Wayland Middle School 
Monday Morning Minute
December 3, 2018
A reminder that in September, the Middle School phone number changed.
The NEW number is 508-358-3801 .

If you have not updated the number in your cell phone or other directories please take a minute to do so!

12/6 - Grades 7, 8 and 9-12 Band Concert (at WHS)
12/13 - Grades 7, 8 and 9-12 Chorus Concert (at WHS)
12/17 - Grades 7, 8 and 9-12 Orchestra Concert (at WHS)
12/20 - 6th Grade Band, Orchestra, & Chorus Concert (at WMS)

All Grades:
12/12 - Chinese Food Festival, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
12/14 - Q2 Progress Reports
12/24 to 1/1 - Holiday Recess
1/2 - Classes Resume

7th Grade:
1/24 - Cape Cod Trip Parent Information Night (7:00pm)
Current News & Announcements
WMS Calendar Drive - LAST CHANCE!

The Calendar Drive ends THIS FRIDAY, December 7! The Gift Calendar Drive is our annual effort to raise funds for our school field trips. With the money raised we are able to ensure that all students are able to attend all school trips. When someone buys a gift calendar, they are entered into 31 gift card drawings, one each day during the month of January. The suggested donation in exchange for a calendar is $10, but participants may donate any amount they wish.

Thank you for all your efforts in support of this fundraiser!
Chinese Food Festival
All are Welcome! WMS Cafeteria
Wednesday, December 13, 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Our 7th and 8th grade Chinese Language students are happy to present our fifth annual Chinese Food Festival. It is an afternoon filled with authentic food and student performances. We hope you can join us!
Save the Ocean - Rachel Carson Interdisciplinary Project

Hello Wayland Middle School families,

Our names are Nora, Alex, and Dima. We are 7th grade Rachel students. In our Science and Math classes we have been are learning about plastic use. We are trying to raise awareness to the fact that we are using to much plastic. Plastic enters our food chain and makes its way into our seafood. Consuming plastic has many health consequences. We need to work together to reduce single-use plastic utensils, wraps, and bottles. Think about when you can make a switch to an alternative. Many people are already helping this cause. Will you join them?
WMS Boys & Girls Basketball Tryouts - This Week
7th & 8th grade only. In order to participate in tryouts students MUST :
  • be registered through FamilyID.com
  • have a current Physical Exam record on file with the school nurse

Girls Tryouts:
Mon. 12/3 (2:30-4:45)
Tues. 12/4 (2:30-4:45)
Weds. 12/5 (1:30-3:00)

Boys Tryouts:
Weds. 12/5 (3:00-4:30 * )
Thurs. 12/6 (2:30-4:45)
Fri. 12/7 (2:30-4:45)
( * Athletes will have supervised study hall after school until their evaluations begin )
PTO News
Contact: WaylandMiddleSchoolPTO@gmail.com
Gift Your Child Results
We are so thrilled that we collected over $26,000 in donations from Gift Your Child this year.  This is an increase of 48% in participation and 30% in dollars over last year!  Woot, woot! We were only 12 donations shy of our target of 300 donations. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all! We will be kicking off our grant process to the staff next week and they are sure to be delighted! 

Any last minute donations are welcome and please don’t forget about your employer matching programs. 

Other Parent Checklist Items
  1. Register in our opt-in, online family directory, My School Anywhere. Access contact information for everyone within the Wayland Public School system online or through an app. You must register to be included
  2. Like our Facebook Page. We will include weekly updates here, but additional details, photos and videos are shared on Facebook. Stay in the loop! 
  3. Check out other ways to support our school. Register for Stop & Shop Rewards, Amazon Smile, collect Box Tops, use our Green Team textiles recycling. Help our school by doing what you do every day!
It's Time for our Annual Holiday Gift Drive
PLEASE GIVE: Have you had a chance to pick out a holiday gift for a teen or tween who won't be with family for the holidays? It's easy—your gift will ship directly from this Amazon.com wishlist  to Wayside's residence, where youths who have experienced abuse, neglect, and trauma are receiving housing, education, and invaluable support.

Help make the holidays just a little bit brighter, one gift at a time. Thank you!
*All gifts are tax deductible.*
Middle & More Coffee: Parent Seminars
7th & 8th Grade Parent Check-In with Cluster Leaders
Dec. 11, 8:45 - 9:45 am
Location TBD
We will be joined by the Cluster Leaders and Ms. Gavron. Topics can include curriculum overview for the 7/8th grade year, school-sponsored trips, social and emotional learning and academic expectations. This is primarily a time for parent Q & A.
Artist of the Week
 Artist: Jun Waye
Grade: 8
Medium: Watercolor
Important Information from Earlier eBlasts...
Looking For a Way to Acknowledge a Special Teacher or Staff Member?
HATS Off is the Answer!
Deadline: Friday, December 14th

Making a donation to the Wayland Public Schools Foundation is a perfect way to say “Thank You!” to a special teacher or staff member this holiday season! For over 30 years, the Wayland Public Schools Foundation (WPSF) has supported teachers by funding classroom innovations and creative units of study that are not covered by the school budget. Every donation to the HATS Off campaign helps to ensure the continued availability of these valuable resources for our teachers and staff. It is a great way to show your appreciation this time of year! When you make a donation to HATS Off, each teacher or staff member you designate will receive a personalized HATS Off certificate that will include your very own message of thanks. The donation amount, however, will not be disclosed. Visit the WPSF website  here  to donate and personalize your HATS Off certificate today! The deadline is Friday, December 14th. Donations are tax deductible and may qualify for matching gifts at participating companies.
MCAS dates for WMS are now available. Please mark your calendars! If at all possible, we ask you to avoid scheduling appointments for your child on his or her testing dates. Many thanks! 

6th Grade
ELA: April 1 & 2
Math: May 6 & 7

7th Grade
ELA: April 8 & 9
Math: May 9 & 10

8th Grade
ELA: April 25 & 26
Math: April 29 & 30
STE: May 2 & 3
Private School Application Process
While we hope you are enjoying your experiences with Wayland Public Schools, we also know that some families will choose to apply to private schools as an alternative educational option. Please be sure to carefully follow the process outlined HERE to ensure a timely, quality processing of your child’s application to private school.
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