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Our e-newsletter
Building the Judaism of Tomorrow TODAY
 Stay Socially Connected to L’Dor Va-Dor
while Physically Distant
Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor’s Newsletter
January 23, 2022 – 22 Shevat, 5782 Edition
Building The Judaism of Tomorrow TODAY with L'Dor Va-Dor

and follow with our ZOOM & SCHMOOZE Oneg Shabbat Get-Together at 8:15 pm!

Call us: 561-968-0688
Email us: [email protected]
Our Mailing Address is:
Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor . 6100 Boynton Beach Blvd. # 743102 . Boynton Beach, FL 33474
Dear Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor Members, Congregants, Friends, and Neighbors,
L'DOR VA-DOR is happy to present
Rabbi Sam Silver
Monday, January 24 at 7:00 pm ET
A Monthly Zoom Virtual Program
TOPIC: Is there Apartheid in the Afterlife?

Rabbi Barry Silver
Guest Pastor Fritz Aufdencamp

Join in for this exciting debate and discussion with Rabbi Barry Silver and his guest Pastor Fritz Aufdencamp about the topic of Apartheid in the Afterlife and the possible source for anti-Semitism. Pastor Aufdencamp believes differently than most Christian clergy and was ostracized because of these beliefs.

All are welcome to participate, share your views and opinions. All will be heard, as long as all agree to agree and disagree agreeably. This is a monthly series that was created to honor our founding rabbi, Rabbi Sam Silver, and is now slated for the third Monday of each month.

To join us by Zoom / Computer:

Meeting ID: 867 6104 1462
Passcode: 308365

By Phone, dial:
  • 1-301-715-8592, then enter Meeting 867 6104 1462 and #, then enter Passcode 308365 and #
Rabbi Barry Silver

Tuesday, January 25 at 7:00 pm ET
A Weekly Zoom Virtual Zoom Program
Join with Rabbi Barry Silver and enjoy this special time when we come together to learn more and get further insight into the upcoming Shabbat's Torah parsha, Exodus Mishpatim. This portion is filled with rules and regulations that Moses shares with the Jewish people, after having received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.
ALL are welcomed to partake and participate in this special evening, dedicated to learning and educating ourselves about the Torah and more!

To join us by Zoom / Computer:

By Phone, dial:
  • 1-312-626-6799, then enter Meeting 883 4142 6745 and #, then enter Passcode 037332 and #
SHABBAT Celebration
& International Holocaust Remembrance
Friday, January 28 at 7:00 pm ET
Virtually available on Zoom and YouTube
Will also be available after, via YouTube recording
Our L'Dor Va-Dor Zoom Shabbat of January 28th will honor and bid farewell to Rose Lopater, our Cantorial Soloist for the past 15 years. Please join with us to celebrate Rose and all she has given and provided to L'Dor Va-Dor over these many years! We will also remember International Holocaust Remembrance.

Celebrate this Shabbat with L'Dor Va-Dor, Rabbi Barry Silver, Cantorial Soloist Rose Lopater, and more. We will share inspiring and meaningful words, song, Torah, and some highlights of Rose's career with L'Dor Va-Dor. Please join us for this very special evening and to wish Rose well in the next chapter of her life.

We welcome YOU to be with us (virtually) and hope that you will be a part of this special evening.

Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor offers an InspiRational approach to Judaism, uniting tradition, science and spirituality! Be a part of something special and help us to build the Judaism of Tomorrow today at L'Dor Va-Dor!

To join us by Zoom / Computer:

Meeting ID: 876 1926 0490
Passcode: 396791

By Phone, dial:
  • 1-301-715-8592, then enter Meeting 876 1926 0490 and #, then enter Passcode 396791 and #

To view live stream on YouTube:

We invite you also to STAY ON
after our FRIDAY CELEBRATION Service
for our
ZOOM & SCHMOOZE Oneg Shabbat
at 8:15 pm ET

Join us and schmooze with us, share, discuss, and hear some music, immediately after our Friday virtual celebrations of Shabbat (on the same link as the service or click on the Zoom and Schmooze image above).

FEBRUARY 4 at 7:00 pm ET

We will offer our L'Dor Va-Dor ROCKIN' SHABBAT where the norm is song, and a fun Shabbat is had by one and all! We will also celebrate all those with February Birthdays and Anniversaries! So mark this onto your calendars!


JANUARY 23 KUMZITS Song Fest (inaugural program)
Thank you to all of our wonderful participants for being there with us and singing along with us as well! This was a program filled with "ruach" and spirit, for sure!
Saturday, January 29 at 7:00 pm ET
A Virtual Zoom Monthly Program
Rest ~ Song ~ Separation
A joyful, musical and spiritual time!
Educator & Cantorial Spiritual Leader

We welcome one and all to join in and experience this special time with Andy, enjoying a more traditional taste of Shabbat, its music and prayers, and ending with a very spiritual and meaningful Havdalah service, marking the end of Shabbat.

Be inspired by the music, words, and traditions! Join us, we welcome one and all!

To join us by Zoom / Computer:

Meeting ID: 896 8012 7692
Passcode: 378052

By Phone, dial:
  • 1-646-558-8656, then enter Meeting 896 8012 7692 and #, then enter Passcode 378052 and #
to L’Dor Va-Dor
 We are so grateful for the
generosity & love shown to
L’Dor Va-Dor by your donations!

  • By Sharon Leibovitz and Ed Gomez, in memory of our member Mishka Jett

  • By Barbara Leaf, in memory of her husband, Philip Leaf

  • By Barbara Saiff, a donation to L'Dor Va-Dor

  • By Jill and Jon Shaw, in loving memory of Mishka Jett

  • By Sue and Bobby Stevens, in memory of Jack Dibo, father of David and Maura Dibo, husband of Bebe Dibo. David and his family have been lifelong friends, Our deepest sympathy.

  • By Sheila and Martyn Winston, in memory of Ben Di Mitri

  • By Hannah Klingsberg and Robert Wolfe, in memory of our member Mishka Jett
ALL of your Donations
are most welcomed,
are tax-deductible,
and will be acknowledged
for your record-keeping.

to continue our work and fulfill our goals!
We so appreciate this!


Please note our address for any mailed donations:

Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor
6100 Boynton Beach Blvd. #743102
Boynton Beach, FL 33474
L'Dor Va-Dor continues to do tikkun olam,
repairing the world, one Mitzvah at a time.
L'Dor Va-Dor is LOOKING for those who enjoy SINGING for fun or for real! Chorus to be led by Cantor Carol Garrett. Please let us hear from YOU!

Looking for Chorus recruits to sing at various events in upcoming months. One such event will be virtual: March 19th, All People's Day Diversity Festival.

For more info, please contact us at congregation phone 561-968-0688 or email to [email protected].

Available for YOU Virtually Online!

SOUSA MENDES FOUNDATION presents the following program:

IRENE GUT OPDYKE, a Woman of Valor
Sunday, FEBRUARY 6 at 2:00 pm ET
Free Zoom Program; Registration is required
Irene Gut Opdyke was a Polish nurse who risked her life in World War II by hiding Jews in a cellar beneath a German major’s villa — a story of courage that decades later would make her an internationally known speaker. She was declared a Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1982. She recounted her story in two books: In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer and Into the Flames: The Life Story of a Righteous Gentile and later was the subject of the Broadway play Irena’s Vow.
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.
TENEMENT MUSEUM of New York City presents the following programs:

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 2 at 6:30 pm ET
Free Zoom Program; Registration is required, donation optional
Join us to commemorate the anniversary of the largest civil rights demonstration of the 1960's, a school boycott of nearly half a million people, known as Freedom Day.
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.

FROM THE 1860's to 2022: Bringing the history of the Lowwer East Side to the Digital Age
Thursday, FEBRUARY 3 at 3:00 pm ET
Free Zoom Program; Registration is required, donation optional
Join the Forward for a special conversation in partnership with the Washington Post and the Tenement Museum and learn about the Jewish American story like you’ve never seen it before. The storied museum and newspaper teamed up in December for an interactive essay that transports readers to a Lower East Side tenement. Enjoy this conversation that will give a behind-the-scenes look into how the project was created, how new technologies are being harnessed to transform storytelling, and what this might mean for preserving and sharing Jewish history.
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.
CANTORS ASSEMBLY presents the following program:

Monday, JANUARY 24 at 8:00 pm ET
Free Zoom Program; Registration is required
Building on the success of our original Stories of Music series in 2020, we're back with an ALMOST all-new slate of programs. Our partners at the Lowell Milken Center for Music of Amerian Jewish Experience have been busy making the curriculum even more engaging and we can't wait to share it with you. Eight Mondays.
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.
ILLINOIS HOLOCAUST MUSEUM & EDUCATION CENTER presents the following program:

Thursday, FEBRUARY 17 at 7:30 pm ET
Guests $5; Registration is required
The true story of the wealthy Baghdadi Jewish families in Shanghai. Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and author Jonathan Kaufman’s The Last Kings of Shanghai chronicles the fascinating tale of two rival Sephardic Jewish families from Baghdad, the Sassoons and Kadoories, that dominated the business, political, and cultural scene in Asia for the first half of the twentieth century. The book highlights what is perhaps the families’ most impressive achievement: the funding and saving of more than 18,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Kaufman’s deeply researched account of these two families goes in depth on how they were able to establish a wide network of connections that ultimately reached China, resulting huge investments and deals that turned the small trading companies into global giants.
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.
JEWISH FEDERATION OF SOUTH PALM BEACH COUNTY presents the following program:

Friday, FEBRUARY 4 at 5:00 pm ET
Free Zoom Program; Registration is required
Join us Jewish Federation on zoom as they bring in Shabbat with songs and blessings. Listen to a PJ Story and sing and dance along with Morah Laura and your grandparents from near and far! This is for parents, children and grandparents. Everyone is invited to celebrate Shabbat!
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.

Tuesday, FEBRUARY 8 at 9:30 am to 11:00 am
Free Zoom Program; Registration is required
Before the Law of Expulsion in 1496, Jews represented 20 percent of the Portuguese population. Join our guide, Sara, on a unique live walking tour of Porto, Portugal. Together, we will walk through two ancient Jewish neighborhoods, ‘Vitória’ and ‘Miragaia’ where Sara will help us find the hidden clues that still exist to help tell the story that once was and hear about Jewish life in Portugal today.
For more information and to register, PLEASE Click Here.
Virtually and Literally
You know YOU are always welcome to L’Dor Va-Dor!
To those on our Healing List and those that are not but should be, we send out our thoughts and wishes for you to be stronger, to heal, to recover, and to attain a full recovery to good health, a Refuah Shlema! Hoping that you will be returned to good health soon!

Please let us know of someone who should also be included in our Healing List, as well as those who have now recovered and should be taken off from our list (please contact our office at 561-968-0688). 

Maria Bartlett
Robert Blutinger
Huey Cohen
Bruce David
Theresa Derocchis
Laura Gallagher
Richard Glass
Sherry Glass
Renée Golub 
Arthur Hoffman
Carol Kirschner
Les Lustbader
Dr. Sudhir Nayer
Linda Pruskin
Jayne Rosenblum
Aleen Silverman
Sheila Winston
Yvonne Benrube
Jack Dibo
Ben Di Mitri
Carl Goldman
Mishka Jett
Karl Lovinger
Dale Malabarba
Susan Rimsky

May their memories live on through and within us:
Dr. Samuel Brown
Herbert Dressler
Myrna Edelson
Blanche Ferdon
Louis Freedman
Morris Goldsmith
Robert Grosky
Harry Hauptman
Abraham Honig
Bertha Jandorf
Frances Kaufman
Sabina Korngreen
Philip Leaf
Ida Siegal Lechter
Trudy Mallin
Lillian Martin
Saul Morganstein
Zev Orbach
David Oren
Sallie Perlman
Harriet Platt
Paul (Duke) Richard
Lillian Schwartz
Ileona Spruchman
Rita Diaz
Larry Wexler
Shirley Winkler
Francis R. Wood
As you know, L'Dor Va-Dor has been looking for a place to call home. If you know of a place, empty office space, your community rents to outside sources, an organization willing to share space, or any other suggestions or ideas, PLEASE LET US KNOW! You can contact us at the congregation phone 561-968-0688 or email to [email protected]. We thank you in advance for your ideas!
We had our inaugural new program KUMZITS this afternoon and the participants are raving! This was a fun sing-along with music we may know and love and some new ones as well! Rabbi, Carol, and Andy created a great lineup of music and words and the result was an inspiring and fun hour! Of course, this program would be better live and together, but this Zoom program was equally fun! We will let you know the next program date and you won't want to miss this!

Please join us for our special send-off to our beautiful Cantorial Soloist Rose Lopater on this Friday evening, January 28th at 7 pm within our Shabbat Celebration on Zoom. Rose has given us wonderful music for the past 15 years of our 25 years of existence and deserves our love and support on this special Shabbat. So be sure to mark your calendars and attend!

If there may be anything that L'Dor Va-Dor can do for you, please just ask by calling or emailing us. We will be there for you when and if you need us!

Wishes for a grand week ahead that we hope will include L'Dor Va-Dor within! Be well, stay safe, and fill your days with love, laughter, peaceful and positive thoughts.
With Shalom,
Sharon Leibovitz
Our Mailing Address is:
Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor
6100 Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box # 743102
Boynton Beach, Florida 33474

Our Congregation Phone:
(561) 968-0688

Email us at:

Our Congregation Website:

Our Facebook Page:

Our YouTube Channel:

Rabbi Barry Silver
Spiritual Leader of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor
(561) 302-1818

Noah Silver
President of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor

Joel Brusso
Vice President of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor
(561) 523-5851

Sandy Lopater
Past President of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor
(561) 926-4692

Sharon Leibovitz
The VOICE E-Newsletter writer and editor
High Holy Days and Shabbat coordinator and associate producer
(561) 703-4565
Renowned Biblical Storytelling art

Encouraging viewers to interactively discover the hidden within art and our lives. You may recognize Bruce's artwork from within several of our Shabbat services.
For more information and/or to purchase, visit the website of Light of the Nations or email to [email protected].