February 8, 2023


February 9

Primary Concert

9:30 a.m., WMS Gym

February 10

Wear your Eagles green!

February 13-16

Family Appreciation Week

February 15

2023-24 Re-enrollment Deadline

Complete your re-enrollment forms by this date to secure your child's spot for the 2023-24 school year. After this deadline, spaces will be offered to new families on our waiting list.

Mid-Winter Break - Please note the changes below, which reflect the information in the letter that was sent to all families earlier today:

February 17

Mid-Winter Break

No school* or child-care.

February 20 & 21*

No school. Pre-registered child care available. (Sign up by Monday, February 13)

* Families who were originally registered for child-care on February 17 will be automatically moved to child care on Tuesday, February 21. If you would like to cancel your registration, please contact

Full Calendar

This week I was greeted by a student wishing me a "Happy Black History Month." A co-worker also shared an email from Rodney Glasgow, an educator, trainer and activist in the areas of diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice. In his greeting, he reminded readers that Black History Month is a time to be reminded of the importance of love, joy and liberation. The stories that are often shared during this month include those of overcoming obstacles.

As I was reminded this week, we must also focus on celebrating the accomplishments of those who came before us, sharing stories of love, joy and liberation. Please join the WMS community as we recognize the accomplishments of all Black Americans from all periods of our nation’s history and celebrate their stories this month and throughout the year.

Head of School


Re-enrollment - Due Next Wednesday

Our 2023-24 re-enrollment deadline is just one week away! After this deadline passes, we will be opening spaces to new families on our growing waiting list, so please remember to submit your materials on time. Last year, several of our programs reached capacity and we anticipate that this may happen even earlier in this year's admissions cycle - don't risk losing your child's spot! 

To re-enroll, you will visit WMS's FACTS Family Portal at

Please use this link, rather than any previous URL you may have saved from last year. The "District Code" should be automatically included at this link, but if you need to enter it at any point, it is "WM-DE."

You will enter the username and password you used to enroll last year. (Again, this may be different from the username/password you use to log into FACTS Tuition Management.) Please contact if you need assistance finding your username. 

As you fill out your enrollment materials, please note that the health questions and documents are required to complete your enrollment. If you do not have a current physical/health appraisal to upload, please upload your most recent one. If you already submitted your re-enrollment materials and did NOT include your child's health appraisal, you will not be able to re-open your enrollment packet to add it. Instead, please email it to to complete your enrollment!

Note: If you will not be returning to WMS, please let us know so we can plan accordingly. Email or log into FACTS and click "Will Not Enroll." 

We thank you for your patience as we all learn to navigate this new student information system together! We anticipate a higher need for assistance next week, so we recommend making sure you are able to access the portal as soon as possible to prevent last-minute delays on submitting your enrollment materials. As always, we are here to help:

We're looking forward to another wonderful school year with your family! 

Camp Montessori - Programs filling up!

While we are a month and a half away from our early registration deadline for Camp Montessori 2023, several of our programs/weeks are already nearing capacity! To reserve your child's spot, please visit the Camp Montessori website or contact for assistance. Families that sign up for five or more weeks (per family) by March 31 will receive a 10% early registration discount. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

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The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.


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