Look for our next weekly newsletter on January 28, 2016.
What does WPH believe?
Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!
Questions about Employer One?
Contact Viktor Cicman at
The Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Workforce Development Supports the Employer One Survey
Workforce Planning Hamilton has received the support of the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Workforce Development which has endorsed the Employer One survey.
Survey responses will aid the Task Force's efforts to create an action plan for building a highly skilled workforce for local employers and for companies looking to relocate to Hamilton.
As Mayor Fred Eisenberger explains, "We want to hear from employers on how we can work together to make Hamilton home to Canada's best educated and highly skilled workforce."
The survey has been open from the beginning of January and the response from local employers has been strong.
If you are a local business owner or human resources manager and haven't completed the survey we need to hear from you. The survey will be open until February 5, 2016.
Any questions can be directed to Viktor Cicman at 905-521-5777, or viktorcicman@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
Mayor Fred Eisenberger launched the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Workforce Development in June 2015. The mandate of the 12 member group is to bring together local industry, business, labour, education and government leaders with the goal of developing an action plan to build a highly skilled workforce.
How Labour Market Information Supports Career Development
Statistics Canada provides in depth Labour Market Information (LMI) that is valuable for Career Professionals and their clients. LMI is abundant and Canadians should be using it for their overall career development.
Yet, many workers and job seekers are not aware of the information. Some may not grasp the value of these resources and are unable to use them properly.