August 31, 2022

152 trips around the sun; still influencing children around the world!


September 2 & 5

No School or Child Care

Closed for Labor Day Weekend

September 8 

Toddler Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

6-6:45 p.m. in your child's classroom

Primary Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

7-7:45 p.m. in your child's classroom

September 13 

Lower Elementary (6-9) & Middle School Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

6-6:45 p.m. in your child's classroom

Upper Elementary (9-12) Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

7-7:45 p.m. in your child's classroom

Full Calendar

Happy Birthday, Dr. Montessori!

The first Montessori school in the United States opened its doors in 1911. Today, on what would be Maria Montessori’s 152nd birthday, Montessori education is alive and well at Wilmington Montessori School!

Dr. Montessori worked with young children. Her observations informed the philosophy as well as the design and use of materials that are present in every WMS classroom. The power of those foundational observations has been further supported and proven through studies in cognitive neuroscience. WMS’s partnership with the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning aligns with our Montessori roots, guiding us as we learn more about current research and educational practices that benefit all learners.   

As we begin the 2022-23 school year at WMS, we look forward to sharing the well designed and researched Montessori philosophy, materials and lessons with your children. As a school based on Montessori principles and the most up-to-date research in brain development, our teachers are working to incorporate the latest research with the foundational Montessori principles to provide the best educational opportunities for your children.

Thank you, Dr. Montessori, for sharing your wisdom with educators throughout the world! 

Head of School


2022-23 School Year Drop-off & Pick-up Reminders

Thank you for helping our drop-off and pick-up procedures run smoothly as we adjust to the new school year! Here are a few reminders:


Each family has been issued two keycards that will allow them to enter the building through the front door after drop-off time. If you haven't already done so, you can pick up your cards at the front desk. If you would like to order additional keycards for a family member or caregiver, please submit this form. You can order two additional cards for $5 each. Your $5 fee will be put on your FACTS account. 


Drop-off Locations & Times


Extended Day before-care for Toddlers - Toddler Playground - 7-8:45 a.m.

Extended Day before-care for Primary - Great Room Door - 7-8:35 a.m.

Elementary and Middle School - Great Room Door - 7-8:20 a.m.

School day:

Toddler - Toddler Playground - 8:45-9 a.m.

Primary (ages 3-6) - Front Door (Main Entrance) - 8:35-8:45 a.m.

Elementary (grades 1-6) - Side Door - 8:20-8:30 a.m.

Middle School (grades 7 & 8) - Side Door - 8:20-8:30 a.m.

Please remain in your vehicle until a staff member approaches you to greet your child! This helps drop-off go smoothly and eases the separation process for children.

New this year: If you arrive after the car line has closed, you will be asked to park your vehicle, enter through the front door and walk your child to their classroom. Students who arrive after their designated drop-off time will be marked tardy for the school day.


For half-day, full-day and Extended Day (until 5:30) pick-up, families will park their vehicles, enter through the front door, and pick their children up at their classroom doors.

Note: If you are arriving after 5:30 p.m., your keycard will no longer work. Please call 302-475-0555 and your child will be brought to the nearest door (Toddler Entrance or Great Room) to be picked up.

Dismissal Times

Toddler & Primary Half-Day Dismissal - Noon

Toddler & Primary Half-Day with Lunch Bunch Dismissal - 12:40 p.m.

Elementary Dismissal - 3 p.m.

Full-Day Toddler, Full-Day Primary & Middle School Dismissal - 3:15 p.m.

Extended Day After-Care - Until 6 p.m.  

#WMSbacktoschool 2022 Photo Challenge

Our annual back-to-school photo challenge is underway and there's still time to submit your images! Post your favorite back-to-school shopping, family picnic, summer homework, campus visit or first-day-of-school photos on Instagram using #wmsbacktoschool by the end of the day on Thursday, and you'll be entered to win some WMS swag.

Don't forget to tag @wilmingtonmontessori. If your account is not public, please email your photos to to be included in the contest!

Thank you for the many amazing submissions you've shared so far!

Back-to-School/Curriculum Nights - Mark your calendars!

Mark your calendars for our Back-to-School/Curriculum Nights, where you'll have an opportunity to hear more from your children's teachers about their plans for the upcoming school year and learn more about our three-year cycles, known as the Montessori Planes of Development.

September 8 

Toddler Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

6-6:45 p.m

Primary Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

7-7:45 p.m.

September 13 

Lower Elementary (6-9) & Middle School Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

6-6:45 p.m.

Upper Elementary (9-12) Back-to-School/Curriculum Night

7-7:45 p.m.

After-School Soccer - Grades 1-8

Registration is now open for our after-school soccer teams, coached by Brandy Solomon!

Grades 1-3: Instructional Soccer

Tuesdays (9/13-10/25), 3:45-5 p.m.

Register Here

Grades 4-8: Soccer Team

Thursdays (9/15-10/27), 3:45-5 p.m.

(includes a few games against local schools, which will be scheduled for Mondays or Wednesdays, TBA)

Register Here



The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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