• Federal News
  • Call for Nominations
  • WMS Annual Conference
  • Legislative Session Wrap-Up Conversation
  • Session Ends - Governor Vetoes and Overrides
  • Doc/PA of the Day
  • Pertussis in Wyoming
  • WDH - Immunization Unit
  • SkillsUSA Seeks Volunteers
  • Thank You Friends of WMS


Fighting against Medicaid cuts

Wyoming joined a coalition of all 50 states and the District of Columbia medical associations, representing hundreds of thousands of physicians and their 80 million Medicaid patients, to encourage Congress to protect Medicaid from the devastating $880 billion Energy and Commerce Committee spending reduction target in the House Budget Resolution. WMS is urging our members to join us in opposing these damaging cuts and asking that you reach out to US Representative Harriet Hageman to voice your concerns. CLICK HERE to email Rep. Hageman.


Call for Nominations

WMS is seeking nominations for the WMS Executive Committee.

If you have questions about the position or would like to nominate someone, please email Sheila Bush to submit your nominations no later than Monday, March 24th.

WMS Annual Conference


Legislative Session Wrap-up Conversation

Join Executive Director Sheila Bush Wednesday, March 12, over the noon hour for an open conversation about the 2025 legislative session. Director Bush will be available to answer any questions about this year's session and talk about membership utilization of The WIRE. This will be a nice opportunity to gain clarity about some of the political nuances as well as provide feedback for improvements to The WIRE and the advocacy approach in advance of this year's interim work and the 2026 legislative budget session.

Let us know if you plan to join the conversation


WMS Zoom


03/12/25 12:00pm - 03/12/25 1:00pm US/Mountain
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 729 246 2465 --- One tap mobile +13052241968,,7292462465# US
I'll Be There!
I Can't Make It

Session Ends - Governor Vetoes and Overrides

2025 Legislative Session Ends

"Sine die" is a Latin phrase that means "without a day." For the Wyoming Legislature, it refers to the act of indefinitely adjourning without scheduling a specific date to resume, effectively ending the session. That is how this year's legislative session came to a close.

Below you will find a listing of the remaining bills that WMS has been tracking throughout the session with Governor Gordon's action on the bill.

Bill Number

Bill Title

Governor's Action

HB 42

Regulation of surgical abortions


HB 64

Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement


Veto overridden by House and Senate

HB 82

Provider enrollment-standards


HB 164

Medical prescriptions off label purposes

Awaiting Action

SF 23

Handicap placards-health care providers' approval


SF 74

Immunity for drug overdose reporting


SF 107

Freedom to work and build business Retitled "Noncompete Agreements Prohibited"

Awaiting Action

SF 125

Defining Healthcare and protecting the people's welfare

Awaiting Action

SF 130

Emergency Assistance immunity - mental health


Veto Information

While the Legislature is in session, to override a veto, both the House and Senate must hold a vote and more than 2/3 of the members in both chambers have to support the override.

With a line-item veto the Governor can strike words or spending.

Now that the session is over, the Governor may continue to veto bills, but the Legislature will not be able to try to override those unless they extend the legislative session.

While lawmakers are formally in session the Governor has three days to act on a bill. When they end the session, the deadline is extended to 15 days.

Healthcare-Related Vetoes:

HB0064 Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement - Veto overridden by House and Senate. To read the Governor's veto letter, CLICK HERE

SF0103 Terminating and defunding diversity, equity and inclusion - This was not included on the original bill tracker but drew the attention of WMS after it was amended to appropriate $500,000 from the state general fund to the University of Wyoming to provide medical education and training, as well as the associated administrative costs, for the first cohort of five (5) students to attend the University of Utah School of Medicine. To read the Governor's veto letter, CLICK HERE

Full List of Actions Taken by Governor Gordon:

Doc/PA of the Day

Thank you Doc/PA of the Day Volunteers:

  • Brendan Fitzsimmons, MD (2/24/25)
  • Tracey Haas, DO (2/26/25)

Thank you to everyone who traveled to Cheyenne to volunteer this year!

The Doc of the Day program was highly utilized this year when volunteers were available. The legislature and their volunteers had a tremendous appreciation for the physicians and PAs who were able to help. WMS would like to be able to fill all volunteer slots for the next legislative session.

Please consider marking your schedule to participate next year. The 2026 Session will begin on February 9, 2026, and lasts 20 days.


Pertussis in Wyoming

Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) officials are concerned with the continued active, current spread of pertussis (whooping cough) across the state.

Clay Van Houten, infectious disease epidemiology unit manager with WDH, said there have been 30 confirmed pertussis cases in Wyoming so far this year. “While roughly two-thirds of the reported cases have been among Sheridan County residents, pertussis has also been identified in eight other counties to date,” Van Houten said.


Van Houten noted there were 19 reported Wyoming cases in 2024, 0 in 2023 and 2 in 2022. “The sharp increase in reports we started seeing in late 2024, which has continued through this year’s early months, is significant and is concerning,” Van Houten said. Actual case numbers are likely higher because many illnesses are not recognized as pertussis and others may not be reported.

View Full Press Release
WDH Info on Pertussis

WDH - Immunization Unit


SkillsUSA Seeks Volunteers


SkillsUSA Wyoming in Search of Volunteer Judges for our Health Occupation Contests!

SkillsUSA is the #1 workforce development student organization in the nation. As a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) in Wyoming, our culminating event is our State Leadership and Skills Conference. The conference highlights the best of our Wyoming Career and Technical Education Students offering gold medalists advancement to the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference to represent Wyoming on the national stage. There are 120 competitions offered at the national level, we offer over 60 of these in Wyoming, of which, 7 are health occupation competitions. 

We are asking for your help in judging the following: 

●First Aid – CPR

●Basic Health Care Skills

●Nurse Assisting

Casper College, Casper, Wyoming 

Tuesday, April 15th - 8am to 5pm

Lunch Provided

We know your time is valuable. As we attempt to give our competitors the best experience possible, it is imperative that they are evaluated by professionals within their field of study. This is where your talent and experience would be very appreciated!  

To volunteer please contact:

Janie Wilcox, SkillsUSA WY State Director

307-630-7684 -

Thank You Friends of WMS



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