August 9, 2023



Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons visit the pool on Tuesdays & Thursdays, weather-permitting.

August 16

Camp Field Trip: Guppy Gulch

Meerkats & Dragons

August 17

Virtual STEAM Night for Early Childhood Families

6:30-7 p.m.

Details below.

Register Today

August 18

Last Day of Camp Montessori 2023

Thank you for sharing your summer with us!

August 21-28

Professional Days/School Set-up

No camp, school or child care.

August 25

Classroom Visits/Supply Drop-Off

10:30-11 a.m.

August 28

Welcome Back Family Picnic

5-6:30 p.m. on the WMS Campus (Weather-permitting - watch Bloomz for updates in case of inclement weather)

Bring a picnic dinner or purchase food from the Tones Spot and Sweet Josephine's food trucks!

Full Calendar


Virtual Summertime STEAM* Night: We all scream for ice cream!

Thursday, August 17, 6:30-7 p.m. on Zoom

For all new and returning Toddler & Primary students

WMS Toddler & Primary students are invited to join WMS teachers Trish Harkins and Paula Sharpe for an engaging online STEAM event.

  • Listen to Trish read Ice Cream Face and selected ice cream poems. 
  • Learn interesting ice cream facts and play ice cream games. 
  • Watch Paula prepare homemade ice cream from an easy recipe that you can make at home!  

Please bring paper, markers or crayons, tape and scissors to make your own paper ice cream creations. 

Cool off with games, ideas and recipes for your final days of summer!

Register Here (The Zoom link will be sent to registered families prior to the event.)

*STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.


All new families should have received invitations to sign up for Bloomz(Returning school-year and camp families will be able to continue using their current Bloomz accounts.) Bloomz is our primary method of communication with families during the school year. Teachers will use it to share classroom posts (including photos and video), Co-op opportunities and reminders, and school-wide announcements and events will also be shared.

Please make sure you have notifications turned on so you do not miss important information! If you have not received an invitation or need assistance, please contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

Back to School Placement Letters

Placement letters were sent via email (through the FACTS Family Portal) yesterday. If your child did not receive a placement letter, please email to confirm that your child is enrolled and your contact information is listed correctly within our system.

Please watch your email and Bloomz for additional back-to-school information coming from your child's teacher.


Introducing the Family Cooperative ("Co-op") Program

Sixty years ago, a group of parents came together to found WMS, seeking an exceptional Montessori education for their children. Together, they founded WMS, a school where the entire family collaborates with teachers and staff to support the academic and emotional growth of each child in the community. Today, family involvement remains an integral part of the WMS experience. Through the Family Cooperative ("Co-op") Program, each family is asked to commit 25 hours* of service to the school over the course of the school year.

These service hours can be earned in a variety of ways. Examples include:

  • Classroom support - Your child’s teachers and classroom ambassador will provide a list of classroom jobs via Bloomz throughout the school year. Families are also welcome to suggest ideas to the teacher, including sharing presentations about their family traditions, culture or career with the class.
  • Event support - Planning committees, set-up, providing food, publicity, etc. (Note: Attending celebrations and parties, including Birth & Life Celebrations does not count toward Co-op credit.)
  • Maintenance support - Gardening, small repairs, carpentry, etc.
  • Program support - Assisting in the Learning Commons/library, helping with sports activities, supporting musical productions (costumes, stage crew, etc.) and more.
  • Administrative/Office support - Board participation, fundraising, copying, laminating, etc.
  • Family education - Attending virtual Q&A sessions, back-to-school nights, virtual STEAM Nights, the Journey, information mornings, etc. (Note: Parent conferences and teacher meetings do NOT count as co-op hours.)

New this year: We will now be tracking Co-op hours through the FACTS Family Portal, which will allow you to see your progress throughout the school year. Please watch Bloomz for information about this new method of Co-op tracking prior to the start of the school year.

Learn More about Co-op


Adventure Aquarium Field Trip - Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons

Room 12 Art Show

Open in the Learning Commons now through the end of camp

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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