WLALA Newsletter: November 2020
Volume 26, No. 03
Thank You To Our Annual Sponsors
President's Message
By Jessica Kronstadt
"Who can break through a phalanx of determined, noble-minded, upright women? Suffrage stands out as one of the component factors of democracy; suffrage is one of the most powerful levers by which we hope to elevate our women to the highest planes of life." ~ Lydia Flood Jackson
Upcoming WLALA Events
WLALA Member and Supporter Matt Umhofer will be rocking for the WLALA Foundation! Please support Matt and the Foundation by buying tickets and/or donating to Law Rocks. Ticket purchases and donations may be made HERE.
Text Out the Vote 2020
This non-partisan series covers the topics of a history of voter suppression, the voting impact of black women and it also gives lawyers instructions on how to get involved. 
The Impact of Black Women and the Black Vote | Dir. Ashley Wilson | Vote 2020

The History of Voter Suppression in the U.S. | Prof. Mary-Beth Moylan

Stop Voter Suppression Promote A Fair Election | CK Hoffler Esq. | Vote 2020
The Season of Giving
The Season of Giving
Our Annual Campaign of the WLALA Foundation Charitable Fund has officially started! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated, and to those of you have not yet had the chance, there is still time to make your charitable contributions this year. 
The goal of the Campaign this year is to award more generous scholarships than in prior years, but we need your help to meet this goal.  
As was true in prior years, one of the Fund’s main purposes is to award scholarships to deserving law students who have dedicated their careers to the public interest. Rising law school tuition, plus the uncertainty of the pandemic and the continuing crisis of racial injustice in America, make it more important than ever to support those who have chosen a public interest legal career. According to an article from U.S. News, the average annual tuition and fees at private law schools in the 2019-2020 academic year was $49,548, and the average cost of in-state public tuition was $28,264. The staggering debt that can result from these higher tuition costs makes it much more difficult for someone to choose a career in public interest. 
READ HERE ABOUT HOW YOUR CONTRIBUTION CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE (Link to Scholarship Recipients page https://www.wlala.org/page/88
As this is the giving season, we hope you will join us in supporting those students who have decided to dedicate their careers to the public interest.
Many thanks,
Elizabeth Dyer and Susan Steinhauser
WLALA Foundation Charitable Fund Co-Chairs
2020 Has Reminded Me to be Grateful … for Lawyers
by Stacy R. Horth-Neubert, WLALA Foundation President 2019-2021

2020 is a bad year …
2020 is a dumpster fire …
2020 is almost over …

If you Google “2020 is a,” the phrases above are the first three options that auto-populate. It is hard to argue that 2020 has been anything other than a dumpster fire of a bad year – a year of a devastating pandemic, devastating racial injustice and strife, devastating wild fires, devastating economic hardship, devastating losses of beloved American heroes like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and devastating political and social division. But … 2020 is almost over.

Of course, we grownups know that the turning of the calendars to 2021 is not going to magically erase all of the problems of 2020. But it will serve as an important symbolic reminder that a new year brings new hope and new opportunities. 

To read the rest of this article, please CLICK HERE.
Judge Sandra R. Klein Speaks to Girl Scouts
About Civic Engagement
Written by Stephanie Rettier, Law Clerk to the Hon. Sandra R. Klein
Judge Sandra R. Klein, United States Bankruptcy Judge for the Central District of California, recently participated in Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles (GSGLA) virtual presentations designed to introduce girls of all ages to newly created Civic Engagement Badges. On October 5th, Judge Klein spoke to approximately 170 girl scouts at the Daisy, Brownie, and Junior levels and on October 6th, she spoke to approximately 150 girl scouts at the Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador levels. During the virtual presentations, Judge Klein was joined by her law clerk Stephanie Rettier (author of this article) and her Courtroom Deputy Thais May.
Following an introduction by Michelle Geathers, a GSGLA Program Manager, Judge Klein kicked-off her presentations by polling the girl scouts about what they thought civic engagement was. An overwhelming majority of the girls responded correctly—they chose working together to improve their community. This was no surprise considering the Girl Scouts organization’s emphasis on active citizenship.  

To read the rest of this article, please CLICK HERE.
Los Angeles County Bench Officers Elects
Samantha P. Jessner Assistant Presiding Judge
Presiding Judge Kevin C. Brazile announced today that the Judges of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County have elected Judge Samantha P. Jessner as the Assistant Presiding Judge for the 2021-22 term beginning January 1, 2021. Judge Jessner will serve with Presiding Judge-Elect Eric C. Taylor, who was elected by the Court’s bench last month. “I am humbled by my colleagues’ support of my candidacy,” Judge Jessner said. “I am honored and privileged to have the opportunity to lead the Los Angeles Superior Court through and beyond these challenging times, and I look forward to working with Judge Taylor to provide equal access to justice.” Judge Jessner has served as the Supervising Judge of the Court’s Civil Division since January 1, 2019, overseeing the state’s largest Civil Division. In that position, Judge Jessner has worked to develop protocols to hear cases safely and effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic, including developing jury selection methods and juror questionnaires, implementing remote appearance technology, and chairing the COVID-19 Advisory Committee with members of the bar.

To read more, please CLICK HERE.
WLALA Fran Kandel Summer Fellowship Project
Assists Undocumented Youth

By WLALA's 2020 Fran Kandel Public Interest Recipient Olivia Loveland
My passion for working in immigration law started during my undergraduate studies. I studied abroad for a summer in Istanbul, Turkey as the country was dealing with an influx of Syrian refugees. Afterwards, I took a course in international law and wrote my senior honors thesis on international refugee law and how it has been applied to the Syrian refugee crisis. I got a better understanding of the issues facing asylum-seekers in the U.S. while volunteering in Tijuana, Mexico at a legal NGO where I helped attorneys with client intakes. The financial support from the Fran Kandel Public Interest Fellowship for the summer of 2020 allowed me to pursue work in immigration deportation defense. I interned at The Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) where I worked specifically with unaccompanied minors in their deportation defense unit. 

To read the rest of this article, please CLICK HERE.
Get to Know the New Board: Neelu Khanuja, Esq.
Each month, WLALA will feature a 2020-2021 WLALA Board Member so you can get to know more about her role within WLALA, her professional experience and her personal interests.
Neelu K. Khanuja, Esq. is the Founding Partner of Khanuja Law, a workers’ compensation firm based in downtown Los Angeles. Ms. Khanuja has prior experience working at the largest California workers’ compensation defense firm in the state in addition to a local Applicant’s attorney firm. In the field, Ms. Khanuja has written articles on “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Temporary Disability” and “Limiting the Scope of Hikida,” regarding recent case law on apportionment, that are currently published in the Executives of Workers’ Compensation Newsletters for the September 1, 2020 and August 1, 2020 issues respectively.

To read more, please CLICK HERE. To view her website, please CLICK HERE.
Get to Know WLALA's Scholarship Recipient:
Leslie Joya
Ms. Joya is entering her third year at UCLA School of Law this fall. During law school, Ms. Joya has devoted her time to organizations that work with women and children.  Ms. Joya has served as a mentor for the UCLA Law Fellows Program, where she has guided fellow immigrant Latinas through the law school application process.  Additionally, as co-chair of the Women of Color Collective, Ms. Joya coordinated events to foster support for fellow students who are embarking on their legal career.  Last summer, Ms. Joya was a summer law clerk with Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), where she researched issues related to recent changes to asylum law, custody and guardianship of unaccompanied minors.  This summer, Ms. Joya worked for the California Teachers Association, which prides itself on being a powerful and passionate advocate for students and public education.  Ms. Joya is passionate about women’s empowerment and plans to work at the intersection of immigrants’ and low-wage workers’ rights after graduation.
Of Interest

ADL’s Annual Summit on Hate and Antisemitism (Never Is Now) is happening from Nov 9-18th online. You can register here: https://events.adl.org/neverisnow/agenda

This week Starbucks Corp. said it would mandate antibias training for executives and tie their compensation to increasing minority representation in its workforce, becoming the latest company to set fresh diversity goals. Also in Seattle last week, James Williams of Perkins Coie spoke to the Seattle Rotary Club on the topic of “What Every White Person Should Know About African Americans.” When you have about 30 minutes, please check it out. Linda Broocks, a partner in Kean Miller's Houston office has produced a 30-minute documentary about the mothers of prisoners on death row, Mother's Day. The film focuses on the experience of those mothers, not the guilt or innocence of their child, and it is a powerful statement.
Complimentary WLALA Membership for WLALA's Local Sister Bar Organizations

WLALA is offering one complimentary year of membership to WLALA's local sister bar organization members at APAWLA, BWL and LLBA. Offer is good until December 31, 2021. Membership will be good for one year after you register.
WLALA Membership for New Admittees and Law Students is FREE

WLALA offers free memberships to New Admittees (those who passed the bar less than a year ago) and Law Students. Don't forget to pass the word along and join today and see what WLALA has to offer!
Meena’s Microaggressions Reminders

Welcome to the first month’s edition of the new Meena’s Microaggressions Reminders.

As a refresher, microaggressions are the everyday slights, indignities, put-downs, and insults that people of color, women, LGBTQ+ populations, immigrants and other marginalized folks, experience in their day-to-day interactions.

With Thanksgiving get-togethers a few weeks away, albeit possibly by zoom, there is somehow always room for cousin Casey to ask an awkward question - and here I present November’s No-Go:

Why is asking someone, “where are you from?” or “where were you born?” a microaggression?

Because the questions can make one feel that you assume they are not a true American or otherwise may not belong ... because of their skin color, accent, or other feature or characteristic. It may feel judgmental and could cause embarrassment.

If you have questions or comments about the above, please email meenapatel88@yahoo.com. Thank you!

Meena Patel is a WLALA Board Member on the Equity, Belonging & Anti-Racism Committee.
LACBA's Podcast: 19th Amendment Speaker Series

There are a few ways to access the podcasts:

The Apple Podcasts page - If you have an iPhone/iPad you can open the show in the Podcasts app – you can subscribe so you’ll be alerted when each episode is released
This page will be updated by Tuesday each week with a player that allows you to listen to each episode from the webpage.
Spotify – you can listen in the Spotify App and website as well:
You can also find it listed on these other sites and may find a more convenient way to listen by checking them out.
Public Counsel Remote Pro Bono Opportunities

The following is a list of current pro bono opportunities that lend themselves to working remotely. For more information, please CLICK HERE.
COVID-19 News Updates

WLALA has created a COVID-19 page to inform our members of current news related to COVID-19. To view the page, please CLICK HERE.
WLALA Webinar Recording's
WLALA webinars have been recorded and are available for purchase. To view all recordings, please CLICK HERE. Following the purchase, the recording will be sent via email. If MCLE credit applies, the materials will be sent after we receive zoom confirmation that the video has been viewed.
iDepo will make a donation to WLALA if you schedule a court reporting or videotaped deposition with them as follows:

  • $20 donation to WLALA for each court reporting services of at least 100 pages per day.
  • $50 donation to WLALA for each videotaped deposition with at least 100 pages per day.

When scheduling, please email or call and mention Code WLALA. Email to Calendar@iDepoReporters.com or call at 323-393-3768. 

IDepo will send donations to WLALA within 90 days after receipt of payment of invoices.
Apply now for 2020 SCCLA Scholarships & Fellowships

In furtherance of its commitment to support the next generation of leaders, the Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association (SCCLA) awards several $1,000 scholarships and $2,000 fellowships each year to law students and this year, recent law school graduates, with a demonstrated interest in advancing the Chinese American and/or broader Asian Pacific American community. SCCLA invites current law students (including LLM students) and law school graduates from the class of 2020 to apply.

SCCLA awards scholarships based on an evaluation of (1) financial need, (2) academic accomplishments, and (3) active involvement and/or expected future contributions to the Chinese American and/or Asian Pacific American community, particularly in the Greater Los Angeles area. Scholarship recipients are expected to attend SCCLA's 2020 Virtual Scholarship Awards Ceremony, currently anticipated to be held in November 2020.

For more information and to apply, please CLICK HERE.

The Healthcare Rights and Access Section of the California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General (in Los Angeles, Oakland, and Sacramento) is looking for Fall 2020 Externs. The position will have a remote working arrangement for now but we anticipate the externs will join us in the office when we return in the future. This is a unique learning opportunity for law students interested in health law and its intersection with various practice areas (including privacy!). For example, our summer cohort assisted us with various projects including legal and factual research, and also writing multi-state amici. Please share with law students in your network!

Member News

WLALA Board Member Neelu K. Khanuja's article "Navigating Workers' Comp Claims When Employees Work From Home" was published by the Daily Journal on October 30, 2020. Congrats, Neelu!
To read her article, please CLICK HERE.
This article is being republished with permission from The Daily Journal.

WLALA member Judge Michelle Williams Court and WLALA Foundation Board Member
Judge Elaine Lu have been appointed as Assistant Supervising Judges of the Civil Division of
the Los Angeles Superior Court. Their appointments will begin in January 2021. Congratulations,
Judge Court and Judge Lu!

Susan L. Formaker has been appointed General Jurisdiction Division Chief Presiding Administrative Law Judge for the Office of Administrative Hearings. In this position, she has full managerial responsibility for the administrative law judges and support staff in the General Jurisdiction Division for the state. The General Jurisdiction Division conducts quasi-judicial hearings and mediations for nearly 1,700 state and local agencies under the Administrative Procedure Act and other governing statutes and regulations. Susan joined the Office of Administrative Hearings in 2008 and previously served as a Presiding Administrative Law Judge for the Los Angeles office starting in 2011. She serves on the WLALA Board of Governors as the California Women Lawyers Liaison.

Congratulations to WLALA Members and this year’s honorees for the California Women Lawyers Awards!

Magistrate Judge Louise LaMothe
The Joan Dempsey Klein Distinguished Jurist Award

Laura Brill
The Judith Soley Lawyer as Citizen Award
Sister Bar Events
APAWLA Young Lawyers and Law Students (YLLS) is having an ongoing Resume Review Workshop. To participate you must be an active APAWLA member. Please send in a word copy of your resume and/or cover letter to apawla.ylls@gmail.com. You will be assigned an APAWLA board member who will review and suggest revisions in the document with track changes. The anticipated turnaround for feedback is one week. Please be sure to maintain prompt communication. This is an ongoing workshop open until the end of the pandemic.
 To view all LLBA's upcoming events, please CLICK HERE.
 CWL is seeking nominations for all of its 2021 awards:
  • The Rose Bird Memorial Award
  • The Joan Dempsey Klein Distinguished Jurist Award
  • The Judith Soley Lawyer as Citizen Award
  • The Fay Stender Award
CLICK HERE for descriptions of each award, it's criteria and submission instructions.

CLICK HERE for nomination form.
Nomination packet deadline: 
Friday, December 18, 2020 by 5:30pm

The CWL Board of Governors will select the recipient of each of these honors in the month of January 2021.
Upcoming Local Bar Events and News 
United States Bankruptcy Court - Central District of California's virtual lunchtime mentoring event is on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 from 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. via ZoomGov. The mentoring lunch is part of their FED Day (Federal Exploration Day) celebration, which includes the following:
  • 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – the mentoring lunch; and
  • 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. – a guest speaker, DEA Special Agent Khanh Vo, who will discuss “Living the Dream.”

For more information, please CLICK HERE.
*WLALA members receive LAIPLA pricing at $45
To view the rest of the local bar events and news, please CLICK HERE.
Request for Attorney Mentors for WLALA Law Student Mentor Program

Over 100 mentorship opportunities now available! Has a mentor impacted your career? 
Now is the time to pay it forward! WLALA has over 100 women law students seeking a mentor like you. 
CLICK HERE to show your interest and share how much time you’d be willing to commit, no amount is too small and the rewards are unlimited!
WLALA Networking Facebook Page
We are excited to announce that WLALA has created a Facebook page for members called WLALA Networking where you can connect with other members of the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles. You can join HERE. Please note that you must be a member to join. Before posting, please be sure to read the Rules and Guidelines here:
New Members

Amy Abshier, Kristen Acaya, Celine Ang, Briana Armand, Hoevi Aryeetey, Hana Baig, Andrea Blair, Monica Boston, Charlotte Bray, Lisa S. Brown, Bubar R. Bubar, Brittany Butler, Emily K. Carriere, Diana Chung, Iniah Clark, Chelsea Cohen, Jessica Cynowiec, Michelle E. DeCasas, Fiorella Demaria, Nancy Doumanian, Charlotte V. Etmekjian, Aimmy Galvan, Christine Gasparyan, Brian Glennon, Deena Goodman, Christine Harbster, Anna Jerden, Katherine Johnson, Makalie Johnson, Kimberly Juarez, Theresa Kading, Jane Kaufman, Brianna Khong, Honor Kidd, Gia Kim, Alyssa S. Kim, Yesi Lagunas, Tara M. Lee, Jiaying Li, Krystal Lin, Camila Lopez, Christy Macleod, Soraya Mathews (Soto), Melody Mohammadi, Isamar Negrete, Jennifer Ordonez, Cansu P. Ozhabes, Tanya Palacios, Daisy V. Parga, Caitlin Patterson, Victoria Ramirez, Breanna Ramirez, Courtney Rangen, Rebekah Razi, Leasly Salazar, Elizabeth Shim, Annie Shin, Lauren Simon, Emma Spaeth, Jaclyn Swe, Thanh Tam Ton, Talin Thomas, Talar Toprakjian, Kaelyn Urrea, Dulce Velasquez, Francesca Villarreal (Armstrong), Holly Whatley, Rae Williams, Chelsea Zaragoza, Helen Zhao.
WLALA Job Bank

Did you know that your WLALA membership allows you to access the WLALA Job Bank? The Job Bank has employment opportunities from different non-profit organizations and law firms. 

The City of Glendale is recruiting for an Assistant City Attorney position. For more information, please CLICK HERE. Please apply by November 30, 2020.

The Los Angeles - Century City office and San Francisco office of McGuireWoods seeks an Associate for the Labor & Employment Department. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

Foley & Lardner LLP is seeking a dynamic, highly motivated associate with 3-5 years of labor & employment litigation experience to join their nationally recognized Labor & Employment Practice Group in Los Angeles or San Diego. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

Tyson & Mendes is hiring for a Associate Attorney. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is hiring for Senior Counsel. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

Public Counsel is hiring for Staff Attorney for the Consumer Rights & Economic Justice Project and Staff Attorney for the Children’s Rights Project. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

 You must be a current member and logged into the website to view job postings. If you need help obtaining your username and password, please email info@wlala.org. To view the WLALA Job Bank, please CLICK HERE and click on the Search Openings link in the upper left corner of the page. 
The Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles ("WLALA") promotes the full participation in the legal profession of women lawyers and judges from diverse perspectives and racial and ethnic backgrounds, maintains the integrity of our legal system by advocating principles of fairness and equality, and improves the status of women by supporting their exercise of equal rights, equal representation, and reproductive choice.
 - WLALA Mission Statement
The WLALA newsletter is a publication of the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles. Contents do not necessarily reflect the views of WLALA. To advertise and for rates, contact the WLALA Office at info@wlala.org. The newsletter welcomes articles, submissions and information about our members’ activities. For information about submissions to the WLALA newsletter, please contact Farah Tabibkhoei at ftabibkhoei@reedsmith.com.