August 7, 2020

520 Washington Avenue
Savannah, Georgia 31405


Jesus’ walk on the waters (Matthew 14:22-33) of the Galilean Sea provokes the imagination. We wonder what that would look like, especially in the middle of a storm, with wind-whipped waves crashing all around. Of course, the storm is much easier for us to imagine than a man walking on water. Because all know what it is like to be in a storm, the literal and figurative kind. We are living in a storm now and we share the disciples’ feelings of fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. We can relate to Peter, the rock on whom the church was built, and his not so solid confidence as he stepped out of the boat. And we most certainly understand what it is like to reach out our hands to God in supplication, asking to be steadied amidst the raging waters. Our faith rests in that space between Jesus and Peter, as the latter, in doubt and fear, begins to sink, crying out to the Lord, unable to continue, to close the gap. And yet despite his doubt and despair-induced sinking, Jesus quickly fills the gap and Peter finds his precious Lord’s hand. Indeed, that is our faith, that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, that the space between might be filled, and filled abundantly, with God’s gracious and infinite love.

Olivia Roe will sing an arrangement of “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” by Jack Schrader. Written by Thomas Dorsey in 1938, this beloved hymn was inspired by the author’s own search for solace in the wake of the tragic deaths of his wife and newborn son. It is no wonder that these familiar words of longing for God’s presence in the midst of suffering have brought comfort to so many.  

The hymn series, “When in Our Music God is Glorified” continues this week and will feature soloist Danny Cohen. The concert will be available August 12 on Facebook and will also be sent out via Constant Contact.

Condolences to Jack Turbiville and family upon the death of his stepfather, Thom Joyce, who died July 29 in Athens, Georgia.