Volume 1 | Fall 2018 / Winter 2019
For the 2018-2019 year, WLA has adopted the theme, Libraries are for Everyone.    We are excited about  upcoming programs and proud of past events that have inclusively represented our libraries and communities. This is also a great time to renew your membership and we are now offering an organizational membership for up to five employees of a library. Membership runs from January 1 - December 31st. We welcome your questions or comments and ideas!
WLA Midwinter Conference
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
9 am -12 pm
Ossining Public Library

Brian Avery
Director, Pawling Free Library

Philip Poggiali
Instructional Services Librarian
Steve Feyl
Associate University Librarian
Mortola Library, Pace University

Want to know more about
Human Libraries?
Panelists will share their experiences implementing The Human Library in a public and university setting. 

$5 for WLA Members
$10 for Non– WLA Members

Each year, the Westchester Library Association awards up to two, $500 scholarships. This award is designed to assist WLA members pursuing Professional Development activities and courses that will contribute to or enhance their performance in a library career. If you are interested in applying for an award, click here: 2019-2020 Professional Development Award Application

2018 RECIPIENT: ANTHONY REDA , (in photo on left) Library Technician Westchester Community College, $500 towards MLS coursework at University of Buffalo

Library Assistant, Dobbs Ferry Public Library, used the $500 award toward an MLS class on Children's Literature in Public Libraries at Queens College. Click here to read her essay on Motivational Techniques for Children
2019 Mock Youth Awards

  • Wednesday, January 16, 5:30pm-8:30pm (*NO SNOW  DATE) 
        Greenburgh Public Library , Register online at:  
        (Deadline to register is January 11)

Professional Development Programs

  • February 28 @ 11 am, Implicit Bias Workshop

  • April 18 @ 3 pm, Hudson Fusion Digital Marketing

  • June TBD, Trivia Night

2018 Program Highlights
Immigration and Library Service in 2018
On October 19th, WLA and the Westchester Library System (WLS) co-sponsored "Immigration and Library Service in 2018", a panel discussion featuring Karen LaRocca-Fels, Director of the Ossining Library; Carola Bracco, Executive Director of Neighbors Link; and Karin Anderson-Ponzer, Director of Neighbors Link Community Law Practice. Moderated by Terry Kirchner, WLS Executive Director, the trio discussed recent challenges faced by the immigrant community in Westchester --particularly the limitations of identification, and the general fear in the community stemming from more aggressive policies. The panel and attendees discussed possible ways for libraries to address the unique needs of the immigrant community, including how libraries might build their capacity to issue county IDs in addition to library cards. The panel also suggested various online sites and apps which are helpful in answering immigration questions, such as . The panel made it clear that libraries have an important role in providing accurate information and valuable assistance to the immigrant population in our communities. 
Westchester Library System's
Battle Of The Books

The fifth annual Westchester County Battle of the Books was held on Saturday, 10/20/18 at the Hendrick Hudson High School. It was an exciting and fun-filled day, with fast paced book trivia action. In the 4-6th grade division, the "Eastchester Library Warriors" won first place and " The Arufus" (Briarcliff Manor Public Library) took second place. The "Rye Buzzer Beaters" (Rye Public Library) took first place in the grade 6-10th grade division, followed by "House Verzet" (Field Library-Peekskill) in second place. It was a wonderful day and all of the teams had lots of fun. I would like to extend a giant thank you to all of the volunteers, both adult and teens, who were there to make the day so successful.

As we move out of 2018 and into 2019, the Youth Services Section is now focusing on providing support to the Washington Irving and the Anne Izard Book Awards committees. 
2018 Annual Conference
  The Annual Conference was held on Friday, May 4 th at the Doral Arrowwood conference center. This conference was in partnership with the Library Association of Rockland County (LARC). The theme of “Libraries Now” continued from the mid-winter conference. The Key-Note Speaker was Dawn LaValle, Director of the Division of Library Development Connecticut State Library. Dawn’s presentation was based on the “Excite” Initiative. There were about 20 vendors from Chappaqua Book Store to GLSEN to Brodart and many others. The workshops were eclectic and fun and the food was amazing! WLA’s annual conferences are just one
of the ways we support our members.   

More information coming soon on our 2019 Annual Conference.
2018 Mid-Winter Conference
  The Mid-Winter Conference was held on Wednesday, January 24 th at the Ossining Public Library in the Budarz Theater. This year's theme was “Libraries Now.” About 60 people attended to hear Key-Note Speaker, Jeremy Johannesen, Executive Director of NYLA. Jeremy spoke about the how libraries are doing in New York State, where libraries stand in the state budget, and where libraries are going in the future of New York State. It was an informative presentation followed by a terrific Q&A session. Jeremy brought along a banner that read “Libraries are Education,” which rings true for all of us.