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Just Add Water:

An Introduction to Mikveh

Presented by URJ and Mayyim Hayyim

Thursday, May 18

8:00 pm, ET | 5:00 pm, PT

Experience a virtual tour of the Mayyim Hayyim Community Mikveh of greater Boston — without getting wet! Learn about what happens at an immersion and the many reasons — ancient and contemporary — that bring people of all genders to the mikveh waters. Facilitated by Rabbi Amalia Mark and Rabbi Julie Zupan. This program is offered at no charge. Suggested donation: $25; any amount is appreciated. 

Learn About the Mikveh Experience

Jewish Food Speaks Volumes!

Tuesday, May 23

8:00 pm, ET | 5:00 pm, PT

Join June Hersh, cookbook author and Jewish food archivist, as she shares stories, anecdotes, and recipes from two of her bestselling books; "Recipes Remembered: A Celebration of Survival" and "Iconic New York Jewish Food: A History and Guide with Recipes." Listen as she weaves stories from the Holocaust survivor community with those of Jewish immigrants who created New York’s most crave-worthy foods!

Nourish Your Foodie Soul

Update on the State of Democracy in Israel

Wednesday, May 24

12:00 pm, ET | 9:00 am, PT

The Knesset is back in session! Join us for this update and briefing on where things stand with the judicial reforms and what our Reform Movement in Israel has been doing each week to defend our values. Hear from URJ President, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Orly Erez-Likhovsky, the director of IRAC, and Rabbi Josh Weinberg, the VP of Israel and Reform Zionism, URJ.

RSVP to Hear About the State of Democracy in Israel

Israel Education Committee Presents: A Conversation

with Rabbi Miri Gold

Tuesday, June 6

12:00 pm ET | 9:00 am PT

At one point in time, not all rabbis were salaried in Israel. Moderated by Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman, Rabbi Miri Gold will discuss her winning case claiming the right to become the first non-Orthodox rabbi to draw a salary. Rabbi Gold will talk with us about the status of Reform Judaism in Israel today, her remarkable family and life at Kibbutz Gezer, and more!

RSVP to Hear From Rabbi Miri Gold

Film, Fiction, and Fine Wine:

"The Golden Doves"

with author Martha Hall Kelly

Thursday, June 8

8:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm PT


We are thrilled to have Martha Hall Kelly with us to discuss her new book, "The Golden Doves." This book tells the story of two former female spies, bound together by their past, who risk everything to hunt down an infamous Nazi doctor in the aftermath of World War II. This author also wrote the New York Times bestselling

novel, "Lilac Girls."

Meet Martha Hall Kelly

Know Your Worth

and Advocate

for Pay Equity

Wednesday, June 14

8:00 pm, ET | 5:00 pm, PT

Join WRJ and the Women's Rabbinic Network in this fireside chat with Dr. Amy Beacom, Ed.D., founder and CEO of the Center for Parental Leave Leadership. We will explore inequities in the workplace, ensure you’re being compensated fairly, and that all employees are treated equitably. 

I Want to Learn about Equal Pay

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