Mountain Area Works Highlights

  1. WNC Career Expo - employer registration now open!
  2. Mountain Area Workforce Development Board meeting notice - tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27
  3. Construction Career Day 2019 Fall Edition presented by Vannoy Construction - SAVE THE DATE
  4. Buncombe County ranks in the top 14% of the largest counties in nation for wage growth
  5. NADO 2019 Impact Award: Mountain Area Careers
  6. UNC Asheville Career Fairs - NextFest
  7. Garner Webb University Graduate & Professional School Job Fair
  8. Western Carolina University Fall Career Fairs
  9. NC State Institute for Emerging Issues: First in Future Podcast
  10. Energy Career Pathway approved by NCWorks Commission
  11. You are invited - 2nd Annual Growing Outdoor Economy Conference - October 10
  12. NC Community Colleges: Your Hire Education
  13. Healthcare and Manufacturing leading sectors for job growth 2013-2018
  14. June 2019 Labor Market Data released
  15. McKinsey Global Institute: The Future of Work in America
  16. Finish Line Grants can help students complete their education
  17. Blue Ridge Community College students parenting while in college
  18. Building Bridges to NC's Future Workforce: The Innovations in Work-Based Learning Summit - September 3
  19. Energizing Rural NC - October 8-9
  20. Madison County Career Fair - October 15
  21. WNC Career Expo - October 17
  22. Career Quest - Find the Career that Fits
  23. Employers sign up for Students@Work
  24. NCWorks NEXTGEN Outstanding Youth
  25. Employers: Post your work-based learning opportunities on The Navigator
  26. My Future NC
  27. Mountain Area Careers
  28. NCWorks Career Center Asheville events and workshop schedule
WNC Career Fair employer registration is now open!

The fall WNC Career Expo takes place Thursday, October 17 at the WNC Ag Center in Fletcher, NC from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Our region continues to have the tightest job market in the state. We know that in this market you have to use all available resources to recruit the right talent for your company. As the region’s largest career fair, the WNC Career Expo attracts thousands of qualified career seekers helping you make the right connections to meet your company’s workforce needs.

Booth details:
Each 10×10 booth includes: pipe/drape, one six-foot table, two chairs, two box lunches and access to the employers lounge with drinks and snacks.
$250 per booth; $50 for electricity; $10 for additional box lunches. 

The first 25 to register receive 10% off! Use code: Early Bird

Register your employer booth NOW!

Join the region's largest career fair! WNC Career Expo, Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher, NC.

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WNC Career Expo

Great companies start with great people, and you'll find both at the WNC Career Expo. The region's top recruiting event connects companies with great candidates.

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Mountain Area Workforce Development Board will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27

Mountain Area Workforce Development Board will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27 at 3:00 pm at the offices of Land of Sky Regional Council in West Asheville. There will be a meet and greet prior to the board meeting from 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm.

Presentations on the agenda include HKY4Vets, an update from our region's Career and Technical Educators from Asheville City, Buncombe County, Madison County and Transylvania County Schools. Himanshu Karvir, President and CEO of Virtelle Hospitality and member of the NCWorks Commission will provide an update from the NCWorks Commission. Also, there will be an update on the WNC Early Childhood Educator Workforce Program which was made possible by a NCWorks Local Innovation Fund Grant. The NCWorks Local Innovation Fund is part of Governor Cooper's NC Job Ready initiative.

If you are unable to attend, you can participate via the following conference call line:

Phone: 605-475-4818
Access code: 688918
Construction Career Day 2019 Fall Edition presented by Vannoy Construction SAVE THE DATE
NC Chamber Education and Workforce Conference

The Land of Sky region shared at the NC Chamber Education & Workforce Conference in Durham our effort to increase postsecondary credential attainment to meet employer workforce needs. This effort is part of My Future NC initiative which has set a statewide postsecondary credential attainment goal that by 2030 2 million North Carolinians will have a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential.

"Learn how four counties in western North Carolina are coming together to increase education attainment and address the unfilled, high-skill, high-paying jobs and large achievement gaps in their region, focusing on the entire pre-K through adult education continuum. Hear what it takes to get this type of effort off the ground."

Collaboration Breakout Session: Land of Sky Education Consortium

(L-R) Dr. Laura Leatherwood, President Blue Ridge Community College, Dr. Bill Sederburg, Higher Education Leader, Danna Stansbury, Deputy Director Land of Sky Regional Council, Nathan Ramsey with Land of Sky Regional Council and Mountain Area Workforce Development Board, Dr. Michael Dempsey, Dean and Director of the Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville at Lenoir Rhyne University and Ben Teague, Vice President Strategic Development at Biltmore Farms LLC. (Photo courtesy Mebane Rash with EdNC)
Dr Laura Leatherwood, President of Blue Ridge Community College speaks about the importance of the My Future NC postsecondary credential attainment goal to Western North Carolina and the role of community colleges in achieving this goal.
Ben Teague, Vice President for Strategic Development with Biltmore Farms shares why the My Future NC postsecondary credential attainment goal is important for employers and economic development in Western North Carolina.
Dr Laura Leatherwood shares how community colleges partner with employers in the region, training students on sites, increasing the number of registered apprenticeships and work-based learning opportunities. Educators cannot do it alone, they need employers to lead the way.
Dr. Michael Dempsey, Dean and Director, Center of Graduate Studies of Asheville with Lenoir Rhyne University shares why My Future NC is important to higher education in Western North Carolina.
Dr Sherry Hicks, Career and Technical Education Director with Asheville City Schools shares why the My Future NC postsecondary credential attainment goal is important to students and their career pathway.
Ben Teague, Dr Laura Leatherwood, Dr. Sherry Hicks, Dr. Michael Dempsey and Dr. Bill Sederburg share their closing comments. Dr. Hicks reminds us that there are many rewarding opportunities with postsecondary credentials beyond just a four-year degree.
Buncombe County ranks in the top 14% of the 350 largest counties in the nation for average weekly wage growth

Buncombe County ranked #47 (top 14%) out of the 350 largest counties in the nation for wage growth from Q4 2017 to Q4 2018. Wages increased 5.2% during this time period in Buncombe County. The national average was 3.2%. Buncombe ranked #4 in the state for wage growth behind Wake, Cumberland and Durham Counties.

During this time period Buncombe ranked #86 (top 25%) out of the 350 largest counties in the nation for job growth. Jobs grew by 1.9% in Buncombe from Q4 2017 to Q4 2018 compared to the national average of 1.5%. Buncombe ranked #6 in job growth during this time period behind Cabarrus, Durham, New Hanover, Pitt and Mecklenburg Counties.

Buncombe County is the only county in our region in the top 350 most populous counties in the nation.
County Employment and Wages Summary

From December 2017 to December 2018, employment increased in 296 of the 349 largest U.S.counties . . . Among the 349 largest counties, 332 had over-the-year increases in average weekly wages.

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NADO 2019 Impact Award: Mountain Area Careers

Mountain Area Workforce Development Board is honored to receive a NADO 2019 Impact Award for "Mountain Area Careers." Mountain Area Careers shares our region's career pathways and connects talent to local jobs.

"Congratulations to the 2019 NADO Impact Awards recipients! The Impact Awards program honors NADO members for their creative approaches to advancing regional community and economic development and improved quality of life. These projects have made significant impacts on their regions and demonstrate the diversity of services and program delivery provided by regional development organizations across the country."
Congratulations to the 2019 NADO Impact Award Recipients

Congratulations to the 2019 NADO Impact Awards recipients! The Impact Awards program honors NADO members for their creative approaches to advancing regional community and economic development and improved quality of life.

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UNC Asheville Career Fairs - NextFest
UNC Asheville NextFest: STEM and Healthcare

Employers register NOW!

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UNC Asheville NextFest: Education and Nonprofits

Employers register NOW!

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UNC Asheville NextFest: STEM & Healthcare

Employers register NOW!

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Gardner-Webb University's Graduate & Professional School Job Fair
Western Carolina University Fall Career Fairs

Catamount Career & Networking Day

Catamount Career & Networking Day
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019
11am – 3pm
Ramsey Center – Western Carolina University
(Inclement weather date – Wednesday, October 30)

JobCat 2.0

The Fall 2019 Catamount Career and Networking Day attracts students from all majors and all class levels, including alumni! It is a great opportunity for you to market your FT and PT positions, as well as seasonal jobs and internships.

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Construction Industry & Career Day

Construction Industry & Career Day
Thursday, November 7 th , 2019
Career fair: 9:00 am-11:00 am
Blue Ridge Conference Center – Western Carolina University
JobCat 2.0

Join us on Thursday, November 7th, from 9am-11am for an opportunity to network with WCU Construction Management students as well as students in other majors who are interested in careers in the construction industry.

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Emerging Issues First In Future Podcast
First in Future: Director, Mountain Area Workforce Dev Board

Figuring out how to make the match between job seekers and jobs is the mission of Workforce Development Boards across the state. On this episode of First in Future, Leslie Boney talks with the Director, Mountain Area Workforce Board, Nathan Ramsey.

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Energy Career Pathway approved by NCWorks Commission

NCWorks Commission approved the Energy Career Pathway for our region at their meeting in Charlotte on August 7.

This career pathway covers 21 counties, the region from the Asheville metro to the Charlotte metro served by Mountain Area Workforce Development Board, Western Piedmont Workforce Development Board, Region C Workforce Development Board, Gaston Workforce Development Board, Centralina Workforce Development Board and Charlotte Works.

The energy industry employs 62,400 people in the region in 14 key occupations, the job growth in this sector is expected to be at 8.1% between 2018 - 2023 creating a demand for 5,000 jobs.
2nd Annual Outdoor Economy Conference

Register now for the 2nd Annual Outdoor Economy Conference. After selling out in its inaugural year, the conference has doubled in size with the help of the new Growing Outdoors Partnership, a regional economic development initiative focused on the outdoors sector.

This year’s conference, with a central theme of Building an Outdoor Economy , is geared toward helping attendees get inspired plans of action, ideas, and advice from industry experts, as well as an expanded network across Western North Carolina and beyond.
Mark your calendar, explore the full conference schedule, and purchase an early ‘Trend Setter’ ticket while they last (through 8/31)! Please register at the following link. The Growing Outdoors Partnership even provided an extra 10% off coupon code for you: enter “OUTDOORFRIENDS” into the Eventbrite ticket window to claim this discount.

We hope you’re able to bring your knowledge and passion to the table with us and help grow our outdoor economy together.
2nd Annual Outdoor Economy Conference

The Outdoor Economy Conference is the southeast's premier event for those looking to grow the outdoor industry in their communities, and craft an economy that's intimately tied to the quality and health of their places.

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Growing Outdoors

Growing Outdoors is working to expand outdoor industry across NC's Appalachian region. A 2017 report from Outdoor Industry Association, a national trade group, found outdoor recreation consumer spending in WNC totals $4.84 billion dollars annually.

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NC Community Community Colleges: "Your Hire Education"
Healthcare and Advanced Manufacturing are the region's leading sectors for job growth 2013 - 2018
Data Source: Emsi Labor Market Analytics. Report includes Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties.
Labor Market Update

As of June 2019, 7,500 more jobs in our region and 10,073 more people working compared to June 2018. Total regional employment 222,524 .
Mountain Area region continues to have NC's lowest unemployment rate

For June 2019, our region (Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties) continues to have the lowest unemployment rate at in NC at  3.6%  , Buncombe County has the lowest rate of any county in NC at   3.4%    Henderson County is the #2 lowest rate in the state at  3.8%. Madison County is at  4.2%  and Transylvania County is at  4.3%  . All four counties in our region are below the state unemployment rate for May 2019 of 4.4%.

For  52  consecutive months Buncombe County has maintained the lowest unemployment rate of any NC county and for  52  consecutive months the Mountain Area Workforce region (Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties) as well as the Asheville metro have maintained the lowest unemployment rate of any NC region.

There are 8,345 unemployed individuals in our region as of June 2019 compared to 7,205 unemployed individuals as of June 2018. The unemployment rate in June 2018 was 3.3%.
Mountain Area Labor Market Overview

Despite an increase in unemployment rate, our region continues to maintain the lowest unemployment rate in NC at 3.6%. Compared to June 2018, the unemployment rate increased from 3.3% and there are 1,140 more unemployed individuals in the region.

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Asheville metro unemployment rate 3.6%

The Asheville metro (Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison Counties) continues to have the lowest unemployment rate of any NC metro at   3.6%. Since June 2018 our region has 7,500 more jobs (3.6% increase) in the metro and 10,073 more people are working.

In the past year since June 2018, the following sectors added jobs: Manufacturing (1,500 jobs), Trade Transportation & Utilities (1,600 jobs), Mining, Logging & Construction (800 jobs), Other Services (200 jobs), Education & Health Services (3,000 jobs), and Professional & Business Services (800 jobs) and Financial Activities (200 jobs). Information was unchanged compared to one year ago. Leisure & Hospitality (-800 jobs) lost jobs compared to one year ago.

All sectors except Leisure & Hospitality and Information showed positive job growth in the past year. Manufacturing continues to be a consistent leader in our year-over-year job growth. Mining, Logging & Construction sector saw the largest growth rate in the past year at 8.1% followed by Education & Health Services at 7.9% and Manufacturing at 6.9%.

The Asheville metro has seen the highest percentage growth in employment in the past year of all NC metros.

  1. Asheville 3.6%
  2. Charlotte/Concord/Gastonia 2.5%
  3. Burlington 0.8%
  4. Fayetteville 0.8%
  5. Raleigh 0.8%
  6. Durham/Chapel Hill 0.3%
  7. New Bern 0.2%
  8. Greensboro/High Point 0.1%
  9. Hickory/Lenoir/Morganton -0.1%
  10. Goldsboro -0.5%
  11. Greenville -0.6%
  12. Jacksonville -0.6%
NC County Labor Market Conditions

NC’s unemployment rate was 4.4% in June. This increased 0.4% from May’s revised rate, and increased 0.2% over the year. Unemployment rate increased in 97 of 100 counties. 41 counties had unemployment rates at or below the state’s 4.4% rate.

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North Carolina's June County and Area Employment

Unemployment rates (not seasonally adjusted) increased in 97 of North Carolina's counties in June and decreased in three. Scotland County had the highest unemployment rate at 7.4 percent, while Buncombe County had the lowest at 3.4 percent.

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McKinsey Global Institute: The Future of Work in America
The future of work: People and places, today and tomorrow

The US labor market looks markedly different today than it did two decades ago. It has been reshaped by dramatic events like the Great Recession but also by a quieter ongoing evolution in the mix and location of jobs.

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Asheville metro highlighted as a high growth labor market

A new report maps local labor markets today and weighs the impact of automation on people and places.

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Finish Line Grants can help students complete their education
Blue Ridge Community College offers Finish Line Grants

Blue Ridge CC, in its continuing mission of providing quality, affordable and local education to its students, now offers a Finish Line Grant for students who find themselves in a tough financial situation in the last leg of their academic journey.

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Blue Ridge Community College students parenting while in college
Blue Ridge students parenting while in college - EducationNC

Many Blue Ridge Community College students are balancing college classes and part-time or full-time work. Students who are parents add family caregiving to the balancing act as well. Three Blue Ridge moms are maintaining balance as strong students.

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Building Bridges to NC's Future Workforce presented by NC Business Committee for Education (NCBCE)
Building Bridges to NC Future Workforce - NCBCE

This September 3 summit features interactive discussions & strategy sessions to develop the future of work-based learning (WBL) & talent development in NC. Hear from leaders in business, education & workforce about models of innovative WBL programs.

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Madison County Career Fair
NCWorks Madison Career Fair-October 15
WNC Career Expo
WNC Career Expo - Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce

Great companies start with great people. The region's top recruiting event connects companies with great candidates. The next WNC Career Expo will be on Thursday, October 17 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Employer registration opens next week.

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Career Quest
Employers sign up for Students@Work

"Students@Works is a month-long program aimed at exposing middle school students from across the state to real-world, business environments in their communities. We view job exposure as a critical first step in integrating work-based learning into the lives of NC students, adding relevancy to their classrooms, and helping students successfully navigate career pathways.

This job-shadowing initiative, held by Gubernatorial Proclamation, originated with the North Carolina Business Committee for Education in 2011. We work closely with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI). In 2019, S@W impacted 47,819 students from across 38 counties and 327 business partners made this initiative a success."
Initiatives | North Carolina Business Committee for...

The initiatives page features Teachers@Work, Students@Work, Distinguished Leadership in Practice and Experience More initiatives for NCBCE.

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NCWorks NEXTGEN Outstanding Youth

Bradee Hyder
WIOA In-School Youth
Madison County Schools
NCWorks NextGen Career Readiness Program
Jeanine Phillips, Youth Career Coach

Success is always the goal we are striving for as we work with our youth in the WIOA program. That goal is often met with so many obstacles that students may want to give up. My participant this year was not willing to let those obstacles stop her. When I met Bradee Hyder, she was working part-time to support her mom who had cancer. Bradee’s father had tragically passed away from a heart attack suddenly several years before I met her. This affected her deeply. Bradee is a private person and is not eager to ask for help.

When Bradee first began this program, we had enrolled her in a certified nursing assistant (CNA) class while she was in high school. I watched her begin to worry about her first obstacle: uniform, shoes and a watch for her clinicals. The issue was huge to her but easily taken care of with funding from WIOA. During the middle of the program Bradee’s car broke down, the bill was quite pricey, and she began to panic. An email to a wonderful agency and all was well again. They were able to pay her auto repair bill and for that, she was beyond thankful. Thankful to the point of tears. Bradee was a good student. No one had noticed that she was struggling. As issues arose, each one was met with an answer throughout the year. One thing we can say she has learned would be that we always need to be ready with a plan “B”. Bradee just needed a helping hand to guide her.

To date, Bradee finished her CNA course and was hired at the Brian Center in Weaverville where she currently works. In addition, she is enrolled at AB Tech full-time to pursue her nursing career. Just a couple of weeks ago, Bradee was able to purchase a new car. She is stepping up and with her own hard work. Bradee is preparing a career pathway for herself and will not give up until she reaches her goals. Bradee is one that is so eager to work to achieve what she needs to. She is so thankful for the support and financial assistance from WIOA. It is always a pleasure to assist someone who has the strong desire to make it on their own and is willing to work hard to get there. Bradee Hyder is just that. Congratulations to a very determined, hardworking, overcoming, young woman. 
Post your Work-Based Learning opportunities on The Navigator

The Navigator is a free online tool that connects education to career. The North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE), part of the Governor's office, is inventorying work-based learning programs from across the state, and with your approval, helping you connect those opportunities with NC educators through an online marketplace called The Navigator. Please take a moment to tell us about your organization and the types of work based learning activities you are engaged in. After submitting this form, you will receive an email with a password-prompt that enables you to post your programs (at no cost) on the Navigator platform.
The Navigator Webinar

NC Business Committee of Education (NCBCE) with the Governor's office shares how employers can post their work-based learning opportunities on The Navigator. This tool connects employers with public schools in their community.

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The Navigator is a free online tool to lead the way in connecting education to career. The platform brings together members of business, education & workforce development communities where they connect experiential learning activities.

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My Future NC

In NC, approximately 30% of students who enter high school will graduate college with a degree. Learn more about our leaky education pipeline in the report from My Future NC. Certainly not all students need to earn a college degree but students do need to earn a post-secondary credential that will allow them to earn a family sustaining wage.
Home - My Future NC

As our economy grows, the vast majority of new jobs require more than a high school diploma-something that less than half of North Carolinians ages 25-44, and even fewer from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, currently have.

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Mountain Area Careers
NC Jobs | Mountain Area Careers | Western North Carolina

Create Your Future in the Mountains of Western North Carolina. Find jobs from great employers. Earn a steady living and advance your career.

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NCWorks Career Center Asheville
NCWorks Asheville

NCWorks Career Center Asheville provides a wide array of employment and training programs, services and resources to job seekers and employers.

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