November 9, 2022


This Week

2022 Annual Fund Drive: #Connected2WMS 

Support the annual fund this week and share how how you feel #Connected2WMS on social media to win prizes and help us reach our $85,000 fundraising goal!

Donate Today

November 10

Experience the WMS Middle School Program - For 9-12 Families

9 a.m. in Room 10

Details on Bloomz - RSVP Today

November 14

Deadline to Order School Pictures!

Links to proofs and ordering having been shared on Bloomz. Contact Markia with any questions!

November 16

Lunch & Learn for Families of Rising Primary Students

Noon on Zoom

Register here to receive the Zoom link. All families of Toddlers who will be moving up to the Primary (3-6) Program in the fall should have received Bloomz and email invitations with additional information about this event. If you are unable to attend this event and would like to schedule time to learn more about the Kindergarten Program, please email

November 23

No School - Pre-Registered Child Care Available

Space is limited! Sign up by Wednesday, November 16

November 24 & 25

Thanksgiving Break

No school or child care.

Full Calendar


The 2022-23 WMS Annual Fund Drive, #Connected2WMS, kicked off this week with a heartfelt letter from WMS parents Amelia Wiggins and Jonathan Huntoon. A gift to the annual fund makes a difference for WMS students and families. It allows us to offer financial assistance to families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a WMS education. Gifts also support teachers’ ongoing education, allowing them to pursue learning that supports the students in their classrooms, and can help us to enhance and improve opportunities on the entire campus. 

This year’s theme, #Connected2WMS really hits home for so many in our community. During the Annual Fund Drive, we tend to hear from both those of you we see every day as well as alumni families and friends. We delight in hearing about the next steps of former students in school and in life - new jobs, educational achievements, weddings, babies, and more. It is so much fun to learn where life takes our community after they move on to their next school experience, and the annual fund provides a great way to stay in touch. 

As you consider your ability to support the WMS annual fund, we want you to know just how much we value and appreciate your connection with WMS. If we have learned nothing else over the past few years, we have been reminded of the deep bonds that are formed during a family’s time here. From 1964, when the school began, to now, we have strong ties to our families, staff and students. Thank you for building such a strong community and for remaining #connected2WMS!

Head of School


Annual Fund Drive Update - Donate by Friday to be eligible for prizes!

We are halfway through our 2022-23 #Connected2WMS Annual Fund Drive, and we want to thank everyone everyone who has participated so far - we have raised more than $32,000 toward our $85,000 goal!

Every gift matters as we work together to support our students and staff, providing an exceptional education to students from 12 months old all the way through Middle School. 

Our goal is 100% participation! No matter the size of your gift, its value will be multiplied when we approach foundations for larger grants - high levels of participation are viewed as evidence of the strength and commitment of our school community. Our Board has already reached 100% participation, our staff are well on their way, and we would love to see our families reach this goal as well!

Why give this week? During our Annual Fund Drive Week, we are offering some special prizes to donors.

  • Donate any amount and you’ll add a 10 bar to our growing Golden Bead chain - we hope to create a 1000 Cube and reach 100% family participation!
  • Make a gift of $5 or more and your child will have the opportunity to win some WMS swag including keychains, 3D printed meerkats, Beanie Babies and spirit wear - everyone’s a winner!
  • Make a gift of $75 and create a social media post using the hashtag #Connected2WMS for a chance to win a WMS swag bag including spirit wear and more! If WMS hasn't "Liked" your post, please send a link to it to to make sure you receive credit!
  • Donate $200 or more for a chance to win a one-of-a-kind handmade meerkat, courtesy of Once Again Bears!
  • For WMS Families & Staff - Donate $1,000 or more to enter our raffle for your very own reserved WMS parking space in a prime location in front of the school to use for the rest of the school year!


This year, we have more ways to give than ever!

  • WMS website - Donate using a credit card or direct debit.
  • Facebook Fundraiser (no fees for you or WMS)
  • Venmo (new this year)
  • Donation envelopes - Request a donation envelope by emailing or stop by the donation table!
  • You can also stop by the table to contribute cash, drop some coins in the Meerkat bank or pay with credit card via Paypal.

Questions? Contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

Thank you so much for your support!

Join Our Community of Giving: Donate Today
Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Linkedin  Youtube  

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.

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