November 16, 2022
Family Q&As are back!
Join us for a Virtual Q & A session with Sarah, Lisa and other staff members. We look forward to sharing information with you and answering questions you may have.

Our first Q & A this year will be held on Zoom. Links will be shared on Bloomz!

Toddler Q & A - 11/30/22 at 9:30 a.m.
Elementary/Middle School Q & A - 11/30/22 at noon
Primary Q & A - 12/1 at 9:30 a.m.
Congratulations to Primary student Lennon Aupperle, second-grader Lia Bostick and fourth-grader Julian Bostick for completing New Castle County's 2022 Summer with the Library program. The program encouraged participants to read material appropriate to their individual reading level (or be read to) for at least 15 minutes per day and complete other library-based activities to help maintain reading skills throughout the summer. For completing the program, Lennon, Lia and Julian won free books and received certificates from the Governor, recognizing their achievements. Great work!
Dear Families,

A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to last week's #Connected2WMS Annual Fund Drive!

It was wonderful speaking with so many of you in the lobby as you contributed to this critical fundraising effort. With your support, we have now raised more than $42,000 toward our 2022-23 Annual Fund goal. Your donations will make a difference in the lives of our current and future students by providing financial assistance to families who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford a WMS education, helping to keep our campus up-to-date and beautiful, allowing us to purchase Montessori materials and the latest technology for our classrooms, supporting professional development for teachers and staff, and so much more!

We are still working toward 100% family and staff participation, in order to show foundations and other large donors the commitment of our community. If you haven't given yet, you can do so through our website! For Giving Tuesday, we will be holding a special classroom challenge to reward the room with the highest level of family participation in the Annual Fund - more info coming soon!

Director of Advancement & Communications
New: Facebook Giving Season - Recurring Donation Matching Funds Now Available

This year, Facebook will be matching $7 million in RECURRING gifts to nonprofits like WMS throughout Giving Season (now through December 31).

To participate, visit our recurring donation fundraising page and pledge a monthly recurring gift. Once you have made your second monthly payment, your gift to WMS will be matched by Facebook (until they have distributed $7 million in matching funds to nonprofits). We expect matching funds from Facebook will run out quickly, so make your gift today!

Please contact Noel if you have any questions!
Classroom Highlights
Primary (3-6) Program
Election Day in the Primary Program
Last week's midterm elections provided the perfect opportunity to learn about the voting process in several Primary classes. Rooms 18 and 20 held stuffed animal elections, which began with an introduction of the candidates and what each had to offer, allowing students to make an informed vote. Students learned about the importance of the voting process, filled out voter registration cards, signed in and checked off their ballots one at time. The classes discussed how voting is a private process and no one has to share who they voted for unless they want to do so. Some students enjoyed this process so much that they set up polling places in the own homes, holding elections for their family's favorite stuffed animals.

The next day, the winners were revealed. "Just like adults, there was jubilation for those whose candidate won, and disappointment from supporters of the other nominees," wrote Room 20 Lead Teacher, Marilyn Faralli.

In Room 18, the big winner was Baby Bear, who was described as "quiet, calm" and "likes to cuddle." In Room 20, Wolf, who is known as a "good team player," received the majority of the votes,
Middle School Program
Middle School Winter Market - Now Open
It's that time of year again! The second annual WMS Middle School Winter Marketplace is live! Last year's marketplace was a huge success and provided the middle-school students with the opportunity to run their own small business. They have been working tirelessly over the past few months designing their products and gathering materials. This year's marketplace now offers customizable products! Ornaments, keychains and coasters are included in this year's marketplace.
The order form is now live and will close on Thursday, December 8 at 2 p.m.:

WMS families will be charged for their marketplace orders through FACTS. Once your order is placed, you will receive an email from one of our middle school students confirming your order, payment and pickup time.

Questions/concerns with your marketplace order can be directed to the student who sends your confirmation email and/or Alyssa Eastburn, Director of Technology

We thank all of you that made last year's marketplace a successful, fun and educational endeavor for the middle school students. Proceeds support the middle-schoolers trip to the Montessori Model UN and another special activity. Thank you!
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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