts to the new Eggners Ferry Bridge. Transportation Cabinet spokesman Keith Todd tells the News Edge plans are to move two-lane traffic to the new bridge between noon and 3. KYTC District 1 Chief Engineer Mike McGregor says the move will allow the contractor to start planning for demolition of the old bridge while finishing work continues on the new structure. The new bridge could be ready for four-lane traffic as early as August. Your News Edge team is on hand at the bridge today and will bring you full coverage of this history-making event. Full details, pictures, and video will be available on WKDZ, WHVO, wkdzradio.com, and whvoradio.com.
Results Of Agriculture Impact Study Released (w/VIDEO)
The Tri-County Agriculture Economic Impact study can now serve as a tool to develop a plan to help recruit agriculture related business and manufacturing to the area. The News Edge was there as University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Economist Dr. Alison Davis presented the study at the Christian County Extension Office. Read More Video
Commission Approves Harper House Plans
The Harper House project can now move forward, after approval of plans by the Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission. During a brief special called session, commission members unanimously approved the plat and easements. Your News Edge was there as Chairman Bob Brame noted the developers have now met all requirements, which allows the building project to begin. Read More
Plea Deal Reached In 2011 Fatal Crash
Despite the court system upholding a new trial for convicted murderer Antwan Rouse, he is accepting a plea deal in the 2011 crash that claimed the life of a Fort Campbell soldier. Your News Edge was there when Rouse appeared Wednesday with his attorney Brandi Jones, who informed Circuit Judge Andrew Self they had reached the agreement.
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 Former Magistrate Dies After Crash
Former Christian County Magistrate Edwin Long has passed away. Long died Monday at Skyline Medical Center in Nashville, where he had been hospitalized since a single vehicle crash on March 24th, which may have been the result of a medical issue. He was found unresponsive in his car after it ran off the southbound lanes of North Main Street and hit a utility pole.
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Vine Street Murder Trial Delayed
The murder trial of Brandon Smith will be moved from August to October, if it even takes place then. Smith appeared with his new attorney, Ted Shouse, in Christian Circuit Court Tuesday morning. Shouse wanted the trial moved from August 15th because he thinks it will take longer than one week, and another client from a separate high profile case, Sam Miller, is scheduled to go to trial August 22nd. Read More
Trigg Jail Budget To Be Unchanged
The Trigg County Jail operational budget will not change in the new fiscal year. The News Edge was there as magistrates approved Jailer James Hughes' proposed budget for the new fiscal year during Monday's Trigg Fiscal Court meeting, with Hughes noting the budget projects no increase in expenses.
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Last Day Of School Pending Legislation
The date Christian County School District seniors will walk across the stage will depend on the General Assembly and Governor Matt Bevin. During Thursday night's board meeting, Director of Pupil Personnel, Melanie Barrett announced June 3 or May 27 are possible dates. A bill is waiting on the Governor's signature, and Barrett says when he signs it, it will make the difference.
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Judge John Dixon Remembered (w/VIDEO)
A man who left his mark on Christian County and the federal court system is being remembered with a special chair. The News Edge was there during a special ceremony when Christian Circuit Judge John Atkins says he had the privilege of working with and learning from the late Judge John Dixon.
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