WMS: A Global Community
As children grow and learn more about themselves, their families, friends and classmates, they begin to ask questions about themselves and others. Who am I? Where does our family come from? How are we the same and different from others?
One way we are alike is in our desire to be a part of the Wilmington Montessori School community - whether as a student, family or staff member. We all currently live near WMS, yet we are from all over the world. Some of us were born in Wilmington and live here still. Others of us came from different areas of the U.S., and still others from other countries and continents. Some of our ancestors were born in America, and other ancestors come from various parts of the world.
In an effort to share our community’s history, we have posted a world map in the lobby. Some of you have already interacted with the map sharing where you are from, where your family is from and where you would like to visit. If you haven’t had the chance to do so, please visit the display and share the geography that is a part of your life. It is a great opportunity to share this with your child, no matter their age. Just looking at the map tells a bit more about our community. WMS has a rich history, and over the 58 plus years, we’ve had the opportunity to get to know many families, their backgrounds and cultural heritage.
Get to know our community - take a peek at the map of WMS today!