Western Ontario Drama League
- Update from the President of WODL
- Update on COVID Precautions for Theatres
- While the Ghost Light was Burning...
- Community Theatre in the WODL Region
- Off the Wall - Winter and Spring Workshops
- New Plays from the Playwrights Canada Press
- Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
- If you are producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
- Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?
- Dates for your Diary
Update from the President of WODL
When I wrote my update for the November newsletter, I anticipated that we would be continuing “our return to normal”. Little did we know that the Omicron variant (first reported a few days earlier) would have such an impact on our lives.
I am still hopeful that the COVID-19 pandemic era will end in 2022.
I wish for us all the energy and strength to stay the course until that happens.
WODL in 2022-2023
In spite of Omicron, the board will continue with our discussion of what 2022-2023 could bring for WODL. We are planning for travelling adjudications and considering options for Festival 2023. We had planned to make a decision by the February General Meeting – that may or may not be a realistic timeframe.
We are all learning – as we plan for re-opening, and as we re-open our theatres – about our audiences, COVID-related processes, etc.
We are working on a short survey to guide our decision about Festival 2023. In the last newsletter we had planned to have finalized our questions so that the Area VPs could contact their member groups in late December/early January. For a number of reasons beyond our control, the survey is not quite ready. We’ll get it to you as quickly as we can. so that we can collate your input and present it at the February General Meeting. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The contact information for the area VPs is:
WODL General Meeting – Save the Date
Our next General Meeting is on Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 11:00 am via Zoom.
Watch for information and minutes from the October 2021 General Meeting from our secretary, Pam Niesiobedzki-Curtis.
Highlights include:
- Terri Graham will present updates on her team’s program for supporting WODL members as they reopen
- Brandon Moore will be our guest and provide further updates from the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training, and Skills Development's Advisory Committee for Live Performance.
- An opportunity for attendees to ask and answer questions.
I look forward to seeing you in February.
Update on COVID Precautions for Theatres
As of the deadline for this newsletter, the Government of Ontario hasn’t yet updated its guidance documents for “Re-Opening Ontario” to account for changes that have been announced and implemented due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
Parsing the public statements that have been made over recent weeks, the key new guidelines for theatres are:
- Maximum attendance capacity of 50% or 1,000 people (whichever is less) – Noteworthy, this is being described as part of “Reducing the Spread of COVID-19 in Larger Indoor Settings” and in the context of sports events as well as theatre. When revised regulations are published, it will be worth watching to see if it only applies only to settings of significant capacity, but for now we must conclude it applies to every venue. (You may wish to consult with your local Public Health Unit.)
- Indoor social gatherings are restricted to 10 people
- No food or beverage sales
Local Public Health Units may be implementing more significant restrictions based on local case counts and ICU capacity. As always, verify your plans with your local unit.
The harder question right now is long-term planning: as case numbers rise, are restrictions going to increase? There are too many significant variables in play: the nature of Omicron (widely reported to be more contagious and less severe), the availability of boosters, the ability and willingness to follow public health directives around rapid testing, gatherings and masking.
Challenges with even rehearsing safely may delay opening plans—I’m aware of at least one community theatre in the ACT-CO region that had to move back into online rehearsing following a positive case in the company.
Unfortunately, I think we find ourselves back in a state of uncertainty again.
While the Ghost Light was Burning...
WODL feels it is important to document the past year and a half, which has proved very difficult for anyone and everyone in live theatre - here is one story - of a group that managed to survive...so far...
This account was written BEFORE Omicron took over our lives - let us hope we can all cope with the future, and defeat the new variant.
Guelph Little Theatre
By Cathy Goudie, President Guelph Little Theatre
When COVID hit we put in place a system of 4 people who took turns going in every 48 hours and suspended all other entry codes. This limited access and exposure. We thought it would be a temporary measure, who would have known! We opened doors, cut down the heating and lighting, and only used water as needed. This reduced our expenses but not by that much. As you can imagine, paying for our facility became our first priority. We put out requests for membership renewal, sponsorship and donations. Then we began the process of online programming. We had no idea what would take place.
Each time we got close, COVID struck again. We did a lot of online programs: a series of one-acts by a local author, a Christmas series - reading The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans (generously donated, no cost) and another set of one-acts all on our YouTube channel, at a cost or donation style.
We were able to do a car cleaning the first fall but not this year. Also, we did an online auction, a new endeavour for us, lots of learning and skill development!
We kept planning our first show, moving our season, again and again. We still have 3 shows that have been waiting to go forward, This season will have the 2 missing shows first stopped by COVID.
A lot of people did a lot of brainstorming and creative problem solving. We had meetings by Zoom, planning sessions by Zoom, discussions.... you get the idea! Volunteers came into the building in small numbers, safely, to do maintenance, painting and decorating that we never had time for before this. I am amazed at what we got done.
Many of us applied for grants, over and over again, some successful, which kept us in the black. We have faced hardships in our history, but nothing like this. It was with gratitude that we opened our doors, with limited seating, to the first show this November - Swordfish, by a local author.
As we progress, we still face things optimistically, while maintaining the safety of our actors, crew and patrons. What have we learned? We are resilient, strong and dedicated, able to change and manage new situations quickly and that we have a good little group of dedicated volunteers. As a 100% volunteer run, not-for-profit organization I can honestly say that I am proud of what we have accomplished.
Community Theatre in the WODL Region
Several WODL member groups are keeping active during this time. A good place to find out about these activities is on the WODL Facebook page, WODL | Facebook. Most of the announcements are at fairly short notice, so check in often!
If your group is putting on an event that you would like included in the November newsletter, please send the information to communications@wodl.on.ca.
Off the Wall - Winter and Spring Workshops
By Michele Boniface, Chair, Off the Wall Stratford Artists Alliance, mboniface@cyg.net
Hashtags: #stratfordoffthewall #theatreproduction #backstage
New Plays from the Playwrights Canada Press
Check out these plays coming soon from Playwrights Canada Press:
A woman confronts her abuser and adolescent sexual trauma.
A true, empowering story of the untold secrets of motherhood.
A family on the run has a last supper.
Watch our most recent reading series event—featuring readings from Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes; Secret Life of a Mother; A Perfect Bowl of Pho; Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers, and Little Brothers; and Long Live the New Flesh—here.
And many more! Click here to view the full catalogue.
Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
Every month you can take a look at the newest unpublished and published plays available!
If you are Producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
The Playwrights Guild of Canada publicises productions of Canadian-written plays through its website, www.playwrightsguild.ca.
Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?
Are you on the board of a theatre group that belongs to WODL? If your group has:
- A new President
- New WODL delegates
- A new Treasurer
Deadline for submissions for the February newsletter
WODL Annual General Meeting
13 March to 18 March 2023
11 March to 16 March 2024
WODL Festival 2024, Leamington
This newsletter was prepared by:
Tricia Ward
Communications coordinator
Copyright © Western Ontario Drama League 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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