WNG Job Postings
Greater Washington, D.C. Region
December 19, 2021
Greetings! Here is the latest edition of our WNG Job Postings newsletter. We do not charge a fee to submit jobs to the WNG Job Postings site. To receive the WNG Job Postings newsletter by email subscribe online.
WNG Job Postings
The WNG provides this free service to assist our community with recruiting and career transition needs. Our Job Postings site is open to the general public.
Recent postings include:

Development Manager | The Global Good Fund 
Sales Manager | The Global Good Fund 
Media Relations Specialist | Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) 
Deputy Assistant Director | Congressional Research Service (CRS) 
Analyst in Economic Development Policy | Congressional Research Service (CRS) 
Legislative Information Specialist | Congressional Research Service (CRS) 
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Business Partner | National Geographic Society 
Vice President of Corporate Attraction | Washington DC Economic Partnership (WDCEP) 
Senior Operations Manager, JLABS @ Washington, DC | Johnson & Johnson Innovation 
Product Marketing Director | Ceres Talent for a telecommunication company 
Program Associate: Southern and East Africa | National Democratic Institute (NDI) 
Director, Content Strategy | National Geographic Society 
E T Consultant, Diversity Recruitment | IFC - International Finance Corporation 
Chief Operating Officer | National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) 
Director, Convention Operations | NACS - The Association for Convenience & Fuel Retailing 
Account Supervisor, Paid Digital | Qorvis Communications 
Account Based Marketing Lead | 3Pillar Global 
Vice President, Grassroots Advocacy | Forbes Tate Partners (FTP) 
Program Manager: Southeast Asia | National Democratic Institute (NDI) 
Chief Growth Officer | Village Capital 
Director of Government Affairs | INDA - Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry 
Policy Counsel | JSI 
Coordinator, Exhibits & Sponsorships | American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
Senior Manager, Grant Operations | National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Program Assistant, Grant Operations | National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Upcoming WNG Events

January 5 - Wednesday
Washington Network Group

January 13 - Thursday
Washington Network Group

January 19 - Wednesday
Washington Network Group

WNG Career Development Roundtable

The WNG Career Development Roundtable convenes special events related to career and professional development; talent management, executive coaching and leadership development; and executive search and recruiting topics of interest to our Washington Network Group members and guests.

WNG Regional Calendar

The WNG Regional Calendar includes upcoming online events convened in the greater Washington, D.C. region. Both WNG events and non-WNG events are included on the calendar. On Saturdays, a newsletter that lists events taking place during the next three weeks is emailed to subscribers. To learn more about this free service, read the calendar overview. To receive the WNG Regional Calendar newsletter by email, subscribe online.

Washington Network Group | 202-455-4504 |