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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 8, Issue 5 (August 30/17)
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July 2017 
Hamilton Employment Stats

Unemployment Rate: 5.4% (Yearly change: 
-0.8 points decrease)

Participation Rate: 67.2 %
(Yearly change: 4.9 points increase)

Employment Rate: 67.2%
(Yearly change: 5.2 points increase)

(Info from Statistics Canada)


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WPH partnering with Mohawk College to study Hamilton's Health Care sector

woman-doctor-portrait.jpg Did you know that one in ten people in Hamilton work in the health care sector and that this sector has shown steady employment growth over the past five years?  WPH's Employer One survey tells us that health care employers are more likely to find recruitment challenging. 

WPH is pleased to announce that we have received funding from the Ministry of Advanced Education & Skills Development for the Sector Partnership Planning Grant to provide an in depth study of the health care sector in Hamilton.   We will be partnering with Mohawk College on this work along with health care employers across the community.  

The goal of this research to is better understand the workforce challenges in health care and, working with employment and training service providers, develop collaborative solutions and a specific action plan to aid the health care sector meet their future employment requirements. 

If you are a health care employer and would like to contribute your thoughts to our study please be in touch with Judy Travis:

Watch for the report in mid-November.
Artificial intelligence is likely to make a career in finance, medicine or law a lot less lucrative

Thanks to rapid advances in robotics, automation and artificial intelligence, jobs are falling to machines left and right. And it's not just blue-collar jobs that are being taken over by automation. It's white-collar professions as well. According to an Oxford study, 47 percent of U.S. jobs could fall to automation in the next 20 years.

The safe, high paying jobs of the past are starting to look much less secure going forward. 
Looking for services for youth? Visit the Youth Employment Network site!

Hamilton's Youth Employment Network (YEN) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and marking 20 years of working to help youth achieve their training and employment goals.

A celebration and professional development event for YEN, and Employment Assistance Resource Network (EARN) members will be held in November 2017. More details to follow soon!

In 2016 the YEN site was re-launched to create a one-stop shop for Hamilton and area youth who are looking for employment, training and other services.

You can visit the site here to find out more about YEN and the many employment and wrap around services for youth in our city.

An additional site for youth and others in the community who are looking for educational, employment and training resources is the Workforce Information Network (WINHamilton.ca).

Visit WINHamilton today to view the resources and if you are a service provider you can sign up to be a user.

Contact Cyndi Ingle at cyndi.ingle@workforceplanninghamilton.ca or 905-521-5777, ext. 14, for more details.
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777


 Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca 


We are Hamilton's leader in local workforce development!