courses offering unique learning opportunities for all, delivered by highly renowned 

Moor Hall Farmhouse 
Bettws-y-crwyn,  Newcastle on Clun
Shropshire, SY7 8PH 
01547 510664


My new courses are now on my website so get in quick if you wish to book on your favourite course. I will say more about these courses in my next newsletter, but first lets see what I have been up to this past week.

On Sunday it was the open day for Black Mountain Chapel, in Bettws-y-crwyn, which is just up the hill from me. It is an old chapel which has been carefully renovated, but keeping all the charm of the old building. It is small and quaint and we must have had some 100 visitors that day, with interesting stories to tell of the chapel in former days.

People became readily engaged with the information supplied which illustrated the start of some of the activities we hope to bring to the chapel. Nigel Kerry, local artist, did a series of drawings and paintings of the chapel which were on display and we had live music and poetry reading, contributions from local people. What's more the sun shone. I did a community workshop at the chapel, a cold January day in the 'snow'. We were outside drawing and taking rubbings, and collecting information which we brought back to my studio for further work and a bowl of hot soup. We shall plan more of these workshops, along with singing, music events and much, much more  but hopefully without the snow!!
Ruth Issett and Bobby Britnell

Thank you to the students who supported us on this workshop. It was great fun and we hope the students got plenty of ideas from it. The first images show the paper exercises which were initially  carried out before moving into dry colouring media and then a whole day of print. The final day students embarked on a personal project using the ideas that they have begun to accumulate.

My apologies to students if some images are around the wrong way. Although I must say, as a teaching point, it can be good to look at work from different directions!!! 

I hope you have enjoyed seeing these images and a huge thanks to Ruth as well.

FINALLY  if you are looking for a local (local to me that is) drawing group, check out this one......or maybe you might like to sit for them and have your portrait painted!.
My son and his girlfriend did and here are a couple of the results.

Clun drawing group meet Monday evenings to draw or paint portraits and figure from a live model. 7pm-9-30pm, 

We meet at Haslehurst Community Room, off hospital lane, Clun, free parking.

We are a friendly open group, so if your a starter, improver or experienced this could be for you.

For more information contact:
Gordon Yapp 01588640387  Click  HERE to email 
Nigel Kerry 01588640401

Bye for now and thanks for reading my news.