In an effort to bridge the gap between student-athletes and student-leaders, Night of Knights is the annual awards banquet hosted by Athletics and SSE to recognize student-athletes and student-leaders. This event blends together to celebrate the accomplishments of the year and allow students to hear what the collective groups have done. In addition, this serves as a final hurrah for our graduating athletes and leaders, who receive their varsity letters and/or graduating cords. Congrats to all the winners:
The Luxe Award: Gelsi Tuz
WSOC MVP: Sophie Painter
The Emerging Leader Award: Elieza Mae Paule
MBB MVP: Thomas Miles and Isaac Etter
The Student Organization of the Year: Campus Activities Board
WVB MVP: Elizabeth Reid
The Diversity Engagement Award: Faith Arroyo
WBB MVP: Emily Brown
Commitment to Campus Transformation: The Natural Health and Sciences Department
The Community Life Award: Thien Tu
WSB MVP: Sammie Brauckmiller
The Campus Collaboration Award: Amy Engilis
MSOC MVP: Hunter Leach
The Partnership and Service Award: Marcos Romero Turner
Coach of the Year: Troy Ready
Team of the Year: Men’s Soccer
The Presidential Excellence Award: Thien Tu
Champions of Character Award (M): Zi Long
Champions of Character Award (F): Alexis De Los Reyes
The Unsung Hero Award: Matt Gregg