December 14, 2022


December 15

6-9 Winter Concert: Paint the Town December

WMS Gym, 9:30 a.m.

Deadline to order from Middle School Winter Marketplace

Click here to order (Items must be picked up from WMS by Friday, 12/19)

December 22 & 23

Pre-Winter Break Child-Care Days

Limited spaces available. Pre-register online by tomorrow (December 15).

December 26-January 2

Winter Break

No school or child care.

January 3

Lead Teacher Professional Day

No school or child care.

Camp Montessori 2023 Registration Opens

Camp Website

January 4

Back to school!

January 6

Deadline to Apply for First-round Financial Aid Awards

Apply online. All materials including 2021 tax returns must be submitted by this deadline.

January 9

2023-24 Sibling Application Deadline

Apply Now

Full Calendar

Farewell, 2022

Tomorrow evening, our staff will gather to spend time together before we leave for winter break. It is a time that perhaps we took for granted prior to March 2020. This year, it’s safe to say that we are eager to be together outside of our work responsibilities, enjoying a few games, good food and friendship. We’ve waited a long time. We know that you have also looked forward to bringing back traditions and celebrations that may have been delayed over the past few years. As we anticipate winter break, we hope that your family has some time to be together in ways that are meaningful for you and that you are able to enjoy time away from the routines of school and work. We look forward to seeing you all in January, ready to continue learning and growing together in the year ahead.  

Head of School


Sibling Application Deadline - January 9, 2023

Dear Families,

I hope you are having a wonderful December. As the calendar prepares to move to January 2023, enrollment season for the 2023-24 school year is in full swing. After winter break, you will receive information about re-enrollment for your children who are currently enrolled at WMS; however, we wanted to contact you today to make you aware of our upcoming sibling application deadline.

Each year, we look forward to welcoming the younger siblings of our current students into the WMS community. We are able to prioritize enrollment for new WMS siblings only for those applications received by January 9, 2023. This year, both our Toddler and Primary classrooms are filled to capacity, and we expect to only be able to accept a limited number of new students to these programs for fall 2023. You can find our online application here.

After applying and completing the family admissions process, families are invited to complete our enrollment form to secure their space for the upcoming school year. We are currently in the process of moving to the FACTS Student Information System and expect our new enrollment form will be available in early January. By completing your application and family admissions process, you will be first in line to receive your enrollment paperwork when it becomes available. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the application process!

Laura Z. Orsic

Director of Enrollment Management

Important 2023-24 Admissions Dates:

First-Round Financial Aid Application Deadline - January 6

Sibling Application Deadline - January 9 

Family Interviews Scheduled - Present - February 15

2023-24 Re-enrollment Deadline - February 15

Basketball is back - Sign up today!

For the first time since 2020, after-school basketball is returning to WMS in January!

Instructional basketball will be available for students in grades 1-3 and students in grades 4-8 may sign up for the basketball team.

More information is available at!

Last Chance to Order from the Middle School Winter Market

The WMS Middle School's Winter Market is closing tomorrow!

Don't miss your chance to order exclusive designs and customize your own ornaments while helping the middle-schoolers raise funds for their trip to the Montessori Model UN conference in New York City.

The order form is available here, and payments will be collected through FACTS. Thank you for supporting this wonderful educational experience for our students!

Questions? Contact a middle-schooler, or reach out to Alyssa Eastburn (Director of Technology) or Paula Sharpe (STEAM Education Coordinator).

Join Our Community of Giving: Donate Today
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The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

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