March 29, 2023


March 31

Camp Early Registration Deadline

Sign up for five or more weeks (per family) by this date to receive a 10% discount!

April 1

Virtual Admissions Open House

10 a.m., Zoom

Tell a friend!

April 3-6

ERB Testing

Grades 4-8

Please take extra care to be quiet in the hallways outside rooms 9 & 10 on these mornings. Thank you!

April 7

School Closed

No school or child care.

April 10

School Closed - Pre-registered child care available.

Limited spaces available. Registration closes on Monday, April 3.

April 15

Campus Clean-up Day

Learn more below and sign up through Bloomz.

Full Calendar

“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” - Maya Angelou

Another school shooting. This time in Nashville, Tennessee. The list stretches from Columbine in 1999 to Nashville in 2023. These events are incomprehensible. Unspeakable. We are solemnly and collectively tuned to the trauma of those in the Covenant School community and beyond. 

As a society, we must do better. As a school rooted in Montessori principles, we take strength from those who came before us, working for peace and justice throughout the world. We must have the courage to face this history and effect change for the future. It is our responsibility and our obligation to our children and to each other. 

Head of School


Campus Clean-up Day - Saturday, April 15

Looking for Co-op hours, or just enjoy working outside? Join us for our campus clean-up day on Saturday, April 15 (rain date: April 22). Children are welcome to attend if they are able to help with your project or you are able to watch them.

 Potential projects include:

  • Mulching the front flower beds
  • Building raised garden beds
  • Repainting the USA map on the Primary Playground
  • Removing old furniture
  • Clean up existing raised garden beds
  • Leaf clean-up
  • Mounting birdhouses
  • Repairing the music area and easel on Primary playground

Please sign up on Bloomz if you’re interested. More information, including a complete list of projects, will follow as the event gets closer.

Questions about this or other Co-op opportunities? Email!

Camp Montessori - Early Registration Closes This Friday

We are only a few days away from our March 31 early registration deadline for Camp Montessori 2023! Several of our programs/weeks are at or near capacity!

To reserve your child's spot, please visit the Camp Montessori website or contact for assistance. Families that sign up for five or more weeks (per family) by March 31 will receive a 10% early registration discount.

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

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The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.


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