The legislature reached the midway point with yesterday marking the crossover period for the body, meaning it was the last day for third reading in the house of origin. Any legislation that hadn't passed third reading yesterday will not go on for any further consideration this session.
There were 555 bills and resolutions that were numbered for introduction this year. Only 286 of those bills remain active now with three weeks remaining of this year's session. The Senate introduced 208 Senate Files and 146 of those have crossed over to the House for consideration. The House introduced 252 House Bills and is sending 140 of those over to the Senate for review.
Both chambers finished work on the supplemental budget which means they will now spend the next few weeks reconciling the differences between the Senate and House positions in joint conference.
February 27 is the last day for bills to be reported out of committee in the second house and February 28 is the last day for bills to voted off General File. March 4 is scheduled to be the last day for third reading on bills in the second house. Lawmakers are anticipated to adjourn sine die March 6.