2023-24 Re-enrollment -
Coming Soon!
Re-enrollment time is almost here! If you haven't heard, WMS is currently in the process of transitioning to the FACTS student information system (SIS). This is new student records system will allow your child's important school records to be stored and updated more easily. In addition, the FACTS SIS will be utilized to maintain student health records and will replace the Magnus Health system WMS has used for many years - giving you one less login to remember!
Because of this transition, we are experiencing a short delay in releasing our re-enrollment contract. When re-enrollment opens (within the next week), you will receive an email notification, along with instructions to access your child's re-enrollment materials through the FACTS SIS. Re-enrollment contracts will be due on February 15 in order to secure your child's space for the 2023-24 school year.
Questions regarding re-enrollment can be sent to admissions@wmsde.org. We thank you for your patience as we prepare to launch this new system!
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Register for Camp Montessori!
Registration for Camp Montessori 2023 is now open! As many of you will recall from last year, many of our sessions filled to capacity, so we highly recommend signing up as soon as possible! Register for at least five weeks (as a family) by March 31, 2023 to receive a 10% early registration discount.
This summer, field trips will return for campers in kindergarten and older, and we're excited to share that the Dragons camp program is back, for students entering fifth through eighth grade! Our younger campers will continue to enjoy on-site field trips.
Note for Toddler families:
As we've shared, the Toddler program at Camp Montessori is open to current WMS students only. We are currently at or near capacity for all weeks. Please email camp@wmsde.org for assistance registering your child or to be added to our waiting list.
Register Today
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Co-op Reminders
We are nearly halfway through the school year, and at this time, families should have completed and submitted a minimum of 12.5 hours Co-op hours in order to stay on target for this years 25-hour requirement. If you have completed hours and haven't a chance to submit them, please do so by this Friday, January 13. In the next few weeks, you will receive an update from the school with information regarding the number of Co-op hours you have submitted for the current school year.
If you are not sure whether or not your hours will count, please take a list of eligible Co-op submissions below:
- Classroom support (sharing a presentation with the class, guest readers or other jobs requested by your child's teacher or Classroom Ambassador)
- Family education (virtual information mornings, family Q&As, Lunch & Learns, STEAM nights, The Journey, etc.)
- School-wide event support (planning committees, set-up, providing food, publicity, etc.)
- Maintenance support (gardening, small repairs, carpentry, etc.)
- Program support (Learning Commons work, assisting with sets or costumes for musical performances, etc.)
- Administrative/office support (Board participation, fundraising assistance, grant-writing, graphic design, technology assistance, etc.)
Please note that the following types of school support are NOT eligible for Co-op credit:
- Attending classroom parties or birth and life celebrations
- Donating furniture and technology: As much as we appreciate your consideration, donated items such as furniture and computers cannot be included as Co-op time. We would suggest that you complete a tax-deductible donation form (available at the Front Desk) for these items. Like you, we have limited storage, so please check before bringing items into school.
- Attending parent conferences or other individual parent meetings
- Purchases that are reimbursed by the school (For example, a classroom's Snack Parent will receive credit for the time spent shopping for snacks, but if the school reimburses the cost of the snacks, you will not receive Co-op credit for the dollars spent.)
- Donations for teacher gifts
Please keep in mind that when purchasing items (that are not reimbursed by the school) for classroom, event or program support, the general guideline is that one Co-op hour equals $30 spent. In order to receive Co-op credit for requested purchases, a receipt must be attached to the Co-op report form. Classroom teachers may approve purchases up to $100. Purchases of $100 or more must be pre-approved by the Business Office.
Where can I find available Co-op Jobs?
Bloomz: The majority of WMS Co-op opportunities (both classroom and school-wide) are posted on our Bloomz site.
Wednesday Weekly: Opportunities for school-wide Co-op participation are sometimes communicated to families through the Wednesday Weekly newsletter.
Have an idea of how you can contribute to the WMS community through Co-op? Contact your child's teacher or email co-op@wmsde.org with your suggestions.
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The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.
Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.
For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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