"The purpose of all these wonders is to make us aware that Hashem is there and that He is the One who brought these wonders about."
Rabbi Avigdor Miller (Ohr Avigdor, Chovos Halevavos)
There are several different opinions given as to why Hashem made such a diversity of creations. Rav Saadiah Gaon explains they were all made in order to provide man with his food and other needs. The Chovos Halevavos held the diversity of creations is a testimony to Hashem's infinite ability to create, and Rashi explains they are there so as to provide us many opportunities to sing praises to Hashem. While the truth of all these opinions can be seen in every creature if we look close enough, with the moonfish, it is really easy!
Moonfish are also known as opahs, kingfish, sunfish, and Jerusalem haddock. They are large fish found throughout the ocean. It is easy to see how Hashem made the moon fish to provide us with food since they are kosher, weigh up to 200 pounds and can be cooked raw, broiled, baked, sauteed, steamed, or smoked depending on what a person enjoys. In addition to tasting very good, they have many health benefits including their being rich in protein, niacin, vitamin B6, B12, phosphorous, and selenium.
In regards to showing us the infinite wisdom and unlimited ability of Hashem to create, moonfish are also up there on the really easy-to-see list. In general, animals are either warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Warm-blooded animals have bodies designed to regulate the temperature of their bodies independently of their outside environment while cold-blooded animals do not regulate the temperature of their bodies and change along with the temperature of their surroundings. One of the classic cold-blooded animals are fish that are surrounded by water. Because of their gills, which enable them to get the oxygen they need from the water, they have no choice but to constantly bring cold water into their bodies. Bringing cold water directly into their bodies makes it impossible for them to maintain an internal temperature higher than their surroundings because their surroundings are constantly entering their bodies.
Now when we said it is impossible for a fish to maintain an internal temperature higher than its surroundings it is true but it is also true that Hashem has no limitations and can do the impossible which He often lets us know through the magnificent creations He made like the moon fish. The moonfish is the only warm-blooded fish in the sea. It was an astonishing discovery made when scientists realized it was warm-blooded and the way it accomplishes the impossible is due to its remarkable design.
To begin with, one of the ways Hashem made the moonfish is that it has a thick layer of fat that insulates its internal organs and head to prevent heat loss. While this certainly helps, fat alone is not enough to counter the main area of heat loss experienced by fish along their gills. It is an area where both the cold water entering the fish and the heat lost at the site contribute to the challenge of having a warm-blooded fish. To illustrate the difficulty, think of how much colder your hands get when in the snow when you have gloves on vs. without. For fish, it is the equivalent of having an open wound exposed to cold water.
To counter the cold, Hashem designed a special structure in the gill blood vessels of moonfish called the rete mirabile. The rete mirabile is a dense network of blood vessels where the warm blood flowing from the heart to the gills transfers its heat to the cold blood returning from the gills thereby preventing warm blood from coming in contact with the cold water (and losing its heat). It also ensures that the blood returning to the internal organs is warmed up to body temperature. So in the chilly waters of the ocean where only cold-blooded fish can survive, Hashem made one that stays warm and can remain active where other fish can't due to the extreme cold proving once again the infinite wisdom and power of Hashem.
So far we have seen how the moonfish is testifying loud and clear about how it provides for our food and that Hashem can do anything but what about Rashi's opinion that Hashem made so many types of creatures so that we could sing praises to Hashem? The truth is the source of Rashi's opinion is found in his commentary to Masechet Rosh Hashana 31A where the Talmud explains why the Leviim sang Tehillim 81 that starts with Sing to Hashem our Strenght on Thursdays because it was on the fifth day of creation that Hashem made the birds and the fish and when we see the diversity of life found in the multitudes of different types of birds and fish we are inspired to sing to Hashem. The beautiful shape and colors of the moon fish along with the fact they are found in so many places around the world surely contribute to our joy and amazement when we see what types of creatures Hashem made under the sea. Therefore moonfish, along with the other fish, clearly help inspire us to sing to Hashem, our Strenght!
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QUEENS: Darchei Torah, Torah Academy for Girls (TAG), Bais Rivkah, Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe,Yeshiva K'tana of Queens, Mesivta Shaarei Chaim, Bnos Malka Academy
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MONSEY: Yeshiva of Spring Valley, Central UTA of Monsey (Girls), Yeshiva Avir Yakov (New Square Boys), Yeshiva Bais Dovid, Bais Malka Belz, Cheder Beer Yeshaya, Cheder Chabad, Yeshiva of Greater Monsey, Talmud Torah Adas Yereim, Stein Yeshiva of Lincoln Park, Ateres Bonois, Bnos Esther Pupa, Yeshiva Eitz Chaim
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