PLEASE VOTE: WIRE proposals awaiting input

Each progress image links directly to the voting area for that issue. Click each image to VOTE!

Bill 42: Regulation of Surgical Abortion continues to need WMS member input. 87% of the required minimum participation threshold has been achieved toward WMS taking a public position on this bill. VOTE HERE


Passed Third Reading in the House

House Bill 159: Protecting water from chemical abortion waste

continues to need WMS member input. 80% of the required minimum participation threshold hohhas been achieved toward WMS taking a public position on this bill. VOTE HERE


Failed to be Heard before Deadline

House Bill 222: Medical Ethics Defense Act continues to need WMS input. 70% of the required minimum participation threshold has been achieved toward WMS taking a public position on this bill. VOTE HERE


Passed General File in the House

SF155: International Physician Licensing continues to need WMS input. 53% of the required minimum participation threshold has been achieved toward WMS taking a public position on this bill. VOTE HERE


Passed Third Reading in the Senate

The above image is clickable so you can view a larger version of the image


The WMS Board of Trustees voted to significantly increase the role of members across the state in determining the association's advocacy positions and efforts. WMS will preserve precious and finite political capital and resources by reserving public advocacy efforts, including public testimony, to those issues that gain 25% of WMS member engagement on THE WIRE.

For all other bills being tracked by WMS, our advocacy team will represent the Board's Advisory Position in individual conversations and interactions as we work to educate and advise lawmakers on important health policy decisions impacting WY.

Instructions on how to login and use the WIRE are detailed lower in this email. Please remember that all members in good standing with WMS are invited to post their own proposal for member voting and comment on The WIRE. Members are also welcome to contact a member of the WMS staff for assistance in utilizing The WIRE.

Access The Wire & VOTE


What happened today 2/10/25

2025 WMS Bill Tracker


Today was the last day for bills to be debated and voted on General File in the House of Origin which means that House Bills must have been voted off of Committee of the Whole in the House by the end of today and Senate Files must have been voted off of Committee of the Whole in the Senate by the time they adjourned this evening.

Bills of interest to Wyoming Medical Society members that were voted on today include:

  • House Bill 222: Medical Ethics Defense Act - 2 (Passed General File in the House)
  • 88% of WMS members who have voted on The WIRE oppose HB222
  • House Bill 250: Defining life and the rights of natural persons (Failed to be heard by Deadline)
  • Bill is concerning as written as it calls into question the legality of consenting to healthcare for a minor or person who is disabled and dependent on another to make healthcare decisions for them. HB250 specifies that no parent, guardian or legal representative of any other person shall make health care decisions causing harm to the functions of the heart, respiratory system, central nervous system, brain, skeletal, joint or muscle appendage and organ unless necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.
  • House Bill 159: Protecting water from chemical abortion waste (Failed to be heard by Deadline)
  • 96% of WMS members who have voted on The Wire oppose HB159
  • Senate File 155: International physician licensing (Passed Third Reading)
  • 26% of WMS members who have voted on The WIRE support SF155
  • 58% of WMS members who have voted on The WIRE oppose SF155
  • 16% of WMS members who have voted on The WIRE are neutral on SF155
  • Senate File 125: Defining health care and protecting the people's welfare (Passed General File in the Senate)
  • Poses the same problems, but on a broader scale, as House Bill 250. By seeking to define health care for purposes of prohibiting abortion, the bill creates confusion and ambiguity as to what is and is not health care.
  • Creates questions around what it means if widely accepted medical practices are no longer statutorily defined as health care. These would include anything that is cosmetic, elective or culturally driven and not for purposes of treating an illness or injury.
  • Calls into question whether the life of the mother could be prioritized over a fetus in situations where the mother's life was in jeopardy if the pregnancy is post-viability.
  • Removes the right to abortion for those who are victims of incest, rape and abuse.
  • Removes the option for families to choose to terminate a pregnancy in cases of fatal fetal abnormalities.


We get it. Not everyone wants blow-by-blow accounts of the legislative activity in Cheyenne. If this is you, we understand. Please don't unsubscribe from our mailing, but instead, let us know below by clicking the "thumbs down". We will assume that you are okay with receiving our less frequent and general membership updates but would like to be removed from the daily update list. We will do our best to get you removed so we don't clutter your inbox with information you don't want.

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Doc/PA of the Day

WMS still needs Doc/PA of the Day volunteers!

The Wyoming Medical Society needs volunteers daily for the duration of the legislative session. Doc/PA of the Day volunteers have the opportunity to meet with state legislators, are introduced on the floor of the House and Senate Chambers, and help ensure legislators see that Wyoming physicians and PAs care!

You must be a WMS member to serve as Doc/PA of the Day. Please consider making time to volunteer this year!

To schedule your volunteer date email



To cast your vote on WIRE proposals, CLICK HERE (or the link in the button below) to access THE WIRE. Members can also access THE WIRE from the WMS website at

How to use The Wire:

  • Log on -
  • The Wire uses the same username and password as you use to login to the WMS website to manage your membership. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can use the forget password feature on The Wire to reset it.
  • To view proposals - select "Proposal Feedback" at the top of the screen
  • Click on "Pre-Board Feedback"
  • Click on the title link to vote/share your opinion on a topic



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