January, 2021

Greetings from WLA! This email newsletter will provide information about the ministry of Winnebago Lutheran Academy. You're receiving this communication because you're a supporter of our beloved Academy. We're always happy to make new friends, so please share those email addresses with us! ([email protected])

Questions? Just let us know; we're happy to help!
Principal's Report
New Year Greetings! I pray that your year has begun safely with peace and joy. I am also praying that as we together continue to navigate the uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic for the rest of the school year, our students, staff, and families continue to be patient and understanding. Uncertainty is often difficult to manage, but up to this point our WLA Family has met this challenge, and I continue to remain humbly thankful for this blessing. 

We are excited to communicate with you in this new format. Our monthly email updates will include general information about our school operations, extracurricular updates, future plans for WLA, and information about how you can support our ministry.

God continues to bless the mission and ministry of WLA even through the challenges of 2020. Looking ahead, we are excited to see the blessings our God has in store for Winnebago Lutheran Academy!
Virtual Learning
WLA is blessed to offer face-to-face instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. Our Operations Plan includes two weeks of virtual learning after Thanksgiving, and one week after Christmas break. These virtual weeks were implemented so as many students as possible could be part of in-person instruction during finals week and the first week of second semester.

Currently (the first week of January) we're holding classes virtually and will resume face-to-face instruction on Monday, January 11, 2021. Our extracurricular programs, including athletics, are operating with COVID-19 precautions. WLA is working very closely with the Fond du Lac County Health Department to provide the safest learning environment possible for our students.

What a blessing it is to have students in the classrooms and extracurricular activities at the Academy! To God be the glory!
Thanks to the work of our coaches, faculty, and staff, and our Activities Director, we are blessed to have our extracurricular programs up and running this year. Winter sports are competing, spring play auditions have been held, Viking Council is active, the yearbook is under production, Forensics, Academy Kids, and Esports are all active.

While many aspects are far from normal, our students have many opportunities to learn and grow outside of the classroom through these activities. Follow WLA activities on Twitter: @wlavikings_ad
Faculty and Staff
Last spring, we announced the retirement of Pastor Rick Zahn. Although officially retired, Pastor Zahn has remained in the classroom at WLA this school year, helping us maneuver our way through challenges presented by COVID-19. We are pleased (for him) to announce his second retirement! What a servant and what a blessing Pastor Zahn has been to the Academy!

Along with Pastor Zahn, Mrs. Barb Zahn has announced her retirement from teaching at the end of this school year. God be praised for her faithful service as our art instructor at the Academy. Please keep the Zahns in your prayers as they look forward to this new chapter in their lives.

We are pleased to announce the addition of Mrs. Kim Guell to the WLA staff. Mrs. Guell is serving in our Learning Center alongside Mrs. Emily Bilitz. Together they provide support to students with unique learning needs.
Enrollment for 2021-2022 School Year
New student enrollment for the coming school year is in full swing. If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling a student for the 2021-2022 school year, don't hesitate, register now! There is no fee to register. Questions can be directed to Pastor Phil Janke at 920-921-4930 or [email protected].
Class of 2021 Graduation Date Change
Last year, when our preliminary calendar was initially adopted for this year it was pre-pandemic. One of the lessons we learned as we navigated the special circumstances last year was that having graduation on Saturday morning had distinct advantages over our traditional Sunday, 2:30 time. Also at this time, the date needed to be finalized for our Senior Jostens orders for the graduation announcements.  So, barring any need for postponement, the 2021 WLA Graduation Service will be held on Saturday, May 29, at 10:00am. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. Please pray that we will be able to celebrate our graduates in person on that day.
Anchored on Our Foundation. Forward in Faith.
A capital campaign has begun at WLA to pay for our purchase of land for a new campus, pay off all current capital debt, and to establish a campus fund to maintain our current campus and to develop plans for our new campus.

More information about this exciting project will continue to be communicated through this newsletter and Association church communication channels. Please reach out to our Director of Mission Advancement, Kevin Ehlke with any questions you have about this project and campaign. [email protected] - 920-921-4930 ext. 422
End of Year Appeal Update
WLA begins our annual End of Year Appeal on Giving Tuesday. Our appeal began this year on December 1, with the goal of receiving enough gifts to fully fund the Annual Fund by December 31, 2020!

God be praised for almost $58,000 in gifts given to the Academy through this annual appeal! With anticipated monthly gifts from our Victors Program, we can happily report that we fully funded our Annual Fund for this school year! The Annual Fund benefits every student at WLA.
Gifts were also given to retire capital debt and to our Student Aid Fund!
Winnebago Lutheran Academy
475 E Merrill Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935