February 2023
February Content Ideas
Check out WPPI's website for marketing and social media content for February. Visit the Utility Services section for the customer communications calendar, social media images and post ideas, news releases and much more.

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Oconto Falls Municipal Utilities Joins Facebook

Oconto Falls Municipal Utilities recently joined Facebook and are already busy engaging with customers and showcasing the benefits of their local utility. If you are interested in following them simply search on Facebook or check out the link below.

Member Communication Highlights of the Month:

  • Florence: Florence Utilities is partnering with a local small business to sponsor a spring break activity for kids.
  • Check out the bill insert here.
  • Program flyers & brochures: Several members are updating promotional materials, flyers, and brochures for local programs including smart thermostats, Energy Star appliance rebates, heat pump water heater, etc. Consider creating a form on your website for customers to easily access and complete for submission.
  • Check out an example here.
  • Local photos: Don't forget! All customer communication materials are customizable! Consider utilizing your local photos in your customer engagement materials to support your local utility brand.
  • Check out an example here.

Need communication assistance? Please contact your Energy Services Manager, Steve Lightbourn or Kelly Davis.
Income-Qualified Materials Available
Updated materials to promote energy assistance opportunities for your customers are available in WPPI's Marketing Toolkit. Choose from different versions including: Application details, Help available, Quick and easy, and Relief now. Please watch for more updates as additional materials are uploaded including social media images and post content.
Teen with autism and utility workers bond over telephone ...

STOUGHTON (WKOW) - An act of kindness and love for telephone poles sparks a friendship between a crew of line workers and a teen with autism. Tall, wooden and seen everywhere, telephone poles go unnoticed by most people. For one Stoughton teen,...

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Sign up for the MyAccount Minute
Sign up for the MyAccount Minute newsletter to receive a monthly email with software updates, feature highlights and ideas on how to best engage with customers using your MyAccount site. Contact Beth Carlson with any questions.Sign up here.
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