March 15, 2023
Camp Montessori - Early Registration Closes 3/31

We are just over two weeks away from our March 31 early registration deadline for Camp Montessori 2023, and several of our programs/weeks are already nearing capacity!

To reserve your child's spot, please visit the Camp Montessori website or contact for assistance. Families that sign up for five or more weeks (per family) by March 31 will receive a 10% early registration discount.

We look forward to seeing you this summer!
Campus Clean-up Day - Saturday, April 15

Looking for Co-op hours, or just enjoy working outside? Join us for our campus clean-up day on Saturday, April 15 (rain date: April 22). Children are welcome to attend if they are able to help with your project or you are able to watch them.

 Potential projects include:

  • Mulching the front flower beds
  • Building raised garden beds
  • Repainting the USA map on the Primary Playground
  • Removing old furniture
  • Clean up existing raised garden beds
  • Leaf clean-up
  • Mounting birdhouses
  • Repairing the music area and easel on Primary playground

Please sign up on Bloomz if you’re interested. More information, including a complete list of projects, will follow as the event gets closer.

Questions about this or other Co-op opportunities? Email!
Classroom Highlights - As seen on Bloomz
Lower Elementary (6-9) Program
Room 13 Explores Geometry and Storytelling through Quilting
Quilts have served as more than just a source of warmth for many generations; they have also acted as a platform for storytelling, communication and self-expression. Last month, the students in Room 13 began to delve into the rich connections between geometry, art and the stories told through quilt patterns.

The students began by exploring geometry, working together to create patterns using specific shapes and colors. Together, the class created some beautiful designs, which led them to learn about the quilters of Gee's Bend, a predominantly Black community in Alabama known for their unique and beautiful quilting styles. The class read stories about how quilt patterns might have conveyed secret messages to people traveling on the Underground Railroad, helping them find their way to freedom or containing symbols that helped identify safe places to sleep or find clothing on their journey north.

As a finale to the unit, the students are currently working on their own quilt designs. Be sure to check out the bulletin board outside of Room 13 to see some of their incredible creations!
Upper Elementary (9-12) & Middle School Programs
Building Community Through Shared Meals: A New 9-12 and Middle School Tradition

Last week marked the beginning of an exciting new tradition as the 9-12 and Middle School communities joined together for their first Community Lunch. These lunches provide an invaluable opportunity for students to collaborate on meal preparation and hospitality, allowing them to develop practical life skills while exploring the themes of community and culture. Their inaugural feast included salad with homemade dressing, warm focaccia bread, pasta, ice cream cake and freshly-made lemonade. After their hard work, the group gathered at one large table to enjoy the meal and each other's company. After Spring Break, the group plans to invite family members to assist with the cooking and share some of their favorite foods and traditions.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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