Winnebago Lutheran Academy exists to glorify God by
nurturing the growth of every student to live as Christ's child
within their families, congregations, and communities.
November 2021

Greetings from WLA! This email newsletter will provide information about the ministry of Winnebago Lutheran Academy. You're receiving this communication because you're a supporter of our beloved Academy. We're always happy to make new friends, so please share those email addresses with us! (

Questions? Just let us know; we're happy to help!
From the Principal
Thanksgiving greetings, WLA family and friends.  

When reflecting about giving thanks, my mind goes back to the 20-21' school year. Last fall, we were unable to have our typical athletic season; I am thankful that this fall we were blessed with not only interscholastic competition, but seasons that on the whole were successful and ones to build upon. I am thankful that we are now beginning to prepare for our annual WLA Christmas Concert; last year we were preparing communication about the cancellation of the concert. I am thankful for the overall excellent health of our students and faculty. We have certainly had bumps in the road, but we have been able to continue in person education, and even put on our school musical for an enthusiastic audience over the course of four days this past weekend. It has been a great start to the year, and now as we turn our sights to the end of the first semester and the start of our winter seasons, we pray that the blessings that we have enjoyed during this fall, continue through the winter season.  

A natural question would be, "Was I thankful last year?" 
Absolutely! We had amazing blessings to focus upon. In person education, student health, family support, and cooperation, as well as numerous others. Please consider these words from Paul:

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

For the past 96 years, regardless of circumstances, students of WLA have had the opportunity to gather in chapel with their entire WLA family and praise our God from whom all blessings flow. He may have different paths and plans, but as we live our lives in Christ, we have the opportunity to be thankful in all circumstances. So friends, rejoice always! Thanksgiving blessings from all of the faculty, staff, and students at WLA!

-Dave Schroeder
WLA Boys Soccer, Football, Volleyball, and Boys and Girls Cross Country all finished in the top half of the Flyway Conference with winning records!

Soccer lost in the regional final, Football lost in the first round of the WIAA playoffs, and Volleyball lost in the regional semi-final. Boys and Girls XC teams ran well at sectionals, but did not advance to State.

Individual honors from the fall season:
Ethan Cole and Lucas Weigand earned Academic All State honors in FB.

WLA FB All Conference selections on Offense
RB Tyson Lofton (Honorable Mention), OL William Simmons (Honorable Mention)
RB Ethan Cole (1st team, unanimous), P Ethan Cole (1st team, unanimous)

WLA FB All Conference selections on Defense
DT Oscar Blohm (HM), DB Cole Wiedmeyer (HM), DE Lucas Weigand (HM),
DE Caleb Kulibert (HM), DB Jacob Huey (2nd team), LB Ethan Cole (2nd team),
and LB Jack Karst (2nd team)

WLA Soccer All Conference recognition
Caleb Olson (HM), Matt Nygaard (HM), Keynen Wisse (HM), Dylan Schroeder (HM), Zach Pausma (2nd team), Seth Schroeder (1st team), Jacob Theisen (1st team), and Noah Walta (1st team)
All Conference WLA VB players - Kiara Shea (HM), Amber Johnson (2nd team), and Peyton Kemnitz (1st team, unanimous)

WLA Girls XC runners that earned All-Conference Awards
First team- Ella Borgwardt 
Second team- Kaleigh Purswell and Mackenzie Rockow
Honorable Mention: Kyah Rathjeand and Alix Jahnke

WLA Boys XC runners that earned All-Conference Awards
Second Team- Bennett Midthun, Ellis Keifenheim, and Kaden Volbright
Girls Basketball Practice begins Nov. 8
Boys Basketball and Wrestling begin Nov. 15
Veteran's Day

On Thursday, November 11th, WLA was happy to host a special Veterans Day program!
SSG Jason Foster, Wisconsin Army
National Guard, and Sam Floyd, WLA graduate, and owner of Operation Coffee were our featured speakers. After the program the Veterans were invited to join us for brunch. The WELS Military Services Committee works with our National Civilian Chaplain, our European Chaplain, and
over 100 Military Contact Pastors to serve our troops worldwide. Please help us stay in contact with our active military personnel by registering any activated military member at so they can receive regular devotions and contacts from their chaplain.
In addition, the Lutheran Military Support Group is an independent organization run by WELS/ELS veterans. They are both an auxiliary to WELS Military Services and support for the needs of our military veterans and their families. Please visit for more information and stay involved in this important work.
Choral Fest

This November, students from our 23 Lutheran High Schools will be arriving at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN, to participate in the WELS National Choral Fest! The mission of the WELS Choral Festival is to foster Christian Fellowship among WELS high school students as they prepare, rehearse, and perform choral music, so that with one heart and voice they may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:16) The weekend starts off with a Pops Concert on Friday, November 12th @ 7:00 pm. On Sunday afternoon, November 14th, Choral Fest concludes with a Sacred Concert at 2:00pm. Both concerts will be livestreamed.
Grandparents Day
On November 3rd, we were able to welcome the Grandparents of the class of 2022 to WLA. Over 100 Grandparents were able to join their grandchildren from the senior class for morning devotion, coffee and treats, games, introductions and a presentation about WLA.
Faculty & Staff
Call Accepted:
Mr. Jeremy Thiesfeldt has accepted the call to be Guidance and Registration Coordinator. He is currently serving in the state assembly and a member of Redeemer Lutheran in Fond du Lac.

Call Returned:
Pastor Janke has returned his call to St. John's, Mukwonago and will remain here at WLA. We are so thankful that God has led his servant to continue his work here at The Academy. Let us keep St. John’s Lutheran Church in our prayers as they continue the calling process.

Call Extended:
Pastor John P Werner - called to be Religion Dept Chair. He is currently pastor at Christ Lutheran in Mindoro, WI (LaCrosse area).
WELS Choral Fest Pops Concert @ MLC - November 12, 7:00 pm
New Friends Dance @ WLA, with The Arc- November 13th @ 6:00
WELS Choral Fest Sacred Concert @ MLC - November 14, 2:00 pm
Winter Band Concert - Saturday, December 4, 4:00
Christmas Concert - Monday, December 13, 7:00; Tuesday, December 14, 1:00

Mission Advancement News
End of Year Appeal
Our End of Year Appeal happens at the end of each calendar year. This year's appeal will highlight the blessing our thrift store, Second Impressions, is to our ministry. The appeal will share how our gifts or time, talents, and treasures add up to some amazing blessings to the ministries we love!

Please consider a gift to the Academy through this annual appeal.
Would you please watch your mailboxes for this appeal? We will also share it via our social media channels and in our following monthly newsletter.
Forward in Faith Capital Campaign
What a blessings it is to be sharing our campaign with our Association Churches. Visits to our churches have begun and will continue throughout the rest of this school year. The visits will also give individuals the opportunity to provide gifts to support WLA.

For more information, please view the update video and visit the campaign website. Please get in touch with Kevin Ehlke with any questions about this amazing project for the Academy.
Attention Alumni
If your class graduated in a year ending in a "2" or "7", please connect with us to let us know your plans to have a class reunion in 2022. In addition, you can email our Alumni Coordinator, Johanna Yenter, to learn how WLA can assist you with your reunion.

We have already connected with the class of 1972, and preparations are underway for that reunion. If you need more information for this class please contact Johanna or Bruce Schumacher at
Estate Planning Services
Winnebago Lutheran Academy provides a will and estate planning service to our WLA families, alumni, and friends. We are partnering with SFC Estate Coaching to provide this service free of charge. WLA is doing this as a way to thank you for your support of the Academy!

To create your will or trust, you can set up an appointment with SFC Estate Coach and Tom Slye. Times are available Monday-Thursday on the hour at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 PM.
Winnebago Lutheran Academy
475 E Merrill Avenue
Fond du Lac, WI 54935