News and Updates
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in and around the district.
A Four-Phase Approach to Reopening Businesses in West Roxbury (New State Guidelines)
Reopening Massachusetts: Baker-Polito Administration Initiates Transition to First Phase of Four-Phase Approach
The Massachusetts economy will be reopened using a four-phase approach, based on public health guidance.
Public health data, key metrics established to track real-time progress, determine advancement to future phases while mandatory workplace safety standards, sector-specific guidance issued to all Phase 1 industries, businesses, customers and activities
— Today, the Baker-Polito Administration released Reopening Massachusetts, the Reopening Advisory Board’s
, which details a four-phased strategy to responsibly reopen businesses and activities while continuing to fight COVID-19. The Administration also released a new “Safer At Home” Advisory, which instructs residents to stay at home unless engaging with newly opened activities, as a way to continue limiting the spread of COVID-19. Starting today, based on current public health data and trends, Massachusetts will begin Phase 1 of a cautious reopening, and workplaces that are permitted to open are required to follow new safety protocols and guidance.
Updated Business Listing on
We're tracking takeout, delivery, shipping, gift cards, and other ways to support local safely.
- Porter Cafe is open for takeout and delivery (plus 64 oz. growler fill-ups!)
- Johnny's Takeaway now offering pantry item add-ons.
- Recreo Coffee is now selling gift cards ONLINE, in addition to coffee and merchandise.
- Milton Chiropractic West Roxbury is now open for appointments.
- Westbury Restaurant is now open for takeout 7 days a week from 7am-1pm.
Check our
for the latest listing of open businesses, takeout/delivery options, and gift certificates. A Boston-wide list of open businesses can be found
As a reminder, residents are encouraged to remain in their homes as much as possible throughout the day and only leave for essential needs, including trips to the grocery store, pharmacy, emergency meal sites and other essential services. Residents are discouraged from visiting essential businesses only to browse and should be mindful of only visiting essential businesses to pick-up essential items.
Businesses: Email us your updates and reopening plants to
Hey, it's not all bad out there. Inspired by
John Krasinski's new internet show
, we think it's time for SOME GOOD NEWS. So, we've put together a collection of recent West Roxbury stories that have inspired and moved us. Have a story to share? Reach out to us at
(By the way, Krasinski has local roots. He grew up next door in Newton!)
89 Years of Living in West Roxbury, WWII Vet Jack Casey Takes a Look Back
Life in West Roxbury was good for the Casey family. Mr. Casey coached his sons on the Parkway Little League White Sox team. Mrs. Casey ran a nursing home on Wren Street and did a lot of business with West Roxbury legend Steve Slyne. They would do all their clothes shopping at Decelle, eat at Centre Lunch where last call was 1am (Squealing Pig’s current location) and get their ice cream at
Friendly’s and Brigham’s. On Friday nights, they would often enjoy dinner at The Corrib Pub and Tony’s Place.
These days, Mr. Casey spends a lot of time with his 14 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren (soon to be 25 after his granddaughter Katelyn and her husband welcome twins this September).
For all who want to age well and continue living healthy lives, Mr. Casey has a few tips to share....
Autistic Young Man from West Roxbury Collects Grocery Cards to Feed the Disabled Community Affected by COVID-19
West Roxbury mother-son duo Maribel Rueda and Esteban Barriga are on a mission to feed some of the most vulnerable population in this pandemic – people with disabilities.
Esteban, who has autism, and Maribel recently started a fundraising campaign to collect grocery store gift cards and mail them to disabled families who are poor, who have little-to-no money and who can’t stand in line for groceries.
“Demand is there,” says Maribel. “We are getting at least 5 to 8 calls per day from families who need help. We can’t support them if we don’t have gift cards to distribute.”
Businesses and residents of West Roxbury, if you are able to send in gift cards, they have set up a Facebook page and a CashApp account for donations. Families in need of help can also contact Maribel directly.
West Roxbury 02132 Sweatshirts to benefit Feed the Frontline Campaign
So far, Super Flash has raised about $4,000 to donate.
West Roxbury School of Dance Goes Virtual
West Roxbury School of Dance has been running virtual dance classes for the past 8 weeks and hosted their first virtual dress rehearsal/recital last week.
Successful Spring Clean-up at the Library
The group filled up 28 bags of yard waste and many bundles of branches. An additional 6 bags had been done previously as part of the Reading Garden clean up. The crew wore masks and used social distancing as they worked.
COVID-19 Community Resources
- Stay home. If you must go outside, practice physical distancing from others (6 feet apart); avoid crowded places.
- Wear a face covering if you absolutely must go outside. Face covers help reduce the risk of a person spreading the virus, especially if they are asymptomatic. Visit CDC guidelines on face coverings for more information and guidance.
- Observe the recommended curfew for everyone in Boston except for essential workers to stay at home from 9 pm to 6 am daily.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol; avoid shaking hands.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces; and avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- If you think you might be sick, please call your doctor or 311 to be connected to the Mayor's Health Line 617-534-5050. Buoy Health has created a free online diagnostic tool which screens for COVID19 at
- Volunteer for Rose's Bounty Food Pantry. View times and dates here.
- Donate supplies to first responders here.
- Donate to the City of Boston Resiliency Fund here.
- Donate PPE to VA Hospital West Roxbury. Email or call (857) 203-5135 if you would like to schedule a donation drop-off.
- Volunteer with the City of Boston here.
- For Food access needs, visit the Food Resources Map or call 3-1-1.
- Everyone over the age of 2 should wear a face covering whenever in public especially in situations where it’s not possible to physically distance.
- Mayor Walsh remains concerned about situations in other parts of the country where enforcement has been uneven or inequitable in communities of color. While the State policy allows fines for non-compliance, the purpose of this guideline is to empower people to keep their family and community safe.
- The City of Boston’s approach will be to support people, not punish them, especially if they are financially struggling. Their focus for compliance will be on buildings where the public visits, such as grocery stores. Any store that is open should require face coverings.
- The state order on face coverings includes exceptions for those who have breathing challenges; those who rely on lip-reading to communicate; and those with certain mental health diagnoses. If anyone needs help finding or making face coverings, please reach out and call 311.
Crys Matthews and Heather Mae in (Virtual) Concert
May 22
The Poor People's Campaign: Education to Action in the Age of COVID-19
Sunday, May 31
Saturday, June 20
"Please join us via Zoom on Saturday evening, June 20th from 7:00-8:00 pm. You’ll have to provide your own dinner this time, but we will provide an opportunity for you to connect with neighbors, hear about how we and Rosie’s Place are staying faithful to our missions in these challenging times, have a chance at a door prize, participate in a silent auction, and maybe even dance a little at the end!"
Thank you to our annual sponsors:
West Roxbury Main Streets is proud member of the
Main Street America
Network and an accredited Main Street Program
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to West Roxbury Main Streets today.
The mission of West Roxbury Main Streets (WRMS) is to strengthen the economic vitality, physical appearance, and unique local character of West Roxbury's commercial district.
Engage with us:
1842 Centre Street, #206, West Roxbury, 02132 | 617.325.6400 | |