May 3, 2023
Health Form Notifications
As we transition from the Magnus Health System to the FACTS Family Portal, we are aware that some families were receive erroneous notifications from Magnus regarding forms that had already been submitted through FACTS. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We believe the issue has been resolved, but if you receive any additional notifications, please contact to confirm that you are not missing any health requirements. Thank you!
Annual Meeting - Monday, May 15
We hope you will join us for the WMS Annual Meeting on Monday, May 15, at 7 p.m. on Zoom (the link will be shared via Bloomz). The WMS Board of Directors hosts this annual meeting to provide an opportunity for parents, guardians, staff and community members to hear directly from board members. If you have any questions that you would like to see addressed at the meeting, please email them to by 4:30 p.m on Thursday, May 11.
Later this week, all WMS families will receive an invitation and ballot to vote for this year's board nominees. Please contact Noel Dietrich if you do not receive this message.
Classroom Highlights - As seen on Bloomz
Primary (3-6) Program
Into the Woods with Room 19
As spring arrives, Room 19, like many other WMS classrooms, is beginning to spend more time exploring the campus and woods. During one of their walks, they searched for signs of spring, observing budding plants and trees and learning about various plant species located on our campus such as Virginia spring beauty wildflowers, eastern redbud trees and mayapples.

The children took a moment to pause on WMS's outdoor stage, where they laid on their backs and gazed up at the canopy, using their senses to observe everything around them. The class watched warblers skillfully capturing insects and woodpeckers drilling holes in trees. They also heard the wrens' sounds of displeasure at the class's close proximity to their nests!

On their way back, the children were able to put their classroom lessons into practice when they encountered an ant hill on their way back. A first-year student exclaimed, "Ants are invertebrates!" and another remarked, "But they have exoskeletons." One child marveled at their strength, saying, "Ants are so strong - they can lift a sandwich!"

The following week, the students returned to the woods for a nature scavenger hunt. They were able to identify and locate some of the plants they had learned about the previous week, while also making new discoveries. The class is eagerly anticipating more opportunities to explore and learn outdoors throughout the remainder of the school year.
Student Art Show - Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Have you visited the WMS student art show in the lobby and Learning Commons yet? Be sure to stop by before it closes on Friday.

Can't make it to the show in person before this Friday? Watch this video instead!
Upper Elementary (9-12) & Middle School Programs
Co-op Spotlight - Exploring New Mexico's Culinary and Cultural Traditions at a Community Lunch

Last week, the Upper Elementary and Middle School community held its second community lunch, led by WMS parents Tina Paez and Gus Jones. Tina and Gus shared some of their family’s favorite recipes and cultural traditions from their home state of New Mexico. From baking cinnamon cookies (using Tina's grandmother's special recipe!) to making enchiladasguacamole and Shirley Temples, the students worked hard on this delicious meal and enjoyed savoring the results with their classmates. Tina also shared a presentation on New Mexico, discussing the Hispanic and Native American cultural traditions that make this state unique.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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