So much great material came in that more videos will be made and shared in the future. Your creativity, voices, and ideas are appreciated!
If you didn't get the chance to send in a video clip, there will be more opportunities in 2023.
Thank you to everyone who participated. WRAPers featured in this first video are: Diana Guido, Lisa Ullven, Stephanie Jack, Julie Sandiforth, Cathedra Winston, Leslie Roman, Katie Wilson, Mary Barabos, Dean Summerton, Natalie Fee, Sarah Wherten, Cheri Burkert, Bartholomew Campbell, Nanette Larson, Emma Doyle, and Christopher Lynn.
We'll also be posting longer versions of some of the video clips we received on WRAP's social media channels. If you aren't already part of our Facebook and Twitter communities, please join us. We love reading your comments!
Have a wonderful holiday season and a healthy new year!