May 10, 2023


May 15

Annual Meeting

7 p.m. on Zoom (link available on Bloomz)

May 15-19

Spirit Week

Monday - Change up your hair day

Tuesday - Group day (groups dress the same)

Wednesday - WMS spirit wear day

Thursday - Dress up day

Friday - PJ day

May 17

Meerkat Cafe Open

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Front Patio

May 18

9-12/Middle School Musical: Jukebox Wonder

9:30 a.m. Dress Rehearsal

7 p.m. Performance


May 24

Meerkat Cafe Open

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Front Patio

May 29

Memorial Day - No School or Child Care

Full Calendar

Throughout our lives we have people who teach us many things and support our continued growth. Do you have a teacher you remember?  Teacher Appreciation Week is a time set aside to thank teachers.

WMS teachers serve children from the ages of 12 months through eighth grade. Children truly grow up during their time here. Working alongside families, our teachers take the time to get to know students, determine how to best meet them where they are, and establish a path for current and future learning. WMS teachers stand out as experts in child development and the Montessori method. They are learners, synthesizing information from many of the professional development opportunities offered at WMS. They bring their energy and enthusiasm to student learning each day. As they continue to lead by Dr. Montessori’s example, it is with gratitude, appreciation and warmth that we honor each and every one of the teachers at WMS. 

Head of School


Spirit Week 2023 - A Message from the 9-12 Students

The 9-12 class would like to invite you to celebrate spirit week at WMS during the week of May 15-19. Please join us in this fun WMS tradition and show your school spirit! 

The votes are in, and the theme days will be...

5/15 Monday - Change up your hair day

5/16 Tuesday - Group day (groups dress the same)

5/17 Wednesday - WMS spirit wear day

5/18 Thursday - Dress up day

5/19 Friday - PJ day

Professional Photoshoot - Coming to WMS on Friday, May 12

This Friday, WMS will welcome a professional photographer to our campus, who will be taking photos in our classrooms and outdoor spaces throughout the day.

These new photos will be used for a variety of purposes, including on our website, and in ads/other marketing materials. Not every child and classroom will be photographed, but we wanted to notify families so that you are aware if you see a photographer on site.

A few tips:

1. Students do not need to dress up! We are looking to capture a typical day at WMS, so please dress your child in typical (neat) school clothing in which they feel comfortable. Please avoid clothing with large brand images, slogans and logos. 

2. The photographer will only be at school for one day, and we have a busy schedule planned that may require some adjustments to our routines! Please notify teachers in advance of any schedule changes for your child (late drop-offs, early pick-ups, etc.) so we can plan accordingly. 

3. While we may ask a few students to pose for photos, the majority of the images being captured will be candid - no need to prep your child as you might for posed school portraits.

We look forward to seeing all of the photos of our students and campus captured during this beautiful time of year!

Annual Meeting - Monday, May 15

We hope you will join us for the WMS Annual Meeting on Monday, May 15, at 7 p.m. on Zoom (the link has been shared via Bloomz). The WMS Board of Directors hosts this annual meeting to provide an opportunity for parents, guardians, staff and community members to hear directly from board members. If you have any questions that you would like to see addressed at the meeting, please email them to by 4:30 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday, May 11).

All current WMS families should have received an invitation and ballot (via email and Bloomz) to vote for this year's board nominees. Please contact Noel Dietrich if you did not receive this message.

Jukebox Wonder -

2023 9-12/Middle School Musical

Jukebox Wonder began as a 9-12/Middle School project for which students created two “This Is Me” playlists - one based on interviewing family members about music and cultural identity, and another of songs with personal meaning to the students themselves. The students then studied classic musicals and the purpose of the songs in them. The middle-schoolers taught the 9-12 students a lesson on writing a musical, using techniques such as story-boarding.

Jukebox Wonder uses the story from the book Wonder, written by R.J. Palacio in 2012, which was the students’ summer reading. It is a jukebox musical (like "Mama Mia," "Rock of Ages" or "Moulin Rouge"), which uses existing popular songs around a certain theme to tell a story. The themes of the show are identity and DEI-B (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging), and the songs were chosen from the students’ “This Is Me” playlists. We hope you will join us for the show next Thursday!

Thursday, May 18, in the WMS Gym/Auditorium

9:30 a.m. - Dress Rehearsal

7 p.m. - Performance

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The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.


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