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A message from Cantor Danielle Rodnizki

In 2008, I participated in the March of the Living, an annual pilgrimage taken by high school students and adults to visit concentration camps in Poland and to witness some of the pain and destruction wrought during the Holocaust.

Read more

Shabbat Services

Connections Shabbat

Friday, April 29 at 5:30 pm


Experience the joy of Shabbat with children, parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. Designed for families with children ages eight and younger, Connections Shabbat starts with songs and stories led by our clergy, followed by a family-friendly dinner. Children must be accompanied by an adult for this evening (no drop-offs). 

Shabbat Evening Services (in-person or live streamed) 

Friday, April 29 at 6:15 pm


Join us in our Main Sanctuary for services, where everyone is expected to be vaccinated and boosted if eligible. (Unvaccinated children under 12 years old, and people over 12 years-old without a booster, may attend if they tested negative on an antigen test earlier that day.) Masks are optional and distanced seating is available in our spacious Sanctuary.

Facebook Live
YouTube Live

A new opportunity to celebrate a special moment.

Celebrate an upcoming simcha or honor someone you love by sponsoring a Shabbat or Holiday Oneg at WRT.

Sponsor an Oneg

Torah Study 

Saturday, April 30 at 9:00 am (via Zoom)


Each Shabbat morning we gather informally to read and discuss the week’s Torah portion. The morning begins with a brief Shabbat service at which mourners who wish to say Kaddish are warmly welcomed. The group is led by volunteers, with clergy participation. No prior experience with Torah is necessary.  

Zoom Link for Torah Study

Sharing Shabbat

Saturday, April 30 at 9:00 am


Our engaging, musical Shabbat service for children in Grades K-6 and their families is open to the congregation and community. This weekly service is led by our clergy and followed by engaging learning and conversation organized by cohort – a special JLL curricular experience for the children, and time for the adults to concurrently study, share stories, and ask questions together with a member of the clergy team. All are welcome!

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Meet our new Assistant Rabbi, Sasha Baken

Friday, May 6 at 6:15 pm

Rabbi Sasha Baken, who will join WRT beginning July 1st, will be present at Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday, May 6. Meet her informally before services starting at 5:45, and stay after services for a special conversation during the Oneg where Rabbi Blake and Rabbi Baken will join in the conversation and welcome your questions as well.

Please join us in this special opportunity to meet and interact with the newest member of the WRT clergy team and congregational family.

Special Events

Small Group Discussions (May 1 - May 7)

Please join us for small group discussions to provide your thoughts for the future of WRT.

Each group will be led by a moderator and meet for about an hour and a half, either in person at WRT or on Zoom. 

Click the link below to sign up for a discussion cohort group most relevant to you.

We appreciate your partnership to help envision our future together, and to make WRT an even stronger, more wonderful home for our congregation.

Sign up here

Annual Men of Reform Judaism Retreat

Saturday, April 30 at 12:30 pm

A retreat with the Rabbi to allow the body, mind, and soul to replenish its energies away from the often-exhausting routine of daily life.

Sign up here

A Legacy of Life: Sharing Stories and Song

Saturday, April 30 at 8:00 pm (at Larchmont Temple)

Join our WRT choir for a community-wide commemoration of Yom Ha-Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, featuring the Vienna Jewish Choir and synagogue choirs from around Westchester. This event will be held at Larchmont Temple.

Purchase Tickets here
RSVP here

MRJ: Jewish Genealogy

Thursday, May 5 at 7:30 pm

WRT member Jeff Levin will be demonstrating a basic introduction to Jewish genealogical research and how to get started exploring your family roots. 

JNF: Water, Wine & Whiskey

featuring Chef Lior Lev Sercarz

Thursday, May 12 at 7:00 pm

You are invited to hear from world-renowned chef and spice master Lior Lev Sercarz. Taste and explore the innovation in the Israeli wine and spirits industry and learn about the Galilee Culinary Institute by JNF (GCI), a one-of-a-kind, total-immersion culinary institute, located in the heart of Israel’s northern Galilee region. This program is presented by Jewish National Fund -USA.

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Register here

13th Annual Chai Society Shabbat

Friday, May 13 at 6:15 pm

Join us to celebrate and honor our members of 18 years or more with WRT, whose dedication and devotion to WRT have been so vital to its success.

Weekly and Monthly Programs

Mishna: The Building Blocks of Jewish Life

Led by Rabbi Jonathan Blake

Thursday, April 28 at 10:15 am (Zoom)


Rabbi Blake resumes taking us into a detailed analysis of the most important and influential book of Rabbinic Literature, the Mishna (“Teaching”), which itself becomes the cornerstone of the Talmud. The Mishna was compiled in the early-mid 3rd Century (CE) and reflects generations of Rabbinic teaching.

Register here for the Zoom link

Rosh Chodesh 5782

Tuesday, May 3 at 11:30 am (via Zoom)


Join Cantors Kleinman and Rodnizki, and a diverse group of women, for a monthly midday infusion of community, ritual, sharing, and study as we mark each new month on the Hebrew calendar. If you want to added to the list to receive the Zoom link, please contact

MRJ Meeting followed a guest speaker Andrew Rehfeld

Tuesday, May 3 at 6:30 pm

Returning to in-person meetings, MRJ will serve sandwiches and snacks at 6:30 pm. The business portion of the evening will conclude by 8:00 pm, followed by a Zoom call to hear Andrew Rehfeld, President of HUC-JIR discuss the closing of the Cincinnati campus.

RSVP for the meeting and talk

Bereavement Support Group 

Wednesday, May 4 at 11:30 am


The Bereavement Support Group will meet for five consecutive weeks to create a community for those in mourning over a loss. Led by Jane Slevin, LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from Westchester Jewish Community Services), and Cantor Laura Stein, LMSW, a social worker who specializes in spiritual care. Please RSVP to

Living with Divorce

Saturday, May 7 at 10:30 am

Join Rabbi Levy and Jane Slevin, LMFT from Westchester Jewish Community Service, for an in-person gathering at the CJL. The morning will allow everyone to take time to support one another, and reflect on how they are doing at this point in Jewish time. If you would like to attend, please contact

WRJ Havdalah

Saturday, May 7 at 7:30 pm


Join the WRT Cantors, WRJ and friends, as we bid farewell to Shabbat with one of Judaism’s most beautiful rituals, the ceremony of Havdalah. All are welcome. 

RSVP here

Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World)

WRT is committed to pursuing tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedek (social justice) for impact locally, statewide, nationally, and globally through direct service, tzedakah, advocacy, and community organizing.  

Sign up to receive WRT Social Impact Updates and Information

Racial Justice Initiative

Thursday, April 28 at 7:30 pm

Join WRT’s Racial Justice Working Group, as we learn about how racial inequity is baked into the fabric of American society, and work together to make positive changes in our society.


Here's the Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 835 386 7993

Password: 287157

Donation sites for Ukraine

Please join WRT in sending support, through our partners listed below:

UJA-NY (our local Jewish Federation


JDC (Joint Distribution Committee)


Jewish Agency for Israel (North American)


World Union for Progressive Judaism Ukraine Crisis Fund 

Cooking4HOPE — Remembering Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks quoted at the Montgomery Bus Boycott: “My feets is tired, but my soul is rested.”

Tired of a difficult world? Cooking4HOPE continues to help you rest your soul with a hands-on weekly mitzvah to help our neighbors by packing lunch bags or baking for our Westchester neighbors facing food insecurity.

Sign up for our weekly email for volunteers (you don’t have to volunteer every week!) for packing or baking by writing to Deb at As always, contributions to WRT’s Hungry and Homeless Fund allow us to continue WRT’s largest tikkun olam project every week!  

Donate to Hungry & Homeless Fund

Environmental Justice and Advocacy

Westchester Reform Temple and the Reform Movement are committed to protecting the environment and ensuring a just, healthy, and safe future for generations to come. RAC NY has launched a climate covenant initiative, including a campaign to urge New York Legislatures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from building. To learn more click here or write an email to your legislature. To learn more about environmental impact at WRT, please contact Sharon Stiefel, Director of Social Impact and Community Engagement.

Submit a Tribute here

Visit the Early Childhood Center (ECC)

Go to the ECC

Visit the Jewish Learning Lab (JLL)

Go to the JLL

For WRT members: If you would like to receive notifications of birth announcements and deaths within the WRT community, please email with your full name and email address. Please specify if you would like to be added to one or both of these notification lists.  

For more information about Inclusion at WRT, click here.

For more information about Our Jewish World, click here.

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