September 7, 2022
#BacktoSchool Photo Challenge Winners
Thank you to all of the families who shared beautiful back-to-school moments during this year's #WMSbacktoschool photo challenge! We have randomly selected two families as this year's winners - congratulations, Stella and Aiden! Noel will be in touch shortly with your prize packages!
Back-to-School/Curriculum Nights

Mark your calendars for our Back-to-School/Curriculum Nights, where you'll have an opportunity to hear more from your children's teachers about their plans for the upcoming school year and learn more about our three-year cycles, known as the Montessori Planes of Development.

September 8 
Toddler (Rooms 3, 4, 5 & 6)
Back-to-School/Curriculum Night
6-6:45 p.m

Primary Back-to-School/Curriculum Night
7-7:45 p.m.

September 13 
Lower Elementary (6-9), Toddler (Room 8) & Middle School
Back-to-School/Curriculum Night
6-6:45 p.m.

Upper Elementary (9-12)
Back-to-School/Curriculum Night
7-7:45 p.m.

Please note that these events are opportunities for caregivers to experience our classrooms in a child-free setting.
After-School Soccer - Grades 1-8
Starting Next Week!

Registration is now open for our after-school soccer teams, coached by Brandy Solomon!

Grades 1-3: Instructional Soccer
Tuesdays (9/13-10/25), 3:45-5 p.m.

Grades 4-8: Soccer Team
Thursdays (9/15-10/27), 3:45-5 p.m.
(includes a few games against local schools, which will be scheduled for Mondays or Wednesdays, TBA)
Car Line Reminders
Thank you for your continued assistance with helping our morning car line move smoothly!

We just wanted to remind everyone that, in order to keep the drop-off procedure as efficient as possible and avoid prolonging the separation process, we ask that families wait for staff members to pick up their children from their vehicles, rather than coming to the door.

In addition, if you are late for drop-off or need to come into the building for any reason, please park your vehicle (rather than pulling into the fire lane).

Thank you!
First Week of School Highlights
Toddler Program
Primary (3-6) Program
Lower Elementary (6-9) Program
Upper Elementary (9-12) & Middle School Programs
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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