September 21, 2022
Grandfriends Day Information
We can't wait to welcome our Grandfriends to WMS tomorrow! We have received a few questions about what drop-off will look like. Here's our plan:

  1. Students should be dropped off through car line as usual, at their usual times
  2. Grandfriends should park in the lot and enter through the Great Room, where they will enjoy refreshments, meet some of our staff and older students, and be escorted to the classrooms. If they are dropping your child off, they should do that through the car line, before parking and heading to the Great Room. 
  3. Please use caution in the parking lot, as there will be more traffic than usual, both in vehicles and on foot!
  4. If Grandfriends arrive after car line, they may enter through the front door and walk to class with your child. 

Looking forward to meeting everyone tomorrow!
Keeping Up with Co-op
Have you completed any Co-op hours yet? Whether you've supported your child's education by attending a back-to-school night, bringing in items for your child's classroom or signing up to be a Classroom Ambassador, it's important to stay up-to-date on tracking your hours by submitting this form.

Thank you for everything that you do to support WMS! If you have questions about the Co-op Program, please email Markia Inge at!
Safety Reminder - Please keep fire lanes clear after car line!
If you arrive for school after the doors close for car line, please proceed to a parking space before walking into the building to drop off your child. Please do not leave your vehicle in the fire lane. Thank you!
Classroom Highlights
Throughout the school year, we'll be featuring highlights from our different program levels! This week, read about how Primary students are adjusting to the new school year and Middle School (and sixth-grade) students are preparing for the Montessori Model UN!
Primary (3-6) Program
Settling into the School Year
Room 17 Lead Teacher Erin Winner

In the Primary Program, children are settling into daily routines and learning to navigate the classroom with more independence. The first few weeks of school involve lots of repetition and opportunities to practice the foundational skills that will be needed throughout the year. Our goal is to help the children understand that all of our rules are based on mutual respect. We raise a hand to talk so that we do not "bump words" with others, which allows each person to have their voice heard. We are careful around the work of others because we respect the time and effort they put into it. We clean up after ourselves because the classroom is a shared space and we are all responsible for its care. Many of these things can be incorporated into the home environment, as well!
Middle School Program
Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) Preparations Underway for Sixth through Eighth-Graders

It's only September, but our middle-school (and sixth-grade) students are already hard at work, preparing for the Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) conference in New York City this March.

Over the summer, students spent time learning about the United Nations, its history and its role in today's world. Last week, joined by their peers from Hockessin Montessori School, students worked on one-pagers highlighting various aspects of the U.N., which they will present to each other this week. At this year's conference, WMS students will represent the countries of Armenia, Belgium and Ireland. They are beginning research on these countries and will start to consider a variety of issues from the perspective of their selected country, serving on committees including:

  • Disarmament and International Security (DISEC)
  • Economic and Financial (ECOFIN)
  • Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • Human Rights Council (HRC)
  • U.N. Security Council (UNSC)

We will continue to share MMUN updates throughout the year! Click here to read more about MMUN and our middle-schoolers' experiences in past years.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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