An "Out of this World" Learning Experience for 9-12 & Middle School Students
S.T.E.A.M. Education Coordinator Paula Sharpe
Last week, Upper Elementary and Middle School students welcomed Nancy Rodden, Program Administrator for ILC Dover,
to their Maker Studio. ILC Dover, which began as a division of the the International Latex Corporation, has been in business in Delaware since 1947 and is known for making the first Apollo spacesuits.
Previously, during Maker Studio, the students learned about the NASA Apollo missions, along with the current Artemis Mission to the moon. They discussed the differences and similarities between Apollo and Artemis and tried to create space gloves by layering thin sheets of tissue paper.
During Nancy's visit, the students saw firsthand that ILC's space gloves are made from extremely thin fabrics to make movement easier for the astronauts. They also got to see a real space suit, which weighs over 300 pounds on Earth! The engineers at ILC Dover continue to use their previous knowledge of spacesuits to adapt their designs for the astronauts going to the moon and Mars. It was exciting to learn about this S.T.E.A.M. company right here in Delaware!