Western Ontario Drama League

Newsletter March 2025

In this Issue:

  • What the Prez Sez
  • Adjudications Update
  • Adjudications Schedule
  • WODL Festival 2025 - The Bank Theatre Takes Centre Stage!
  • Minifest
  • Community Theatre in the WODL Region
  • What's Happening in the Waterloo-Wellington Region
  • What's Happening in the Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk-Oxford Region
  • What's Happening in the Bruce-Grey-Huron Region
  • What's Happening in the Lincoln-Wentworth Region
  • Off the Wall - March Courses and Summer Courses
  • Horizon Solutions - Resource Stage Workshop - March 11
  • Playwrights Canada Press
  • Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet
  • Concord Theatricals New Plays
  • If you are Producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out
  • Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?
  • Dates for your Diary

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What the Prez Sez

By Sue Garner, WODL President,

There is a lot on the go as we head into spring. Here are the highlights – get this full info in the articles below.

Local Adjudications: Trevor Smith Diggins continues to make the rounds of your theatres. As of Mar 1, he is now 80% done his visits. Here are the local adjudication nights remaining this year:· 

  •  Sun March 16    

Elgin Theatre

Sylvia (in St Thomas)

  •  Fri April 4   


Rose’s Dilemma

  • Sat April 5          


The Odd Couple

  • Sun April 6       


Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised) (Again)

Festival Shows have Firmed Up: We originally had 4 groups entered to perform in Leamington in May, but 1 group has decided not to try for in-Festival.

So, we now have our 3 plays!   Elmira, Woodstock and Leamington will be bringing their shows to Festival. One day to set up, perform and tear down. It is a crazy and exhilarating experience as many of us know!! Wishing them all the best as they prepare!

General Delegates Meeting and Out-of-Festival Announcements on Sunday April 13:

Sunday April 13 at 1:00 p.m. we will gather for a Delegates Meeting at The Bank Theatre in Leamington (and also on Zoom). After a general agenda, Trevor S D will announce all his Nominees for the Out-of-Festival Awards.   (Final winners will be announced at the Awards Brunch in Leamington on Sunday May 25th.)  Everyone is welcome to come to the meeting to hear the announcements. Mark your calendar and watch this space next month for more information.

Minifest- Will Your Group Participate? This wild workshop weekend is July 25-26.    We need 6 theatre groups with a sense of humour and a willingness to try something different. It’s a fantastic opportunity for new directors.  Are you interested? Talk with your people!

Binbrook Little Theatre will host, providing the set, and the lights. You rehearse and bring your costumes, props and any kind of creativity you like.15 minutes to set up. There are social events mixed in as well. Joe Sheik will be our workshop leader, and audience and players alike will learn.  See info later in this newsletter for how to sign up to perform.

As always, if you have any comments or questions about WODL, feel free to send an email to

Adjudications Update

By Ken Menzies, WODL Adjudications Chair,

I have seen one play which Trevor adjudicated in February, Timepiece by Gonzalez-Risso, at Theatre Burlington. He did a great job of providing feedback to everybody. No matter what your interest in theatre: directing, lighting, costumes or some other aspect, you will learn something from his adjudications. The cast and tech people enjoy his gentle style of adjudicating. I have heard that he gave a good adjudication of Cabaret at Woodstock and Forever Love at Elmira.

He has several more adjudications:

  • Sylvia by Gurney in St Thomas on Sunday, March 16, at 2:00 pm.
  • Rose’s Dilemma by Neil Simon in Cambridge on Friday April 4 at 7:30 pm.
  • The Odd Couple by Neil Simon in London at LCP on Saturday April 5 at 7:30 pm.
  • The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) (Revised) (Again) by Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield on Sunday April 6 at 2:00 pm.

I have seen Sylvia, The Odd Couple and the Complete Works of Shakespeare before and they are all good scripts. These are being done by solid groups. I think you would enjoy attending one or more of these plays and the adjudication afterwards.

On Sunday April 13 at 1:00 pm at the Bank Theatre in Leamington, the preliminary adjudicator, Trevor Smith Diggins, will announce his picks for nominations for awards. He also will announce who is going to Festival, but this will not be a surprise as only three groups are willing, this year, to travel to Festival. The Festival lineup has been announced. It is, unless something unexpected happens:

  • Elmira Thursday, May 15
  • Woodstock Friday, May 16
  • Leamington Saturday, May 17

On Sunday, May 18 there will be an awards brunch where the Festival adjudicator, Lindsey Price, will announce the Festival awards. Go to where you can book the Festival hotel and find out about the workshops which start on May 14.

GO or miss a treat.

Adjudications Schedule

To see the latest adjudications schedule visit the WODL website.

WODL Festival 2025 - The Bank Theatre Takes Centre Stage!

By Corey Robertson, 2025 WODL Festival Chair,

Big things are happening at The Bank Theatre this spring! From May 14-18, 2025, we’ll be hosting the Western Ontario Drama League (WODL) Festival, bringing some of the best community theatre productions in the region right to our stage.

It’s been a long time coming. Leamington was originally selected to host in 2020, but the pandemic changed those plans. Now, after years of anticipation, the Festival is finally here, and we’re rolling out the red carpet for theatre lovers, performers, and industry professionals.

What’s Happening?

Our dedicated team of volunteers have been hard at work planning an incredible week of theatre, learning, and celebration. The Festival kicks off with an invitation-only opening ceremony at Leamington’s Best Western Plus Hotel and Conference Centre, followed by three nights of adjudicated performances at The Bank Theatre. In addition to the shows, attendees can take part in workshops on playwriting, acting, and lighting design, all led by top industry professionals. The Festival wraps up with an awards gala brunch on Sunday morning.

Meet the Shows!

This year’s featured productions have been carefully selected by WODL’s professional adjudicator, Trevor Smith Diggins:

  • Thursday, May 15 Forever Love (Elmira Theatre Company)

  • Friday, May 16  My Old Lady (Woodstock Theatre)

  • Saturday, May 17 Halfway There (The Bank Theatre)

Tickets are available for individual performances or as part of a Festival package, but they’re selling fast! Secure your seats now at The Bank Theatre's website.

Sponsorship & Advertising is a great way to support the Festival. Promote your business while supporting community theatre. We have a variety of sponsorship and program ad opportunities to fit your needs and budget. If you’re interested, contact our Manager, Michelle Fortier, at

The Bank Theatre, and Leamington, is ready to showcase our passion for the arts. Whether you’re attending a show, joining a workshop, or lending a hand, we can’t wait to celebrate this Festival with you!


By Shirley Marshall, WODL 1st Vice President,

The Minifest play Scoundrels in Kelowna by Gordon Walker can be found on the WODL website. Email Bev at to save your spot!

Community Theatre in the WODL Region

A good place to find out about what other WODL groups are doing is the WODL Facebook page, WODL | Facebook. Most of the announcements are at fairly short notice, so check in often!

If your group is putting on an event that you would like included in the April newsletter, please send the information to

What's Happening in the Waterloo-Wellington Region

By Bev Dietrich, WODL Area VP Waterloo-Wellington,

Elora Community Theatre

The Breadalbane Inn in Fergus & ECT present Murder at Mapleshade a murder mystery dinner held March 28 & March 29 5:30 pm & 8:00 pm. Will you solve the mystery? For tickets contact Kristy at 519-843-4770.

Auditions for The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, adapted by Tim Kelly, directed by Michelle Salmon & Deb Stanson will be held March 22 1-3 pm & March 23 4-6pm at Elora Community Theatre Workshop, 227 St. Andrew St. W.. Fergus. Show dates June 13-15, 2025.

Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre

Pippin, Book by Roger Hirsch, Music and Lyrics by Stephen Scwartz, Directed by Rami Finkelshtein & Nadia Novikova closes March 2, 2025, at The Registry Theatre. This is KWLT’s 90th anniversary musical.

March Madness: The Ultimate Theatre Challenge is looking for production teams. Auditions will be held March 8, 2025, from noon-4 pm and the production is one week later on March 15, 205.

Auditions for the season finale Scorched, written by Wajdi Mouawad, translated by Linda Gaboriau, and directed Hiyam Mahrat will be held on March 16-18, 2025

Penny & Pound Theatre Productions

Head in the Game by Piper,and Lori, Distel closes March 2, 2025, at KW Little theatre, Waterloo.

What's Happening in the Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk-Oxford Region

By Laurel Gillespie, WODL Area VP Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk-Oxford,

Theatre Tillsonburg:

Last Sunday’s sold out show, Opening Night was extra special as Dianne Clark, Theatre Tillsonburg’s President, officially presented Joe Sheik with the “Roy Beechey Award”. This award celebrates a member who has made an Outstanding Contribution to Theatre Tillsonburg.

And the excitement does not stop there. Joe will be directing the 2025 spring show, Habit of Murder by Joanne Miller, playing May 29 -June 1, and June 5-8. Mark your calendars - you won’t want to miss it.



Theatre Woodstock:

Brace yourselves—Maggie’s Wake is bringing their electrifying, genre-defying sound to Woodstock! This Canadian contemporary folk powerhouse weaves high twang, classic country, fresh jigs and reels, Cajun twin fiddles, and reggae rhythms into an unforgettable musical adventure that will have you dancing in your seat.

Featuring the award-winning talents of Tara Dunphy (The Rizdales, Luther Wright and the Wrongs) and Lindsay Schindler (Rant Maggie Rant, Trent Severn), with Andrew Kosty on bass, and Kenneth Palmer on guitar, Maggie’s Wake delivers soaring vocals, rich harmonies, and fiery instrumentals that blend tradition with a fresh, contemporary twist.

Don't miss this genre-hopping journey—it's folk like you've never heard before! Grab your tickets now and be part of the magic.

Rehearsals Are in Full Swing for A Rock Sails By!

What happens when science collides with the unknown? Astrophysicist Dr. Lynn Cummings has spent her life grounded in facts, but when an unidentified flying object approaches Earth—and a journalist twists her words—her world is turned upside down. As she confronts the mysteries beyond the stars, she may discover more than she ever imagined.

Don’t miss this thought-provoking and powerful new play by Sean Grennan! Running April 3–13 at Theatre Woodstock. Tickets are on sale now—secure your seat for this unforgettable journey!

What's Happening in the Bruce-Grey-Huron Region

By Deb Deckert, WODL Area VP Bruce-Grey Huron,

Canceled performances and zoom meeting rehearsals due to road closures and poor visibility, and getting storm stayed after Owen Sound’s adjudication are just some of the fun things we’ve experienced living here in Snow Globe country. But…the show must go on!

Goderich Little Theatre

Picasso at the Lapine Agile, Mar. 6-9

Play That Goes Wrong, March 20-23, 26-29



Hanover Community Players

Bare Bear Bones, April 25-27, May 1-4



Kincardine Theatre Guild

Finding Nemo, JR,  April 25-27, May 2-4



Owen Sound Little Theatre

Play That Goes Wrong, March 20-23, 26-29

What's Happening in the Lincoln-Wentworth Region

Binbrook Little Theatre

Upcoming productions:

Buying the Moose

by Michael G. Wilmot, directed by Lisa Cook, Apr 25 – May 10 2025

MINIFEST IS BACK After 10 years MiniFest is returning to Binbrook July 25 – 26 Details to be announced soon.


Dundas Little Theatre

Upcoming productions:

Things I Know to be True, by Andrew Bovell, April 25 – May 11

Peninsula Players Community Theatre Company

Upcoming productions:

Exit Laughing

Written by Paul Elliott directed by Jennifer Toews

The show opens March 28, 2025 with a Gala Night

March 28 – April 13

The Players’ Guild of Hamilton, Inc.

Upcoming productions:

Tuesdays With Morrie

By: Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom based on the book by Mitch Albom

Directed By: Sandi Katz and Dan Penrose

March 14, 15, 20, 21, 27, 28, and 29, 2025 at 8pm

March 16, 22, 23 and 29, 2025 at 2pm

Theatre Burlington

Upcoming productions:


By Vern Thiessen

Directed by Graham Clements

Produced by Deb Dagenais

April 11 – April 26

Off the Wall - March Courses and Summer Courses

By Michele Boniface, Chair, Off the Wall Stratford Artists Alliance,


Facebook: @offthewallstrat

Instagram: @offthewallstratfordartists

Hashtags: #stratfordoffthewall #theatreproduction #backstage

Horizon Solutions - Resource Stage Workshop - March 11

By Samadhi Perera, Horizon Solutions,

Do you find your shots looking a bit lack-lustre? Is your grasp of aperture, focus, and exposure as blurry as your on-screen images?


Join us on Tuesday, March 11 at 7pm for a comprehensive Resource Stage seminar designed to level up your video capture skills. Whether you're new to video cameras, or looking to sharpen your skills, this session will give you the tools to set up and operate a camera with confidence.


We’ll cover the fundamentals that impact your image, from camera selection, exposure, white balance and framing, to topics like video connections and managing multi-camera set-ups.


This workshop is perfect for anyone wanting to take their video production skills to the next level and gain a deeper understanding of camera setup and operation. 


Jake joined Horizon in 2024 coming to us with over 10 years of experience in the TV broadcasting industry. He has expertise in live sports, event broadcast, equipment and crew management, and has filled various professional roles including Technical Producer, Livestream Director, and Videographer. 


Register Today!

Playwrights Canada Press

By Brandon Crone, Sales & Marketing Coordinator at Playwrights Canada Press,

Check out these new books from Playwrights Canada Press!

Recently released:  


Blissful State of Surrender by Sanita Fejzić

Sue and Emir's marriage is haunted by their past in Sarajevo, feeding a bitter rift in their relationship. When a birthday celebration brings their three daughters home after eight years away, life-changing news sparks an epic family clash that disrupts their promising reunion. As tensions and buried emotions bubble to the surface, will this fiery feud reveal the family’s darkest secret? This poignant dramatic comedy explores a Bosnian Canadian family's struggles with trauma, social-class limbo, and intergenerational differences while challenging Canada’s self-image as a haven for refugees fleeing war and genocide.


Little Pretty and The Exceptional by Anusree Roy

Set in Toronto’s Gerrard India Bazaar, Dilpreet and his daughters, Jasmeet and Simran, frantically rush to open their new sari shop in time for Canada Day. Jasmeet has her eye on becoming prom queen at school, while Simran anxiously awaits her LSAT scores that will determine her future. Amidst the flurry of preparation, Simran has a mental-health crisis that threatens to derail their family’s lifelong dream. Little Pretty and The Exceptional candidly portrays a family haunted by past traumas, exposing the taboos surrounding mental health within the South Asian community. This heartfelt tale explores how far a family will go to support their loved ones during the darkest of times.


Power Moves: Dance, Culture, Politics Edited by Seika Boye & MJ Thompson

This collection of essays focuses on how dance and movement engage and enact political questions around agency, mobility, pedagogy, and resistance. Committed to crossing disciplinary boundaries, Power Moves looks to movement knowledge for its radical insights and critical forms of public intervention and pedagogy.

Coming soon:


The Extractionist by Michaela Jeffery

A young woman is missing. The prime suspect is an affluent member of the secretive Luminia organization. Enter Asha Ray, a deprogrammer who specializes in extracting people from dangerous cults. With no business card or office, Asha is known only by reputation—a last resort for desperate loved ones willing to work outside the law. Teaming up with retired detective Reuben Medina, she descends into a treacherous world of hidden motives and elite corruption. In this razor-sharp, neon-noir thriller, Asha and Reuben must work to outsmart a powerful predator and uncover the truth before time runs out.


 + see what else is coming soon!

Did you know you can browse our plays by subjects and casting? 

Want to hear more about sales and upcoming events? Sign up for our newsletter!


You can find more new releases, a blog full of interviews and excerpts, and more on

Playwrights Guild of Canada - Canadian Play Outlet

The Canadian Play Outlet has over 2000 Canadian Plays right at your fingertips. Looking for something specific? Check out the curated Collections.

Every month you can take a look at the newest unpublished and published plays available!

New plays, February 2025

Canadian history plays

Concord Theatricals New Plays

See their latest scripts click here.

If you are Producing Canadian Plays this Season - Check This Out

The Playwrights Guild of Canada publicises productions of Canadian-written plays through its website,

If you want to perform a Canadian play but cannot figure out where to obtain the amateur performance rights, view this presentation from PGC.

Is your WODL Membership Information Up-to-date?

Are you on the board of a theatre group that belongs to WODL? If your group has:

  • A new President
  • New WODL delegates
  • A new Treasurer

Please let our membership chair, Shirley Steele, know at

Dates for your Diary:

27 March 2025

World Theatre Day

31 March 2025

Deadline for submissions for the April newsletter.

13 April 2025

WODL GM, Leamington

Festival announcements

Victoria Day Long Weekend, 15 - 18 May 2025

WODL Festival 2025, Leamington.

Victoria Day Long Weekend, Sunday 18 May 2025

Awards brunch, Leamington.

25 July & 26 July 2025

Minifest, Binbrook

This newsletter was prepared by:

Tricia Ward

Communications coordinator


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