July 12, 2023



Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons visit the pool on Tuesdays & Thursdays, weather-permitting.

July 14

Camp Visitor: University of Delaware "Learn, Grow, Eat & Go" Program


July 19

Field Trip: Philadelphia Zoo

Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons

July 21

Camp Visitor: University of Delaware "Learn, Grow, Eat & Go" Program


July 26

Camp Visitor: Jungle John

All ages

Full Calendar


Important Camp Safety Reminders

Entrance and Exits - All families should enter and exit through the front door only in order to keep our building secure. Please do not exit via the side door (near the elementary camp hallway), Great Room door, gym or any other exits. Thanks!

Fire Lanes and Parking - For the safety of our community, please note that the space in front of the main entrance is a fire lane. Please do not leave your vehicle there when dropping off or picking up your child. Instead, please find a parking space. In addition, no vehicles are permitted to enter the blockaded area next to the soccer field and toddler playground.

Thank you for keeping our community safe and secure!


Supply Lists & Summer Homework

Did you know that families can access supply lists and summer homework via the WMS website in order to get a head start on shopping and preparations for the fall?

Visit to find out how to begin to prepare for your child's new school year!

Please note: We are still finalizing our Toddler supply list and will share it with all new and returning Toddler families via email through the FACTS Family Portal as soon as it is available, along with posting it on the website. We apologize for the delay!


Field Trips & Visitors

Last week, the Kangaroos and Tigers traveled to the Delaware Children's Museum, immersing themselves in interactive learning and adventures!

During Week 3, the Juggling Hoffmans amazed and entertained campers of all ages with their incredible juggling skills!

For a second summer, the Tigers are participating in the Master Gardener Curriculum "Learn, Grow, Eat, & Go," thanks to the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension. The program uses gardening and cooking activities to teach campers about healthy eating and lifestyles.

Through music and storytelling, Clem Bowen took our younger campers on an imaginary journey to the beach this morning. The Turtles, Pandas and Kangaroos were all captivated by this Camp Montessori favorite!

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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