May 31, 2023


June 2

WMS Class of 2023 Graduation

9 a.m.

June 7

Last Day of School / P.M. Professional Day

School ends at 1 p.m.

No afternoon school or child-care except for students enrolled in the 2022-23 12-month program.

June 8

All-Staff Professional Day

No school or child-care except for students enrolled in the 2022-23 12-month program.

June 9

All-Staff Professional Day

No school or child-care except for students enrolled in the 2022-23 12-month program.

June 12

Camp Montessori 2023 Begins

Register Here

Full Calendar


Important Year-End Schedule Information

The last day of the 2022-23 school year is Wednesday, June 7. This will be a half day, with dismissal at 1 p.m.

There will be no school or child care on the afternoon of June 7, as well as June 8 & 9, EXCEPT for 2022-23 year-round students.

Camp Montessori will open on June 12. If you haven't already registered don't forget to sign-up here! Programs are filling quickly!

Year-End Reminders

As you prepare for summer fun and relaxation, here are a few quick reminders to end the school year:


Please make sure you have downloaded any photos you would like to save from your child's class group/Bloomz portfolio before Friday, June 9. If your child is moving to a new classroom/program level or leaving WMS, you may not have access to their photos after this date!


If you are not returning to WMS in the fall and have a WMS keycard, please return it to the front desk in an envelope labeled with your child's last name on the last day of school, unless your child is attending camp.

Health Updates

If you have not already submitted an up-to-date health appraisal or immunization record for summer camp 2023 or the 2023-24 school year, please send them to

Re-enrollment/Ongoing Communications

If you have not yet re-enrolled for the 2023-24 school year, please do so as soon as possible. Following the last week of school, we will be sending communications (including this newsletter) only to enrolled families and those attending camp. If you are not returning to WMS but would like to remain on our email list, please email

Classroom Highlights - As Seen on Bloomz

Primary (3-6) Program

The Estimation Station

Erin Wehler, Room 19 Lead Teacher

The Estimation Station is open in Room 19! Students look forward to this activity each year as they learn how to make a "best guess" to estimate how many of a chosen object are in the large jar. Teachers help them understand the concept of 10 of an object in the smaller jar in order to make more informed guesses for the larger jar. Kindergarten students have been leading this activity, taking turns as the "recorder." They invite each classmate to the station to record their best guess on how many objects are in the jar. This has been great practice for the kindergarteners to apply their place value lessons as they record numbers from 10 to 200! Developing estimation skills helps children to build reasoning skills. What seems reasonable? Children learn to ask questions like, "Would it make sense that there would be nine straws in the large jar if you can see 10 in the small jar? The Estimation Station helps to develop a sense for measurement, numbers and spatial thinking for all children. 

Upper Elementary & Middle School Program

Woods Walk with the Arden Forest Committee

Lauralee Derksen, Room 9 Lead Teacher

Earlier this month, 9-12 and Middle School students took a walk in the WMS woods with naturalists from the Arden Forest Committee. During this immersive experience, the experts provided valuable insights into the presence of invasive species and their detrimental effects on the native species thriving along our nature trails. They also pointed out various edible plants and berries, along with plants possessing medicinal properties. Our 9-12 class enjoyed the outing so much that they asked if the Arden guides would come back and take them on another walk!

Join Our Community of Giving: Donate Today
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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