July 26, 2023



Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons visit the pool on Tuesdays & Thursdays, weather-permitting.

July 28

Camp Visitor: University of Delaware "Learn, Grow, Eat & Go" Program


August 2

Camp Field Trip: Adventure Aquarium (Camden)

Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons

August 16

Camp Field Trip: Guppy Gulch

Meerkats & Dragons

Full Calendar

Summer is often seen as a time of renewal and reinvigoration. It appears that the world slows down just a little and that we are able to take that as a sign to do the same. It’s a welcome respite. 

Although a WMS summer does have a different rhythm to it, summers at WMS are filled with activity. Camp Montessori is in full swing with field trips, visitors, pool days, and lots of new and exciting activities planned for each day. The facilities crew is hard at work making sure our building and grounds are maintained and catching up on projects that are more easily accomplished during the summer. Our staff is working together to build on and refine our practices around DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging). And our teachers are spending at least part of their summer to prepare for the school year. This summer, there are teachers attending Montessori training, some beginning their journey and others completing the classes needed to gain their Montessori teaching credential. Other teachers are attending classes to further their understanding of cognitive neuroscience and how they can incorporate practices in their classrooms that will support learning for all children. Yet others are working on refining WMS progress reports, leading tours for prospective families, and helping to facilitate some necessary upgrades to the Primary Playground. We are busy!

As WMS staff members prepare for the coming school year, they are also taking a breather and enjoying the change of pace. We hope that you are enjoying your summer and the shifts in routine it offers. We’ll see you soon!

Lisa - Signature

Lisa A. Lalama

Head of School


Virtual Summertime STEAM* Night: We all scream for ice cream!

Thursday, August 17, 6:30-7 p.m. on Zoom

New and returning WMS Toddler & Primary students are invited to join WMS teachers Trish Harkins and Paula Sharpe for an engaging online STEAM event.

  • Listen to Trish read Ice Cream Face and selected ice cream poems. 
  • Learn interesting ice cream facts and play ice cream games. 
  • Watch Paula prepare homemade ice cream from an easy recipe that you can make at home!  

Please bring paper, markers or crayons, tape and scissors to make your own paper ice cream creations. 

Cool off with games, ideas and recipes for your final days of summer!

Register Here (The Zoom link will be sent to registered families prior to the event.)

*STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.


Nap Mats for Early Childhood Students

Did you know that all Early Childhood students enrolled in full-day programs are required to rest/nap for at least 30 minutes daily, per the Delaware Office of Child Care Licensing?

Nap mats in non-porous bags, labeled with the child’s name, are needed by all Pre-Primary (Toddler) and first/second-year Primary students (not Kindergartners). Nap mats and bags can be purchased through WMS by clicking here and completing the form. Rest mats and bags purchased together are $40 and additional bags are $5.


 All new families should have received invitations to sign up for Bloomz(Returning school-year and camp families will be able to continue using their current Bloomz accounts.) Bloomz is our primary method of communication with families during the school year. Teachers will use it to share classroom posts (including photos and video), Co-op opportunities and reminders, and school-wide announcements and events will also be shared. Please make sure you have notifications turned on! If you have not received an invitation or you need assistance, please contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.


Philadelphia Zoo Field Trip - Kangaroos, Tigers, Meerkats & Dragons

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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