Virtual Summertime STEAM* Night: We all scream for ice cream!
Thursday, August 17, 6:30-7 p.m. on Zoom
New and returning WMS Toddler & Primary students are invited to join WMS teachers Trish Harkins and Paula Sharpe for an engaging online STEAM event.
Listen to Trish read Ice Cream Face and selected ice cream poems.
- Learn interesting ice cream facts and play ice cream games.
- Watch Paula prepare homemade ice cream from an easy recipe that you can make at home!
Please bring paper, markers or crayons, tape and scissors to make your own paper ice cream creations.
Cool off with games, ideas and recipes for your final days of summer!
Register Here (The Zoom link will be sent to registered families prior to the event.)
*STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.