April 12, 2023


April 15

Campus Clean-up Day

Learn more below and sign up through Bloomz.

April 19

Virtual Admissions Open House

10 a.m., Zoom

Tell a friend!

May 5

Lead Teacher Professional Day

No school. Pre-registered child-care available. No Toddler spaces are available. Contact to request to be added to the Toddler waiting list.

Full Calendar

Over the past few days things have gotten greener, trees are blossoming, flowers are up, and the temperature is warming. It’s time for the ritual of spring cleaning, perhaps at home, but also at WMS!

This Saturday, April 15, is our campus clean-up day. Many families have signed up to help spruce up the outdoors, including preparing garden areas for students of all ages, weeding, mulching, painting the map on the Primary Playground, and much more.

This is a great time to come together on behalf of the school, preparing the outdoors as students spend even more time exploring areas beyond their indoor classrooms. It’s also a great time to be with other families in the WMS community and to earn a few co-op hours. However you are able to contribute, we look forward to seeing you on campus this Saturday!

Head of School


Campus Clean-up Day - Saturday, April 15

Looking for Co-op hours, or just enjoy working outside? Join us for our campus clean-up day on Saturday, April 15 (rain date: April 22). Children are welcome to attend if they are able to help with your project or you are able to watch them.

 Potential projects include:

  • Mulching the front flower beds
  • Building raised garden beds
  • Repainting the USA map on the Primary Playground
  • Removing old furniture
  • Clean up existing raised garden beds
  • Leaf clean-up
  • Mounting birdhouses
  • Repairing the music area and easel on Primary playground

Please contact Cristin Lettich if you are interested in attending. Additional details will be posted on Bloomz later in the week.

A Message from the Sixth- through Eighth-Graders - Coffee Shop Reopening Next Week

Dear WMS Families,

Do you feel tired and stressed on Wednesday mornings? Does the weekend feel too far away? Well, don’t you worry, because WMS's current and rising middle-schoolers are here to help alleviate your troubles with a delicious cup of coffee! Don’t like coffee? Look no further as we also have tea, hot chocolate, lemonade, and home-made baked goods! Converse with fellow WMS parents about how tiring Wednesdays can be at our patio near the front door. Please stop by - it will make your Wednesday better!

What: WMS Coffee Shop 

When: Wednesday, April 19, 8:40-9:30 a.m. 

Where: Patio at the front of the school


The WMS Current & Rising Middle School Students

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The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.


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